Although we would love everyone to want one of our fantastic NSP houses in the City of Atlanta, we know there are other, very desirable parts of our metro area where buyers would like to live. Many areas have received NSP funding and most programs have similar guidelines since they are all under the HUD umbrella.
Here are a few we know about and the links to their websites:
Here is a list of all the City of Atlanta NSP homes currently on the market. We would be happy to answer any questions you might have on them today.
2444 Main St. 30318 $ 99,900 2114 113734
4028 Doster Dr 30331 109,900 ?? 4113736
2718 Crescendo 30318 90,000 ?? 4148043
409 Inman St 30310 110,000 1481 4151440
2321 Sandspring 30331 138,278 2406 4081516
1384 Lansing 30315 119,900 2060 4147699
60 Thayer 30315 134,900 1746 4087361