Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary Newsletter

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UPDATE- Critter Camp is booking into AUGUST! Yes, AUGUST! with tours for the Disney promotion!
We cannot believe it!
(To find our opportunities go to their site, put in our zip 61039 and select 'Animals and the Environment' category-  ours should be the first two listed.) 
The first 30 or so folks have come to visit us and help with the animals, bringing supplies -and what GREAT Supplies they are bringing!
Gee only about 350 to go and more signing up everyday!
Maybe someone will have connections for us to build our sanctuary building even! 
Every single family so far has wanted to come back again too :)


Meet Old Man 

 Old Man
another ratty rescue here at Critter Camp!
 He was at a local pet store where he & his brother waited to be adopted for several months, then his brother passed on and he was very sad, so he came here to live out his life at Critter Camp
Zoey's Cheeto Video continues to gain popularity!
Maybe CuteOveload will pick it up! Wouldn't that be cool!
In This Issue
Give a Day!
Old Man
Cheeto Video
Join Our Mailing List
Check out the great videos on our YouTube channel!
Tonto & Lone Ranger
 Do You...

Like what we do here at Critter Camp?

Care about the fate of these adorable little critters that truly have nowhere else to go?

 Baby mouse

Can you spare just a few dollars to help us care for them?

and direct your donations to 
More donation options can be found on
our site!
Join us for

Second Sundays at Burpee Mueseum of Natural History

Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary joins Burpee Museum to offer informative presentations all about pets.
Learn more about exotic animals and what makes them a good or bad choice as an addition to your household. These presentations will take place the second Sunday of every month 3:00-4:30pm from September 2009 through April 2010. See the
events calendar for more details. 
Next : Sunday February 14 3:00 Parrots & Other Birds   
 Meet some of the Critter Camp Critters "in person"

**** There will be door prizes and informational handouts**** 
Sponsored by a grant from Oxbow Animal Health