Ever wonder what noises some of the unusual pets here at Critter Camp make??
Ferrets, like Angel here, make a dook-dook noise when they play & do their "war dance"
Hedgehogs, like Hans here, make a pfft snorting sound when they are trying to ward off predators
Both foxes- Shadow the arctic marble and Zoey the fennec make a type of 'gekking' sound when they are bothered
Kinkajous Meeko & Guiness make a loud whistling call
Degus chirp like birds and whistle
Guinea pigs 'wheek' when excited and chatter when content
Rabbits thump their feet loudly to show they are not happy
Sugar gliders yip or bark like a small dog when looking for each other, and they make a loud crabbing noise that sounds like a garbage disposal when their sleep is disturbed