Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary Newsletter

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Big Wheels!
Check out these extra large exercise wheels 
Contact Vic for details:

30 inch wheel 
Giggity, barrooooo  
that's the sad sound of saying good-bye to our dear, very old, beardie Quagmire- he had a fantastic life here at Critter Camp, and exceeded the normal life span of a bearded dragon- yet he will be so very missed  by all~
Critter Camp's very first Youtube video was "How Quagmire the Bearded Dragon Got His Name" ~  it has topped 40,000 views!
Great Grant!!  
Petco foundation 
 The PETCO Foundation has given Critter Camp a grant to help with our Emergency Help Program 
Now we can assist even more pet owners in times of need! Be sure to have anyone you know needing assistance fill out our online form!  
Thank you PETCO!
We have already given some folks in need rat cages, and distributed over a hundred pounds of dog food to food pantries! 
Marble & Sugar
In This Issue
Big Wheels!
Giggity Barrooo
Yell Fudge at Cobras
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are always needed for the ongoing care of the animals- direct your PayPal tax-deductable donation to [email protected]
 Just $120  keeps Angel the ferret in delish Totally Ferret kibble, ferret tone, ferret vite, Bandits treats, and litter for a whole year!
Angel Ferret 

      Check out all the past issues of our newsletter in the ARCHIVE!