Other Recently Added Exhibits


Tears for Vaclav Havel

Kevin V. Ton  


Kids at Work

Phillip Malik  


Neither Man nor Woman

Jan M�ller Hansen 


Turbans of Rajasthan

Marti Belcher 


Harsovo Asylum

Eric Alverne Anderson 

Create online exhibits of your documentary work (SDN) is an online community for documentary photographers to create exhibits of their work and for the rest of the world to explore this work. Viewers to SDN include photo editors, curators, other photographers, students, and the general public interested in both documentary photography and the issues explored in the individual exhibits.

Click here to learn how to submit your work to SDN. 

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SPOTLIGHT/January 22, 2012

Featured Exhibits

First a mother, then a Chechen
Photographs by Marielle van Uitert
Written by Margreeth Fernhout


Photograph by Marielle van Uitert. Tahita holding one of her most beloved properties in Moscow: the picture of her daughter, Selima.


With Putin campaigning again for the Russian presidency, the future for Chechnya is again unsure. The fate of President Kadyrov in Chechnya is closely connected with Putin. But the Chechen mothers have other things to worry about than politics. Their children are much more important.

They lost parents, brothers, husbands, daughters, and sons because of the Chechen war. Their houses were bombed, their cities destroyed. They had to leave their country to find fortune in Moscow. They are called "Black Asses," their children "criminal," and their grandchildren "terrorist." But the mothers from the war keep on fighting for their only reason of existence: their children and grandchildren.


View the exhibit.  

People of the Omo River Valley

Photographs by Michele Zousmer




Photograph by Michele Zousmer. Mursi siblings. 


This exhibit is an exploration of the tribes in the Omo River Valley in Ethiopia--people who look so different from us but are the same in so many ways. They are beautiful, strong, loving, traditional. They love and value their people and their lives and want to be loved and valued within their villages. Despite looking so foreign, they have many similarities to our culture.


View the exhibit.  

Portrait of a Family 

Photographs by Todd Danforth


Photograph by Todd Danforth. Shannan and her mother.


These family portraits explore the deeper dynamics of lifestyle and class within the construct of close-knit relationships. However, surface characteristics--who has whose wrinkles? where did those eyes come from?--did not seem as important when questioning personal identity within this unit, questioning judgment and balancing love with honesty.


View the exhibit.  

Urban Delivery Huts in Bangladesh

Photographs by Sarah Bones

Sarah Bones

Photograph by Sarah Bones. A health volunteer examines the newborn baby of seventeen-year-Old Fazila.


Sarah Bones teamed up with the international NGO BRAC in Bangladesh to work on a story about their urban delivery centers, also known as birthing huts, that are part of BRAC's Manoshi Project. The project provides supervised care from pregnancy to childbirth with trained community health workers.


View the exhibit.  

The House of Love

Photographs by Pascal Amos Rest


Photograph by Pascal Amos Rest. Dinner Room


In India, many disabled children are hidden from their parents out of shame and have no prospect of a dignified life. Others die of their disabilities or land on the road, doomed to a life of hardship and hunger.

In this center, many of the children learn for the first time what love means. They get a chance at an education. For the children, this is the door to life!


View the exhibit.  

SDN News


Special SDN New Year Promotion     

SDN has lowered the cost of exhibits to just $0.50 per image through end of January


The normal fee of $0.99 per image has been cut in half to just $0.50 now through the end of January. Photographers can purchase "frames" at this special discount price that can be used at any time. Photographers always have the option of selecting a 90-day free trial for all exhibits.

Orion magazine call for visual arts submissions: May/June 2012 issue       


Orion magazine -- a non-profit, non-commercial print magazine that explores the human experience at the intersections of nature and culture -- puts out a bi-monthly call for visual submissions. Additionally, they accept cover, picture essay and portfolio submissions on an on-going basis.

Here's a summary of what they're looking for with the May/June 2012 issue:
  • Images that show the duality of nature -- the bucolic and beautiful, juxtaposed with the raw brutality that also scares us.
  • Salmon canning in Alaska.
  • Rural life in north central Kentucky.
  • Ancient history in urban Phoenix, AZ.
  • Visions of a post-ecoapocalyptic world.

For more info, and to see the whole request. 

Garth Lenz, SDN 2011 Call for Entries Winners, Makes TedX Presentation on Alberta Tar Sands         

Garth Lenz is the winner of SDN's 2011 Call for Entries on the global landscape after 9/11.

Garth Lenz  

View Lenz' TedX presentation on YouTube--a visual journey through the Alberta Tar Sands and a discussion of the the local regional and global impacts and how we can respond.


For almost twenty years, Garth's photography of threatened wilderness regions, devastation, and the impacts on indigenous peoples, has appeared in the world's leading publications. His recent images from the boreal region of Canada have helped lead to significant victories and large new protected areas in the Northwest Territories, Quebec, and Ontario. Garth's major touring exhibit on the Tar Sands premiered on Los Angeles in 2011 and recently appeared in New York during SDN's exhibition of the winner of a call for entries on the global landscape after 9/11. Garth is a Fellow of the International League Of Conservation Photographers.

Exhibits by SDN Photographers        


Photography Exhibition by Lifeline Creative Director Deborah Terry
January 25-February 1, 2012

Deborah TerryOpening reception fundraiser to benefit Washington DC-based non-profit relief organization International Lifeline Fund

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
6:30 - 9:00 pm
L2 Lounge
3315 Cadys Alley, N.W., Washington, D.C.
Suggested Minimum Donation: $20
RSVP: or at 202-530-8550 &

Tea Time in Banjul: Photographs from Marj Clayton's hustler series 
February 6 - March 2, 2012
Private View Feb 6, 6:30 pm

Marj Clayton 'Tea Time in Banjul' is a photographic series that focuses on a community of hustlers and their families in The Gambia, West Africa.

Photographer Marj Clayton began photographing in The Gambia in 2003. To make this work available to a larger audience Marj has printed this show using laser technology.  Gallery 1885 at The Camera Club will be the first venue to publicly display this interesting documentation that captures daily life of struggling youth in The Gambia.

Gallery 1885 - The Camera Club
16 Bowden St, London, SE11 4DS
Tel: 020 7587 1809  

About is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.