SPOTLIGHT/June 13, 2011 

We have received many new and compelling exhibits this week with the Call for Entries. This SDN Spotlight features all recent exhibits, not only those submitted to the Call for Entries. To view only submissions to the Call for Entries, click here


Photo by Jo Ann Santangelo. Sergeant Jen Hogg (L) served in the New York Army National Guard from 2000-2005. She trained as a 63Y track vehicle mechanic but also worked as the HEMTT wrecker operator.


Proud to Serve: Portraits of LGBT Veterans

Photographs Jo Ann Santangelo

Proud to Serve is a portrait essay and multimedia piece featuring Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, and Transgender (LGBT) American Service Members who served their country in silence or were discharged under the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law. Click here to view exhibit.

Call for Entries

View all competition entries> 

SDN thanks everyone who has entered the Call for Entries. The judging will take place June 16-23 and winners will be announced June 27. 

Thomas Michael Alleman 

The Gilded Giant: Photographs of New York City, 2002-2010

Thomas Michael Alleman
A book-length series of black-and-white urban landscapes made in New York City since March, 2002.

Giovani Cipriano 


Giovanni Cipriano
Between January and April 2011, about 26,000 migrants, mostly from Tunisia, arrived in the so-called "Door of Europe", fleeing the unrest of the region.

Hajime Kimura 

Villages in Uranium

Hajime Kimura
In 1966, uranium veins were found by Uranium Corpration of Indian Limited (UCIL). After that, the environment started slowly changing. Four to five years later babies with congenital deformities began to appear.  

Andy Kropa

New Agrarians

Andy Kropa
The new agrarian movement draws upon a vision of what a past American economy resembled, but makes full use of the latest technologies available for low-impact sustainable farming.

Ileana Ochoa

Black Consciousness

Ileana Ochoa
Ochoa made this work in Bahia, Brazil, comprising the city of Salvador, the islands of Boipeba, Itaparica and Tinhare. Its history of a slave port, access point of the colonization of Brazil, and its huge population of Bahia African descent seems a cut of Africa in the Americas.

Aristide Economopoulos

Ground Zero: Then and Now

Aristide Economopoulos
This past spring, Economopoulos started documenting the area around Ground Zero in lower Manhattan to see how much has changed since the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Mariusz Smiejek

Between the Walls

Mariusz Smiejek
Northern Ireland is a post-conflict society. Old wars conducted by paramilitaries transformed into a peace process carried out by so- called community activists, often of paramilitary backgrounds

Wheeler Sparks

A Portrait of Music in a Time of War

Wheeler Sparks
"It is difficult to change people by weapons, by money, by all of these things," renowned singer Abdullah Maqurai said to me. "But through music, I can influence the minds of the people and encourage them to live in peace."
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Call for Entries
In-Kind Sponsors

Acme Make Your Media MatterDaylight Magazine
fotoevidence F Stop Magazine
fraction magazine
Vision Project



Muslims in America
Photographs by Yusuke Suzuki

Photo by Yusuke Suzuki. A mother celebrates her son's birthday.

"Through this project, I've realized that Muslims just had different means of prayer and customs based on different culture. Other than that, there is no big difference between us. We all are the same." Click here to view the exhibit.  

Canada's Tar Sands and the True Cost of Oil

Photographs by Garth Lenz


Photo by Garth Lenz. The Alberta Tar Sands are Canada's single largest source of carbon, currently producing about as much annually as the nation of Denmark.

The Alberta Tar Sands, one of the world's most environmentally damaging and toxic project, represent the world's second largest oil reserves, and are America's single largest source of oil. Since September 11 2001, the resulting high cost and demand of oil, and the desire for "secure" -- non Middle East oil -- energy by the U.S. has promoted and made possible the creation of this massive development. Click here to view the exhibit.  

Agent Orange: A Terrible Legacy

Photographs by Catherine Karnow


Photo by Catherine Karnow. Nguyen Thi Ly, 9, is afflicted with diseases associated with Agent Orange, passed down from her grandfather, who was a soldier in the Vietnam War.  

During the Vietnam War, the U.S military sprayed some 12 million gallons of the Agent Orange defoliant over Vietnam. Now, almost four decades later, the toxic herbicide continues to have a devastating effect on thousands of Vietnamese people.

Click here  to view the exhibit.  

The Bridge at Hoover Dam

Photographs by Jamey Stillings

Jamey Stillings

Photo by Jamey Stillings. Upstream View, July 30, 2010.

Construction of the bridge downstream from Hoover Dam is unique both for its historical importance, by its proximity to the dam, and for its technical achievement, bridging the Black Canyon over the Colorado River with the longest concrete arch span in North America. Click here  to view the exhibit.  

In and Out of New Orleans

Photographs by Lori Waselchuk

Photo by Lori Waselchuk. Photo booth under the interstate overpass. 2008.

"In and Out of New Orleans" is a compilation of essays from five years of photographing life in post-Katrina New Orleans. The series began after witnessing the traumatic evacuation and migration of over a million people in southeastern Louisiana. Click here  to view the exhibit.  

Market Town

Photographs by Jim Mortram
Jim Mortram

Photo by Jim Mortram. David.

For the last 18 months, together with people on or far beyond the outskirts of his local market town community, Mortram has been recording--through collaborative environmental portraiture, interviews and straight documentary shots -- their life stories and memories. Click here  to view the exhibit.  

23�, Far From Paradise

Photographs by Benjamin Rusnak
Benjamin Rusnak

Photo by Benjamin Rusnak. Near the border of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, a family doles out by the spoonful the meager pot of corn they must share.

23� of latitude separate the Equator from the northern tropic. These latitudes are home to beaches, palms, vacation resorts, idyllic paradise -- and poverty. This is where the unfortunate location of birth often condemns people to a life of struggle in an unforgiving land, beset with drought and flood, famine and tempest. These lands represent a dream holiday to tourists, but they are only an elusive fantasy to millions of residents still hoping for the reality of paradise to become theirs. Click here  to view the exhibit.  

Metamorphosis: Images from the Arab World

Photographs by Michael Robinson Chavez
Michael Robinson Chavez

Photo by Michael Robinson Chavez. The Ayyad family has been completely separated from the rest of their family by the Israeli barrier wall near the city of Qualquilya.

These photographs are a small window into four countries that have experienced tumultous change since the September 11 attacks: Iraq, Israel/Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, and Egypt. Iraq, like Afghanistan, felt the wrath of American vengence most acutely. Click here  to view the exhibit.  

SDN News

SDN Seeks Volunteers and/or Interns 


SDN is seeking two volunteers or interns to help with following projects.  


Assistant Spotlight Editor: Help edit and produce monthly email Spotlight. Must have interest in global issues, understanding of documentary photography, basic image editing skills, writing and editing skills, and understanding of basic html. 


Exhibit Coordinator: Must be New York-based to assist with upcoming exhibition at powerHouse Arena in New York. Must have experience with organizing, hanging, and handling photographs for exhibitions. Experience with special events organizing. Other outreach and communications projects as needed.


Interested candidates should contact Glenn Ruga at    






About is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.  


Spotlight editor: Glenn Ruga