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Call for Entries

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What is unique about 2011 that is different visually than September 10, 2001? We want to see your unique vision of the world as it looks today.

Deadline extended to:

June 7, 2011

More Info> 

Prizes include:  

� $1000 to first place

� Exhibition at powerHouse
  Arena in New York

Other Recently Added Exhibits 

Kathy Shorr
Kathy Shorr


A picture a day-- 365 of them, life in America to mourn and celebrate, contemplate and reflect the state of the American ethos.

Tomasz Szustek
Tomasz Szustek

Unwanted Refugees
Choucha(Shuosha) camp, Tunisia, 7km from the Tunisian-Libyan border, accommodates approximately 5,000 African refugees from Libya.

Susan Barnett
Susan A. Barnett

Not in Your Face

This is a typology based on the American t-shirt culture.

Clive France
Clive France

The Clean Up

The tsunami following the 9-magnitude earthquake that struck northeastern Japan on March 11 shocked the world with its ferocity and suddenness.

Sveva Costa Sanseverino
Sveva Costa Sanseverino

Inner States

Every school day, students stand up and pledge allegiance to the flag. It is a fundamental part of public socialization, of patriotic learning...

Sylvia de Swaan
Sylvia de Swann

On the Media

This exhibit explores the intersection between public and private domain, and how politics and world events reverberate in our lives no matter how far from the "action" we are.

Michelle Cheikin
Michelle Cheikin

Queens Surface

Guided by the light of dusk and dawn, Michelle Cheikin has been shooting an assortment of landscapes in the borough of Queens, New York.

Daniel Miller
Daniel Miller

Buddhist Landscapes of India

"The sublime realm of the Buddhist landscapes deserve more respect. As a first step, we could begin by acknowledging the hallowed nature of the landscape and start to treat it with a little more reverence as Buddhists have for centuries."

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Call for Entries
In-Kind Sponsors

Acme Make Your Media MatterDaylight Magazine
fotoevidence F Stop Magazine
fraction magazine
Vision Project



SPOTLIGHT/June 1, 2011

With one week to go before the Call for Entries deadline, it is  difficult to keep up with all the new exhibits. To keep this Spotlight to a manageable size, we are limiting the amount of text. To read the complete descriptions, click on the photographs to see the full exhibits on SDN. Later in the week we will publish a new Spotlight with exhibits submitted since May 31. 


Subsistence Living

Photographs by Marj Clayton
Marj Clayton

Photo by Marj Clayton. Girls on the farm were taught how to make cheese by their mothers.

The Aymara have been enslaved since the arrival of the Spanish colonizers, having to work the land and the mines in exchange for food and shelter.

Click here to view the exhibit.  

Reporting Back to You

United States
Photographs by Paul McGuirk
Paul McGuirk

Photo by Paul McGuirk. Dead Tree, Hawley, MA 2007.

"I journeyed out along the highways and over the airwaves looking for symptoms of a virus and whenever possible took specimens with my little digital device.

 Click here to view the exhibit.  

Storytelling Our Rights

South Africa
Photographs by Lukas Maximilian Hueller
Lukas maximilian hueller

Photo by Lukas Maximilian Hueller. Etta is 11 years old and an orphan since she was five, when both her parents succumbed to the AIDS virus a few months apart.

When Austrian photographer Lukas Hüller and his international team went to Johannesburg, South Africa, to work with the children of the Ithuba Skills College on a visual interpretation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, their expectations were very soon exceeded.

 Click here to view the exhibit.  

Arizona and the End of Five Centuries of Immigration

Photographs by Mario Quiroz-Servellon

Mario Quiroz-Servellon 

Photo by Mario Quiroz-Servellon: 0134. The two Nogales -- Arizona, USA/ Sonora, Mexico.

This project is inspired by Arizona, its long history of immigration, and its political climate today.

 Click here  to view the exhibit.  

New York/Detroit

Photographs by Andreas Tschersich
Andreas Tschersich

Photo by Andreas Tschersich. peripher 1310 (New York).

The work New York/Detroit questions the preconceived images our minds recall upon mention of these North American metropolises.

 Click here  to view the exhibit.  
SDN News

Success Stories from SDN 


Since we asked our members to tell us their success stories from exhibiting on SDN, we received numerous replies from photographers who leveraged their exhibit to other opportunities. David Wells, who was third place winner in our last call for entries on the global recession, wrote, "within a few months [of being recognized by SDN] the National Community Reinvestment Coalition (see: http://www.ncrc.org/about-us) contacted me about a collaboration that resulted in the work being exhibited at The Torpedo Factory Art Center. Dave Jordano told us about his Detroit exhibit on SDN receiving more than 1,000 hits resulting in an interview in urbanautica.com.  


Editors from other websites and publications regularly view the SDN website and Spotlight and find SDN photographers to feature. FotoEvidence.com and VisionProject.org both use SDN as a source for finding new work to feature. So keep sending us your success stories!   


SDN Congratulates Winners of the Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Fellowship Program  

Rania Matar 

Rania Matar: Shannon 21, Brighton, from the series "A Girl and her Room"

Two SDN photographers, Frank Ward and Rania Matar, are among the 16 photographers receiving awards from the 2011 Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist Fellowship Program. Ward is both a member of the SDN Advisory Committee and an exhibitor on SocialDocumentary.net. He was awarded a $7,500 for his work in the former Soviet Union.  Matar received a $7,500 award for her work "A Girl and Her Room." For full list of winning photographers, click here. 



About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.  


Spotlight editor: Glenn Ruga