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Call for Entries

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What is unique about 2011 that is different visually than September 10, 2001? We want to see your unique vision of the world as it looks today.

Deadline for entries:

May 31, 2011

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Prizes include:  

� $1000 to first place

� Exhibition at powerHouse
  Arena in New York

Other Recently Added Exhibits 

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Michael Busse

Unidentified Landscapes

24 images of an unidentifiable landscape of houses, housing projects, logistic centers, container terminals, expressways and a bit of beach. It's a landscape of quick money and profitability.

Ayush Ranka
Ayush Ranka

Criminalizing Poverty
People who come to Bangalore in search of a job, due to the impact of globalization, end up on the streets, begging. They are then locked up for the "crime" of poverty.

Larry Toh
Larry Toh


Tourism in Vietnam is in a fragile balance between better livelihood of its rural folks, and the preservation of their culture and way of life.
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Call for Entries
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SPOTLIGHT/May 18, 2011

In December 2009, Japanese photographer Shiho Fukada was an honorable mention winner in SDN's first Call for Entries on the global recession for her submission End of Labor Town: Dumping Ground of Old Men in Japan. In 2010, Fukada began work for the New York Times in Baghdad and other parts of Asia. When the earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in March 2011, she flew to the stricken coastal cities to document the catastrophe unfolding in her home country. SDN is fortunate to be able to present her work on this important and very personal issue.


A Town Disappeared 
Japan following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami

Photographs by Shiho Fukada
Shiho Fukada

Photo by Shiho Fukada. Rescue workers remove bodies from a washed out motorway in Rikuzentakata, Iwate prefecture.

On March 11, 2011, a massive earthquake, measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, struck off the coast of Japan. It was followed by a devastating tsunami that swept over cities, farmland, and ports in the northern part of the country. It was the most powerful quake ever to hit the country. Along with the death toll which is expected to reach 20,000, more than 130,000 people lost their home. The swept-away coastal towns may never be rebuilt again because of the possibility of another tsunami in the future. To many of them, the memory of what was lost -- loved ones, community, and homes -- is too painful for survivors to come back, even if the towns are rebuilt. 

Click here to view the exhibit.  

The Red Badges of Courage

Stigma Among HIV/AIDS Patients in Tanzania
Images and Narrative by Carol Allen Storey
Carol Allen Storey

Photo by Carol Allen Storey. Etta is 11 years old and an orphan since she was five, when both her parents succumbed to the AIDS virus a few months apart.

In Tanzania, many primary school students are forced to wear red badges sewn on their uniform denoting their HIV positive status. The children's immense sense of isolation is unimaginable, d�j� vu of Hitler isolating the Jews into ghettos and the enforcement by the 'political police' that they had to sew a yellow Star of David  onto their clothes. Human dignity was ignored then as it is today and the world stands by silently. This horrendous infringement of children's rights is a blight on society even if it is without malice.

 Click here to view the exhibit.  
SDN News

Tell Us Your Success Stories From SDN 


Please let us know if you have had success stories from having your work on SDN, or from being a user of SDN. Have you found photographers to publish, exhibit, or assign work to? You can send all answers to glenn@socialdocumentary.net.  

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.  


Spotlight editor: Glenn Ruga