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Call for Entries

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What is unique about 2011 that is different visually than September 10, 2001? We want to see your unique vision of the world as it looks today.

Deadline for entries:

May 31, 2011

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Prizes include:  

� $1000 to first place

� Exhibition at powerHouse
  Arena in New York

Other Recently Added Exhibits 

David Gardner
David Gardner

New American Nomads

This exhibit looks at those Americans who have consciously traded traditional lifestyles of home and property for a nomadic existence of full-time life on the road in recreational vehicles.

Jay Dorfman
Jay Dorfman

Trinidad and Tobago Carnival 2011
Carnival is said to have been created in Trinidad and Tobago when the French enslaved the Africans. When slavery was abolished, the Africans created carnival to celebrate.

Omar Yashruti
Omar Yashruti

The North: Northern Ireland

After centuries of foreign invasion and native resistance, and more than three hundred years of British occupation, the Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 created the Irish Free State. But the Protestant and unionist majority in the six counties comprising Northern Ireland opted out and insisted the North remain under British rule.

Praful Rao
Praful Rao

The Dance Mask Trilogy
The dance festivals which often last several days have a common theme to destroy evil while good always triumphs.
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Call for Entries
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Acme Make Your Media MatterDaylight Magazine
fotoevidence F Stop Magazine
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SPOTLIGHT/May 8, 2011

Last week, we asked all the photographers on SDN to tell us their success stories from having their work on SDN. Here is just one response by photographer, filmmaker, and teacher Joanna Lipper.


"As a result of my work being seen on SocialDocumentary.net, I was contacted and given a solo show in France at Photo De Mer."    --Joanna Lipper,  Seaweed Farmers in Zanzibar 

Punjab, Pakistan
Photographs by Ed Kashi
Ed Kashi

Photo by Ed Kashi. Actress Nida Chaudrey prepares backstage at the Al Fala Theatre in Lahore.

Straddling India and Pakistan, the Greater Punjab region covers almost 98,000 square miles. In the Partition of 1947, an arbitrary border splitting Punjab gave birth to predominantly Muslim Pakistan and Hindu India and was the site of recorded history's greatest forced migration amid bloody atrocities. Despite these horrors, Punjabis have demonstrated a kinship that defies artificial borders, and no other regions of these two countries share such close historical connections.

 Click here to view the exhibit.  

The Nurses House

Photographs by Michelle Cox
Michelle Cox

Photo by Michelle Cox. Unknown Glory

Michelle Cox has spent her life life living in Midwest America, the rust-belt of the country. She sees the area around her changing, dying away before her eyes. Not only is there a shift in the scales from industry to technology but there is an entire era that is left behind. "Through the remnants of what remains, there is a beauty hidden away. The walls not only talk but they sing of what once was." Cox wants to showcase that voice through her images.

 Click here to view the exhibit.  

The Mae Tao Clinic

Photographs by Kai Nedden
Kai Nedden

Photo by Kai Nedden. The merchant in the prosthetic department works on a new prothesis in the workshop of the Mae Tao Clinic.

The Mae Tao Clinic is located in Thailand near the Burmese border. It provides free health care for refugees, migrant workers, and other individuals who dare to flee across the border from Burma to Thailand through the minefields of the jungle, chased by the Burmese military. People of all ethnicities and religions are welcome at the clinic.  

 Click here to view the exhibit.  
6,426 People per Square Kilometer
Hong Kong
Photographs by Greer Muldowney

Greer Muldowney

Photo by Greer Muldowney. Lai Chi Kok

At 6,426 people per km2, Hong Kong boasts the most densely populated urban center in the world. The combination of a lack of sustainable practices, depletion of resources, and a shifting global power paradigm pervade the public perception of China and it's Western syndicate territory, Hong Kong. These photographs do not propose a reality so different from the perspective portrayed by contemporary media, but rather asks a Western audience to reflect on whether the ecological situation in Hong Kong evokes wonderment or trepidation for a changing global climate and future.


 Click here   to view the exhibit.  
SDN News

SDN is proud to be media sponsor of the DIA Exhibition at FotoVisura, New York Photo Festival, May 11-15, Dumbo, New York   

Ricky Flories

Benji on Longwood Avenue, 1980.
Photo by Ricky Flores.


Curator Adriana Teresa seeks to inspire a dialogue on how the roles we assume are a mere reflection of the life that we live; how photography can become a mirror to that life and in doing so introduce a historical narrative of an event and the experience of an individual, as well as that of a community, city, state, and a country; and, how from a human standpoint we are fragile, and this contemporary world is a humbling experience to our generation.



for more information

The New York Photo Festival May 11-15

Curated by Enrico Bossan and Elisabeth Biondi



Designed to be a New York counterpart and thematic successor to the prestigious European photo festivals Les Rencontres d'Arles, PHotoEspa�a, Perpignan and Visa pour l'Image-and American festivals such as FotoFest in Texas--the New York Photo Festival creates an international atmosphere of inspiring visual installations, professional and aficionado fellowship and camaraderie, and news-worthy staged presentations, awards ceremonies, and symposia over the course of four-and-a-half days during the busiest photography month in New York City.


For more information: visit www.nyphotofestival.com  

Tell Us Your Success Stories From SDN 


Please let us know if you have had success stories from having your work on SDN, or from being a user of SDN. Have you found photographers to publish, exhibit, or assign work to? You can send all answers to glenn@socialdocumentary.net

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.  


Spotlight editor: Glenn Ruga