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SDN Announces
Call for Entries
Call for Entries

Deadline for entries:

May 31, 2011

More Info> 


SDN encourages photographers to think broadly about the term "visual landscape". The judges for this Call for Entries are interested in how the world looks different today than it did on September 10, 2001. Prizes include:  

� $1000 to first place

� Exhibition at powerHouse
  Arena in New York

� Other prizes. 

Other Recently- Added Exhibits 

Katharine Perry
Katharine Perry

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World: Celebrating Indian Women

Perry's images document a range of life experiences of Indian females, spanning from educated upper caste women to landless laborers in rural villages to daughters of commercial sex workers living in shelters.

Ryan Strand
Ryan Strand

Homeless Philadelphia
In 2009-2010, Philadelphia suffered its worst winter to date. Homeless shelters filled up, almost doubling their capacity. But many homeless prefer to stay in alleyways, abandoned properties, and encampments. To these individuals a shelter is an ugly defeat.

Beata Wolniewicz
Beata Wolniewicz

The Horse Market
This photo essay is from the Skarszew Poland market, held every year for over 1200 years and one of the oldest and largest horse markets in Europe.
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Call for Entries
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SPOTLIGHT/March 20, 2011

Undocumented Immigrants Fleeing to Europe
Photographs by Robert Goddyn 
Robert Goddyn

Photo by Robert Goddyn. Lampedusa, Italy

This is a story about illegal immigrants trying to enter Europe by boat. Most of the immigrants are economic immigrants and not refugees. This is why most of the time they will be sent back to their own country, but with a debt of between 1,000 and 15,000 Euros. For most of them, there is no way to go back and they will try to emigrate again and again unti they succeed.

 Click here  to view the exhibit.  

I'll Die for You: Suicide in Rural India

Photographs by Laura El-Tantawy

Laura El-Tantawy

Photograph by Laura El-Tantawy. Ranjana Manoj Chaudhury became a widow in 2004 when her husband, Manoj Prahladroa Chaudhury, consumed pesticide and died on the very farm he was trying to cultivate.

"I'll Die For You" is an ongoing project exploring the epidemic of farmer suicides in rural India. Over the past decade more than 200,000 farmers have committed suicide. Many had borrowed money to plant more efficient crops, but could not pay off their debts. Because of the extremely fast transition India has undergone - from a rural to an industrial, urban society with an open market - farmers have been confronted with immense social and economic disparities where the stress ultimately culminated in suicide.

 Click here to view the exhibit.

St. Jude: An orphanage for victims of war in Uganda

Photographs by Agaton Strom

Agaton Strom

Photo by Agaton Strom. A young boy cleans the kitchen floor.

The brutal war waged by the Lord's Resistance Army has displaced millions of people and orphaned countless children in Uganda. In the northern town of Gulu, an Italian priest, Brother Elio Croce, started to care for children whose families had died or disappeared during the conflict. In a series of buildings adjacent to the local school, St. Jude Children's Home cares for almost 200 children and is scarcely funded by private donations and volunteers.

 Click here  to view the exhibit.

Life with Unexpected Reality

Searching for honey in the jungle of Bangladesh

Photographs by K.M. Asad  
K.M. Asad

Photo by K.M. Asad. Woman crying for her husband killed by a tiger.

Haunted by a perceptible fear of the Royal Bengal tiger, a group of seven to nine men walk silently, maneuvering deftly through the dense forest and thick carpet of deadly thorns. These are the Mouals. With death as their companion, they search for honey, their major source of earning.

Click here to view the exhibit. 

A Refuge from Leprosy in India

Photographs by John Walthier
John Walthier

Photo by John Walthier. Young children line up before lunch

Udayan, an NGO in India, cares for children of lepers, offering the children housing, education, healthcare and vocational training. 300 children, ranging in age from 3 to 22, live at Udayan.    


Children receive vocational training in diverse areas such as farming, carpentry, teaching, nursing, etc. through programs offered at Udayan.  


Currently 19 children there have leprosy and are under treatment to cure the disease.  Twenty-six other children are under observation. Children typically visit their parents 2-4 times per year, often in leper colonies where their parents live.

Click here  to view the exhibit.  
SDN News

Call for Proposals - Moving Walls 19 Documentary Photography Exhibition 

Deadline: April 1, 2011  


The Open Society Foundations invite photographers to submit a body of work for consideration in the Moving Walls 19 group exhibition. The deadline for applications is Friday, April 1, 2011, 5pm EST. For information about the application process, please view the Moving Walls guidelines. 

Tyler Hicks and Lynsey Addario among four New York Times journalists still missing in Libya


As of the time this Spotlight went to press, four New York Times journalists are still missing in Libya. Two photographers, Tyler Hicks and Lynsey Addario, the Times Beirut bureau chief Anthony Shadid, and reporter and videographer Stephen Farrell were last heard from on Tuesday while reporting from the northern port city of Ajdabiya. On Friday, Seif al-Islam el-Qaddafi, son of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, told Christiane Amanpour of ABC News that the four would be released on Saturday--the day the international community began bombing Libyan military installations to enforce a UN resolution to halt Qaddafi's massacre of civilians. As of Sunday, there has been no word of their release. 

SDN Website Features


Periodically we like to remind our readers of some of the features of the SDN website that are sometimes overlooked.

  • Online Exhibitions. The single most important feature of SDN is that documentary photographers anywhere can submit work for exhibition on the site. The fee is $0.99 per image per year, or the option for a 90-day free trial. Click here to find out how.
  • Post News. Any viewer to SDN can post news relevant to documentary photography. We will review and, if appropriate, will make it part of our news section. Click here to post news.
  • Comment. All galleries on SDN have the ability for viewers to comment on the exhibit.
  • Spotlight Archives. All SDN Spotlights are archived. Click here to see a list of all 84 Spotlights. 

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.  


Spotlight editor: Glenn Ruga

Associate editor: Barbara Ayotte