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SDN Announces
Call for Entries
Call for Entries

Deadline for entries:

May 31, 2011

More Info>

Other Recently- Added Exhibits

Nilanjan Ray
Nilanjan Ray

Some Thoughts on Faith

Faith is the quaint emotion that makes us believe in ourselves, in miracles, and in the essential goodness of human beings. But do we really need religion to have faith? 

Kaushik Saha
Kaushik Saha

Pushkar, an ancient pilgrimage

Pushkar, an ancient pilgrimage town in Rajasthan, India, comes alive in the month of November when thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world arrive for the annual camel fair and for the ritual of the holy dip in the Pushkar lake.


Scott Krycia
Scott Krycia

Hope & Change
This project concentrates on faces as millions of people storm the streets and National Mall in Washington, D.C., for a chance to witness the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama.


Simon Wedege Petersen
Simon Wedege Petersen

No Planet B
On December 12, 2009, one of the largest protests in Copenhagen was held against climate change during the UN Climate Change Conference.


Nayeem Kalam
Nayeem Kalam

The beggars of Chittagong

Chittagong is a city full of beggars. This set of portraits stems from Kalam's dream of photographing every beggar.


Saikat Mojumder
Saikat Mojumder

Innocence to 'Living in Sin'

Although many karaoke girls' families think they are working in the city, they are actually singers and dancers in the poor village of Mondo Bai who are willing to have sex for around $15. The girls are 17 to 25 years of age and come from all over the country.

SPOTLIGHT/ February 06, 2011

Homeland - Danube Delta
Photographs by Alex Tomazatos  
Alex Tomazatos

Photo by Alex Tomazatos. A woman makes breakfast for her husband who is about to return from fishing.

The Danube Delta is the world's third most bio-diverse ecosystem, after the Great Barrier Reef and the Galapagos Archipelago. It is located east of Romania, where the Danube River meets the Black Sea. Eighty percent of it is covered with water and marshland, leaving only 20 percent for the more than 14,000 Romanians, Lipovans (Russians), and Haholi (Ukrainians) scattered across 26 villages and one small town. The delta was oppressed by the communist regime, which aimed towards intensive agriculture, and was declared a Biosphere Reserve in 1992 by UNESCO.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Fatality of Fate

A Vietnamese Searching for Dignity in Cambodia
Photographs by A.M. Ahad
A.M. Ahad

Photo by A.M. Ahad. A migrant worker from Vietnam works in a salvage shop in Cambodia.

There are many Vietnamese workers like Nguyen who have come to Cambodia, crossing the borders to look for lucrative work. But there are no jobs other than those like the one in the salvage company that Nguyen has, because he is a migrant worker without Cambodian identification. With identification, Nguyen could get a lucrative job. However, he and many other migrant workers are fated to work in places like the salvage company. It is estimated that at least 150,000 Vietnamese workers are in Cambodia.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Ethiopian Midwives

A Sustainable Source of Reproductive
Health Care

Photographs by Jonathan Hanson
Jonathan Hanson

Photo by Jonathan Hanson. A midwife in the Haregeweyn region, just North of Mekele, checks the belly of a local woman.

Due to a combination of culture, religious influence, and access, 95% of births in Ethiopia are unassisted by a health professional, often without running water and electricity. An unassisted birth is very dangerous, and often complications cause the average birth to last five days, greatly increasing the chance for birth injuries or infant/mother death.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Denis' Mission: A story of devotion

Photographs by Tomasz Bereska
Photo by Tomasz Bereska

Photo by Tomasz Bereska. Denis at home.

Taking care of the cats is his mission. Denis has loved cats for as long as he can remember. In addition to feeding homeless cats, he has about 20 cats living in his home. He spends all of his money on animal food, saving only a few Euros for his daily needs. Neither age nor lack of money will stop him from following this path. 

Click here to view the exhibit.
SDN News

SDN Announces Call for Entries


Call for EntriesThe 21st century arguably began on September 11, 2001 when terrorists attacked and brought down the World Trade Center in New York. As the world approaches the tenth anniversary of that cataclysmic event, SDN invites photographers from around the world to submit photographic essays offering us glimpses of the visual landscape of the 21st century. We encourage photographers to think broadly about the term "visual landscape." We are interested in how the world looks different today than it did on September 10, 2001, particularly as a result of the political, cultural, economic, and interpersonal changes brought about in the wake of the events of September 11, 2001.


In-kind sponsors: 

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Aftermath Project to Offer $65,000 in Grants to Cover Sahrawi People

For the first time, the Aftermath Project is sponsoring a grant competition for a specific aftermath issue - the story of the Sahrawi people in Western Sahara.

In partnership with the Howard G. Buffet Foundation, which is committed to working in conflict and post-conflict regions, the Aftermath Project will offer $65,000 in grants for work to be started by June 2011 and completed by the end of March 2012.


Milton Rogovin, Social Documentary Photographer, Dies at 101

Milton Rogovin, an optometrist and persecuted leftist who took up photography as a way to champion the underprivileged and went on to become one of America's most dedicated social documentarians, died on January 18  at his home in Buffalo. He was 101.

Mr. Rogovin chronicled the lives of the urban poor and working classes in Buffalo, Appalachia and elsewhere for more than 50 years. His direct photographic style in stark black and white evokes the socially minded work that Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange and Gordon Parks produced for the Farm Security Administration during the Depression. Today his entire archive resides in the Library of Congress.

Read full article on New York Times, January 18, 2011.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary exhibits investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece.Click here to view all of the exhibits.

Spotlight editor: Glenn Ruga

Associate editor: Jenny Fremlin