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Other Recently- Added Exhibits

Deborah Terry
Deborah Terry

Migrations - Nomads with no cause, refugees with no tomorrow.
For nearly seven years, the region of Darfur has been ravaged by a bitter struggle between the Sudanese government and rebel forces, who have been demanding justice and a more equitable distribution of the country's resources.

Yusuke Harada
Yusuke Harada

Bangkok Unrest: Redshirt Protests
The Thai authorities launched a crackdown on a protest camp in the center of Bangkok on May 19. Fourteen people were killed and over 90 others injured.

Jay Dorfman
Jay Dorfman

Sadhus of India
In their pursuit of  the 'inner light' - the liberation from all earthly bonds, Sadhus live a life free of possessions, comforts, sensual pleasures and earthly responsibility.

Philip Decker
Philip Decker

Connected Across Borders: El Varal, Mexico, and Salem, Oregon
To help educate residents about our Mexican neighbors, and to honor their contributions to the community, Decker  photographed daily life in El Varal, a mountain village in Michoacan, Mexico.
SPOTLIGHT/ August 15, 2010

Politics of Fear
The Tea Party in America
Photographs by Eric Smith

Photo by Eric Smith. Tea Party Express rally in Clinton Township, Michigan
Eric Smith

The "Tea Party" in America is not an official political party but a loose-knit group of local and regional organizations sharing similar socio-political beliefs.

This Libertarian movement emerged in 2009 through a series of locally and nationally coordinated protests. Their views range from the radical right to the center right on the political spectrum. In general, they believe the United States government is out of control. Their political and economic agenda rests in small government, less government regulation, laissez-faire capitalism and lowered taxes.

The name "Tea Party" is a reference to the Boston Tea Party of 1773, a protest by American colonists against various policies of the British Government. Part of their protest was to dump newly imported tea into the Boston harbor.

The Tea Party supporters are 89% white and overwhelmingly Christian. 92% feel that President Obama is moving the US toward "socialism."

"Don't Tread on Me," the Tea Party's unofficial motto, is taken from the American revolutionary period of the 1700's.

Click here to view the exhibit.
West Bank
Photographs by Anthony Karen

Photo by Anthony Karen. Israeli Defense Forces soldiers clear the street prior to a settlers' walk.
Anthony Karen

This photo essay was taken in Hebron and various locations in the West Bank. At the time, Anthony Karen was on a medical mission sponsored by the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund. When he wasn't volunteering at the hospital, his free time was spent observing the cultural interactions of Palestinians in their daily lives in the West Bank.

Click here to view the exhibit.
A Divine Dance
Photographs by Marti Belcher

Photo by Marti Belcher. Portrayer of Lakshmi, Consort of Vishnu
Martin Belcher

This body of work was inspired by Indian women: beautiful bodies, fabrics, and the jewelry that are part of each woman. Whether working building highways or carrying heavy loads on their heads, they balance the pieces of the dance. 

"I am two women: one wants to have all the joy, passion, and adventure that life can give me. The other wants to be a slave to routine, to family life, to the things that can be planned achieved. I'm a housewife and a prostitute, both of us living in the same body and doing battle with each other.

"The meeting of these two women is a game with serious risks. A divine dance. When we meet, we are two divine energies, two universes colliding. If the meeting is not carried out with due reverence, one universe destroys the other."
Paulo Coelho, Eleven Minutes

Click here to view the exhibit.
SDN News

SDN Lowers Costs for Exhibits and Renewals through End of August

As a late summer incentive to photographers, SDN is offering a 50% discount on the cost of creating or renewing exhibits. Through the end of August, the cost per images is $0.50, a 50% discount from the normal price of $0.99 per image per year.
SDN Seeks Intern and Volunteer Newsletter Editor

SDN is seeking an intern to start early September to assist with general website maintenance, promotion, and editing. We are also looking for a volunteer newsletter editor with experience in writing, editing, and basic graphic and web skills. Interested candidates should send an email with resume to Glenn Ruga at glenn@socialdocumentary.net.
Lee Lockwood, Photographer of Castro and North Vietnam, Dies at 78

"Lee Lockwood, an American photojournalist who had rare opportunities to capture political, military and civilian life in Communist countries - documenting the treatment of an American prisoner of war in North Vietnam and persuading Fidel Castro to sit for a long, discursive, smoke-filled and highly personal interview - died on July 31 in Tamarac, Florida." Read complete obituary at the New York Times.
About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.
Spotlight Credits
Editor: Glenn Ruga