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Other Recently- Added Exhibits

Robert Fass
Robert Fass

As Long As We Both Shall Live: Long-Married Couples in America
An exhibit focusing on marriages whose sole commonality is that they have endured for more than 40 years. This unique undertaking reflects the multitude of reasons that couples from an earlier era chose to make a lifelong commitment to their union.

Paulo Nunes dos Santos
Paulo Nunes dos Santos

Saharawi: The forgotten refugees
Saharawi refugees are among the longest warehoused refugee groups in the world. In a situation lasting over 34 years, more than 150,000 people wait in five remote refugee camps in the desolate Sahara desert in southwest Algeria.

Meagan Dechen
Meagan Dechen

Mineral Ore Train in Mauritania
The world's longest train operates in Mauritania. It is a mineral train hauling extracted iron ore from the interior of the Sahara desert to the port on the coast 700 kilometers away. The train makes only five stops and provide the only transportation to Zouerate, a settlement of mine workers.

Amri Ginang
Amri Ginang

The Forgotten Children
Although native to the southern Philippines, many of the Bajau had migrated to neighboring Malaysia over the course of 100 years, where currently they are the second largest ethnic group in the state of Sabah, making up 15% of the total population.

SzustekTomasz Szustek

Urban Horses
Irish love for horses is known worldwide. There is no reason to give up this hobby even if someone lives in the capital city--Dublin. Animals are kept in garages, sheds or just in the backyards.

HanincovaKlara Hanincova

Hindus of North America
This exhibit is about the Hindu way of life in western civilization. It is about people who face a challenge of adjusting to a new environment while preserving their culture. It is a story of faith far from the land of its birth.
SPOTLIGHT/ July 11, 2010

Editor's Note: SDN dedicates this Spotlight in memory of the 8,000 men and boys who lost their lives during the massacre at Srebrenica fifteen years ago today.

Slow Healing Wound
Fifteen years after the war ended in Bosnia, two photographers look at peacetime in Sarajevo
Photographs by Tomasz Bereska and Tomasz Szustek

Senior citizens prefer to play chess in the park.
Tomasz Szustek

Sarajevo. It's very hard to escape from wartime memories when visiting this city, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the Bosnian War, citizens of Sarajevo suffered the longest siege (1992-1996) in modern history. During that time, more than 10,000 people were killed and another 50,000 wounded.

This kind of tragedy doesn't disappear quickly. War is over and the city of Sarajevo enjoys peaceful reconstruction but the remains of war can be seen on the walls and people's faces and felt in conversations. The presence of EUFOR (European Union Force) reminds one of past difficult times as well.

Teenagers from Sarajevo have no memories about the war. They are cheerful and happy as they should be at this age. But for their parents' generation, the city is still dotted with memories of siege time--memories which should never be forgotten.

This essay is by members of a new international photo agency, Uspecto, based in Dublin, Ireland. uspecto@gmail.com.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Throwaway Soldier
Photo essay by Marielle van Uitert on the Afghan National Police

Photo by Marielle van Uitert. Portrait of a member of the Afghan National Police
Marielle van Uitert2

This is one section of an eight-part series on Afghanistan titled "The Heritage" by Dutch photographer Marielle van Uitert.

The ANP (Afghan National Police) has to re-conquer state control of the Taliban and to offer security to its citizens. Working for the ANP is a very dangerous job. Many ANP outposts are attacked by insurgents. They receive very little money which is often not paid within a year. Nevertheless most men take the risks for granted as they try to make the country more stable.

Click here to view the exhibit.

For the second part of van Uitert's series on Afghanistan, focusing on the Dutch ISAF forces in Afghanistan, click here.
The Ruins of Detroit
Photographs by Eric Smith

Photo by Eric Smith. Abandoned and burned home along the Davison Freeway
Eric Smith

The mayor of City of Detroit, Dave Bing, has received federal money for the demolition of 10,000 Detroit homes over the next three years. Forty percent of the city is abandoned, a vast horizon of vacant land and burned out buildings. Currently, there are 33,000 empty and unused homes in the city. Along with thousands of empty commerical buildings. Detroit Michigan is at the bottom of economic recession in the US. Nationally the US is just below 10% unemployment. The state of Michigan is at 14%. But Detroit, as estimated by Mayor Bing, could be as high as 50%.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Mothers of a Nation
Women in Uganda
Photographs by Ansley West

Photo by Ansley West. Edisa, Jinja Uganda, 2010
Ansley West

Mothers of a Nation is about a group of empowered Ugandan women who struggle with changes in society's traditional roles after women's suffrage. This bittersweet victory, granted by Museveni, Uganda's present president, in 1985, came at a heavy price. Today, Uganda is still a male dominated society that now feels that if women are free to work outside the home then they can carry the workload of both men and women. The photographs depict the women who tirelessly uphold their nation despite personal heartache and suffering.

Click here to view the exhibit.
SDN News

Crisis & Opportunity Exhibition Comes to Photographic Resource Center in Boston

Crisis and Opportunity Exhibition Comes to the PRC
Opening reception: Thursday, July 15, 5:30-7:30 pm

Crisis & Opportunity: Documenting the Global Recession, features the winners of a call for entries on the global recession organized by SocialDocumentary.net in 2009. The exhibit runs through August 8.
Tomasz Tomaszewski, Poland
Shiho Fukada, Japan
Khaled Hasan, Bangladesh
Michael McElroy, U.S.
Photographic Resource Center at Boston University
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
Documentary Night at the PRC!
Thursday, July 22, 6:30-8:30 pm
Bring your documentary work (prints or on a laptop) to discuss with others, or just come to look. To register to show work at Documentary Night (first come, first served basis), or for more information, email info@prcboston.org
or call the PRC at 617-975-0600. Bring refreshments to share!
Ed Kashi, SDN Advisor, Joins VII

"I take on issues that stir my passions about the state of humanity and our world, and I deeply believe in the power of still images to change people's minds."
Ed Kashi

Ed Kashi

Ed Kashi, acclaimed documentary photographer, journalist, and member of SDN Advisory Committee, has joined VII as a co-owning member of the agency. Kashi's recognized position as a leader in photojournalism is built on his lifelong commitment to covering important social and political issues, which has been honored in a string of major photographic awards across his career. "I take on issues that stir my passions about the state of humanity and our world, and I deeply believe in the power of still images to change people's minds," says Kashi. "I'm driven by this fact; that the work of photojounalists and documentary photographers can have a positive impact on the world." More>>
About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.
Spotlight Credits
Editor: Glenn Ruga