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Other Recently- Added Exhibits

Photo by Zoran Orlic
Zoran Orlic

Mixtecs in Tijuana
Mixtec women in Tijuana learn sewing skills to help support their families, while searching for lost husbands who crossed the border into the United States looking for work.

Photo by Natalie Becker
Natalie Becker

Hebron Market, West Bank, Palestine
Many Palestinian shops in Hebron, the largest city in the West Bank, have closed after experiencing harassment from local Jewish settlers.

Photo by Suchitra Vijayan
Suchitra Vijayan

Lives in Transition: After Haiti's Earthquake
Eighteen miles west of Port-au-Prince, the residents of Leogane begin the process of rebuilding their lives after Haiti's devastating earthquake.

Photo by Gregor Schlatte
Gregor Schlatte

Since its founding two years ago, Kosovo has dealt with government corruption and unemployment rates up to 80%.

Photo by Ron Croft
Ron Croft

A Premodern Way of Life
Many Nepalis in Kathmandu and the Terai region live without electricity and running water, and work without modern tools.

Photo by Guillermo Castillo
Guillermo Castillo

The Border between Mexico and the US
The metal border wall between Mexico and the United States is the result of Operation Gatekeeper by the U.S. government (1994) and crosses the entire city of Tijuana.

SPOTLIGHT/June 14, 2010

Kolkata's Rickshaw Pullers
Photographs by Stephanie Borcard and Nicolas Metraux

Photo by Stephanie Borcard and Nicolas Metraux
Rickshaw puller waiting for customers, 2008. Photo by Stephanie Borcard and Nicolas Metraux.

Kolkata, capital of the Indian state of West Bengal, is the last place in the country where rickshaw pullers still operate in the narrow lanes of the "City of Joy." Many of them originate from Bihar, considered to be one of the poorest states in India. Trying to save money to send home, they live in extremely precarious conditions, sometimes even sleeping on their rickshaw.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Kouzen Zaka
Patron Spirit of the Vodou Religion
Photographs by Tony Savino

Phot by Tony Savino
Man dressed as Kouzen Zaka at a vodou celebration, 2010. Photo by Tony Savino

In the vodou religion, Kouzen Zaka is the patron lwa of farmers and workers. He is extremely popular in all of Haiti. Kouzen wears a broad brimmed straw hat, carries a djakout (straw sack), and a sickle or machete. He wears karabel (denim) clothing and a red mushwa. He is an extremely hard worker and works very quickly to accomplish what is asked of him. He is a peasant lwa that enjoys the simple things in life.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Vanishing Grasslands
China's Growing Sands
Photographs by Jonah Kessel

Photo by Jonah Kessel
Mongolian farmer Jiruga protects herself from blowing sand while planting trees near Gaotou in Inner Mongolia, 2010. Photo by Jonah Kessel

Over 400 million people in China are being effected by desertification. Overpopulation, overgrazing, and poor management practices have degraded grasslands to the extent that the land has become unfarmable and unsustainable. Sands from the north are growing at 2,500 square miles a year. This story follows Shanghai Roots & Shoots, an NGO working to stop desertification in Inner Mongolia through tree planting and education.

Click here to view the exhibit.
SDN News

Crisis & Opportunity Exhibition Comes to Photographic Resource Center in Boston
Crisis and Opportunity Exhibition Comes to the PRCCRISIS AND OPPORTUNITY: Documenting the Global Recession
July 6-August 1, 2010

Opening reception: Thursday, July 15, 5:30-7:30 pm
This exhibition features the winners of a call for entries on the global recession organized by SocialDocumentary.net in 2009.
Tomasz Tomaszewski, Poland
Shiho Fukada, Japan
Khaled Hasan, Bangladesh
Michael McElroy, U.S.
Photographic Resource Center at Boston University
832 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215
Documentary Night at the PRC!
Thursday, July 22, 6:30-8:30 pm
Bring your documentary work (prints or on a laptop) to discuss with others, or just come to look. To register to show work at Documentary Night (first come, first served basis), or for more information, email info@prcboston.org
or call the PRC at 617-975-0600. Bring refreshments to share!

Off-Broadway Play About Photographer Tina Modotti Opens in NYC-Discounted Tickets on SDN
Tina ModottiMODOTTI, an Off-Broadway play about the life of acclaimed photographer Tina Modotti, opened June 11 in New York City.

MODOTTI is presented by Pascal Productions and written by Wendy Beckett.

MODOTTI is the story of renegade photographer, silent film actress, and political activist Tina Modotti. Modotti fled to Mexico lured by the revolution and artistic excitement. Accompanied by photographer Edward Weston, she took on the challenge of culture undergoing rapid change. Her contemporaries were Diego Rivera and Cuban revolutionary Julio Mella.
MODOTTI showtimes:
June 11-July 3
Off-Broadway's Acorn Theatre
Theatre Row
New York City
Tuesdays at 7pm, Wednesdays - Fridays at 8pm, Saturdays at 2pm and 8pm, and Sundays at 3pm.
Click here to visit the MODOTTI website
Click here to buy tickets
SocialDocumentary.net readers may use a discount code of SOCMD for $35 tickets ($15/30% off the regular price!) when buying less than 10 tickets.
GuatePhoto-International Photo Festival in Guatemala; July 6-31
Sponsored by La Fototeca and FotoVisura

La Fototeca de Guatemala is proud to announce GuatePhoto, an inaugural international photography festival in Guatemala taking place from July 6-31 2010. This festival hopes to celebrate international contemporary photography as well as promote local talent. We would like to inspire dialogue and create an opportunity to exchange ideas and new trends in photography.

GuatePhoto will be showcasing four exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art Carlos M�rida in Guatemala City. The main exhibit International Open Call, features 15 photographers chosen by curators Adriana Teresa, Clara de Tezanos and Juan Jose Estrada.

For more information, please visit http://guatephotofestival.com.

New Orleans Photo Alliance Call for Entries
Juried By: Clint Willour, Curator, Galveston Arts Center
Entries must be submitted by 7.1.2010

The New Orleans Photo Alliance seeks submissions for "GULF," a visual exploration of the Gulf of Mexico, including but not limited to images depicting the seafood and maritime industries, the harvesters and their heritage, the beauty of the environment and all of the creatures that live in it.

The exhibition will be held at the New Orleans Photo Alliance, 1111 St. Mary St., opening on August 14, 2010, and closing on September 18, 2010. All accepted entries will also be featured and archived in the Alliance's online gallery. $500 in cash prizes will be awarded at the juror�s discretion.

Click here for submission form and guidelines.
About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.
Spotlight Credits
Editor: Glenn Ruga
Writer/Copy Editor: Jessica Hosman