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Other Recently- Added Exhibits

A. M. Ahad Ahad
A.M. Ahad Ahad

When the Dam Breaks,Bangladesh
More than 90% of arable land in Jingabuta Haor was flooded when the rush of water from the Dhanu River broke down an embankment in Mohanganj Upazilla, Netrokona.

Clara de Tezanos

All Woman are Maria's
This series examines the historically accepted feminine ideal and the reality of being a woman in a Latin society.

Jonathan Weiskopf
Jonathan Weiskopf

Underground Railroad. Railroad Underground.
Weiskopf spent more than 100 hours wandering the New York City subway system during mostly late night hours compiling images in the tradition of Winogrand, Frank, and Evans.

Jean-philippe Gauvrit
Jean-philippe Gauvrit

China - other cities - Zhengzhou and Shenyang 2009
A look at ordinary cities in China, 60 years after the creation of a modern state.

From Our Archives
Since SDN launched in 2008, we have featured hundreds of exhibits on our website. This is an opportunity to showcase some of this work again.

janine Wiedel
Janine Wiedel

The Church with Seven Mysteries
These photographs were taken in the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church in London as part of Wiedel's project with the Rastafarian community.

Peter Crabtree
Peter Crabtree

An Ordinary Place
A look at a small town in Vermont where "people garden and make music and occasionally drive too fast or worse, ending up in court or in jail."

SPOTLIGHT/May 24, 2010

Siem Reap Rehabilitation Center, Cambodia

Photographs by Janos Kis

Seam Reap, Cambodia
A mentally retarded and physically disabled girl in rehabilitation at the Siem Reap rehabilitation center. Photo by Janos Kis.

This documentary series is part of an assignment Janos Kis photographed at the Handicap International Rehabilitation Center in Cambodia.

Apart from physiotherapy and the production and repair of equipment, the centers offer patients a social follow-up. Amongst these patients, there is a large number of landmine victims, but the center welcomes a wide diversity of people and types of disabilities, and offers specific services to children suffering from cerebral palsy and babies suffering from clubfoot.

Today, Cambodia remains one of the countries more severely affected by the problem of landmines and unexploded ordnance due to the high number of victims and contaminated surface. Since 1979, more than 60,000 people have either died or been wounded by these weapons, leading to 19,000 deaths and causing approximately 9,000 amputations.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Immigration Reform March
Dallas, Texas

Photographs by Jack Pitney

Photo by Jack Pitney
Unlike pro-immigration marches in previous years, the marchers carried and displayed the flag of the United States instead of Mexico's flag. Photo by Jack Pitney

An estimated 25,000 people marched in Dallas, Texas in support of immigration reform on Saturday, May 1, 2010. The planned May Day march drew more interest because of the recent State Bill 1070 signed into law by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. The controversial new law allows local law enforcement to question people about their immigration status. Counter-protesters were also present, promoting their view that the State of Arizona has the right to enforce their new law and that illegal immigrants should not be granted amnesty by the United States government.

Click here to view the exhibit.
"I can see the gates of paradise from here"
Illegal Immigrants in Morocco
Photographs by Thomasz Szustek

Thomasz Szustek
Tangiers. Planning the escape. A crucial spot is pictured here for those who want to find out how the port security works. Photo by Tomasz Szutek

In Tangiers, Morocco, when night comes, illegal immigrants (arab. haraga) try to hide in trucks' underbodies to leave Morocco onboard a ferry. To be successful, one needs skills and luck due to detailed checks in Morocco and destination ports.

Haraga have no respect in society. No humanitarian aid is available, police beat them savagely, and they suffer from illnesses, hunger, and parasites. Rubbish bins are their common source for food.

No support comes from Muslim organizations. Haraga can't visit mosques because they are perceived as bad Muslims.
Losing touch with Islam, haraga lose part of their identity, which could help them to survive hard times. Living this kind of life leads to drugs and drinking, which separates them from society even more.

In the forests near Cueta, the Spanish enclave in Morocco, illegal immigrants live in tents made from plastic and old carpets. They wait for their chance to get a firm grip on barbed wire attached to the 3m high border fence dividing Morocco and Cueta and take a jump to a fairer life.

Click here to view the exhibit.
About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.
Spotlight Credits
Editor: Glenn Ruga