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Other Recently- Added Exhibits

Photo by Jimi Ennis
Jimi Ennis

Death And Taxes: Ireland's Gravediggers
Gravediggers in Ireland show an unexpected contentment, and witty sense of humor, as they spend their days digging holes and filling them up again.

Paul Brehem
Paul Brehem

Shelter from the Storm
A vulnerable community occupying a derelict building in Johannesburg led to a landmark case, ensuring that no person may be evicted unless the government can find them alternative housing.

Photo by Dennis Yermoshin
Dennis Yermoshin

Teabaggers' Ball: Tea Party Rally in Houston
Protesters with the Tea Party movement rally in Houston, Texas, on America's Tax Day.
Photo by Michael Dominic
Michael Dominic

Transsexual Prostitutes in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Transvestite prostitutes in Honduras work without protection from job-related violence and live with the constant danger of being beaten or killed.

Photo by Remy Haynes
Remy Haynes

The Currency Project
Remy Haynes toured the country for four months in a van, seeking out personal stories of the economic downturn.

Spotlight: Focus on Bangladesh
May 4, 2010

Since SDN's launch in 2008, some of the strongest and most original work has come from Bangladesh. Much of this can be credited to Shahidal Alam, founder of the Drik Photo Agency and MajorityWorld.com, a website championing the cause of indigenous photographers from the developing world and the global South. Most of the Bangladeshi photographers featured in this issue are listed on the MajorityWorld.org website. Khaled Hasan was also a winner of the recent SocialDocumentary.net call for entries on the global recession for his exhibit on stone workers. In addition to the pictures, the photographers from Bangladesh take their role seriously as documentarians and write thorough commentary on the subject matter.  Currently, there are  13 exhibits on SDN from Bangladesh. The five below have been submitted in the past two weeks.

Celestial Devotion: The Tannjimul Yatim Khana Orphanage in Bangladesh
Photographs by Jashim Salam

Photo by Jashim Salam
Breakfast at the Tannjimul Yatim Khana orphanage, 2009. Photo by Jashim Salam

Tannjimul Muslemin Yatim and Hafiz Khana, an orphanage and Islamic school, is situated near the famous Hazrat Shah Amanat Shrine in Chittagong. The orphanage gives shelter, food, and education to more than two hundred students, who are mentored to be Hafiz (one who memorizes the holy Koran). It takes fifteen months to four years to become a Hafiz. According to UN statistics, six million students are enrolled in educational institutions like this in Bangladesh.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Threading Six Yards of Legacy: Bangladesh's Tati Weavers
Photographs by Saad Shahriar

Photo by Saad Shahriar
A man weaves patterned silk textiles, 2010. Photo by Saad Shahriar

In Bangladesh, particularly in the district of Tangail, saris are an integral part of the tati community, a Hindu caste that specializes in creating the much-sought jamdani saris. But in an ever globalized and mechanized world, the tatis are facing problems from all directions. As machines take over, their hands are forced to lay idle. Furthermore, the new generation shows little interest in maintaining the caste occupation as they migrate to the cities. Their trade, their art, their way of living is becoming part of Bangladesh's history books.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Congregation for World Peace: The Annual Biswa Ijtema Event in Bangladesh
Photographs by A.M. Ahad Ahad

Photo by A.M. Ahad Ahad
Praying at the Biswa Ijtema, on the bank of river Turag at Tongi, 2010. Photo by A.M. Ahad Ahad

From January 22 to 24, 2010, more than two million people gathered on the bank of River Turag in Tongi, Bangladesh, including a hundred thousand women and nine thousand devotees from abroad, for the annual Biswa Ijtema congregation. The three-day event focuses on prayer and meditation, and Islamic scholars from different countries delivered sermons on aspects of Islam. Second in size only to Hajj (the annual pilgrimage to Mecca), Biswa Ijtema has been taking place annually since the 1960s.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Born in a Slum: Childbirth in Bangladesh
Photographs by Saikat Mojumder

Photo by Saikat Mojumder
A Traditional Childbirth, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2009. Photo by Saikat Mojumder

Every year, 440 out of every 100,000 pregnant women in Bangladesh die. In most of the slums, no doctor or medical service is available. Often midwives help the pregnant mothers, but they are untrained.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Tears of Memories, Death of dreams: Caring for Bangladesh's Elderly
Photographs by Khaled Hasan

Photo by Khaled Hasan
89-year-old Munnujan Bewa, 2008. Photo by Khaled Hasan

A traditional society, the people of Bangladesh have in the past placed much value and importance on caring for the elderly. Tradition dictates that children live in the same home as their parents to care for them as they grew old. However, more recently, people have begun placing their parents into homes for the elderly, a fairly new practice in Bangladesh that some blame on globalization and exposure to Western ideas.

Click here to view the exhibit.

SDN News

SDN Founder, Glenn Ruga, Interviewed in Boston Globe
In the Saturday, May 1 issue of the "G" section of the Boston Globe, Pulitzer Prize-winning arts reporter Mark Feeney interviews Glenn Ruga.
Read full article in Boston Globe.

POYi Emerging Vision Incentive

Pictures of the Year International announces $10,000 Emerging Incentive Program

POYi, a program of the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute at the Missouri School of Journalism,  is offering $10,000 to an aspiring photojournalist to propose and complete a long-term documentary project of social significance.

The newly announced "POYi Emerging Vision Incentive" is open to all semi-professional, student, and early-career photographers.  The incentive will fund and showcase documentary work on social issues or political trends by aspiring documentary photographers.

Click here for more information.

Call for Entries for the New York Photo Awards
Deadline: Midnight, Thursday, May 6

New York Photo AwardsOpen call to talented photographers from all over the world: the annual New York Photo Awards are open for submissions!

Now is your chance to have your work exposed to some of the most sought-after experts of the photography world during the busiest photography month in New York City.

Winners receive over $1000 in prizes including a Canon S90 camera, courtesy of B&H, as well as a Spyder 3 Studio, courtesy of Datacolor.

For information, visit: www.newyorkphotoawards.com

The FotoVisura Latin American Pavilion

The FotoVisura Latin American Pavilion will participate in the third annual New York Photo Festival, May 12-16, Brooklyn, New York.

The FotoVisura Latin American Pavilion is curated by Adriana Teresa, co-founder of FotoVisura and Visura Media and will include into its curriculum
Contemporary Latin American Photography Panel Discussions:

Part I: A curator's perspective,Fri., May 13, 5:30-6:20
Part II:An artist's perspective, Sat., May 15, 7:30-8:20

For complete information, visit http://www.fotovisurapavilion.com

The Jewish Museum: South African Photographs by David Goldblatt
May 2, 2010 - September 19, 2010, The Jewish Museum, 1109 5th Ave at 92nd St, New York NY

Photograph by David GoldblattDavid Goldblatt is one of South Africa's most highly regarded photographers. As both citizen and photographer, he was witness to apartheid's infiltration into every aspect of South African life. The Jewish Museum will present an exhibition of 150 black and white photographs by Goldblatt that focus on South Africa's human landscape in the apartheid and post-apartheid eras.

Click here for more information about the exhibit.

Susan Meiselas Exhibit at the Hood Museum of Art
April 10 - June 20, 2010, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH

Photograph by Susan MeiselasSusan Meiselas, best known for her work covering the political upheavals in Central America in the 1970s and 1980s, is one of the most socially engaged photographers of our time. This exhibition is structured around three key projects that exemplify the evolution of Meiselas's process and approach, and it encourages cross-disciplinary dialogue around issues of art, anthropology, and human rights.

Click here for more information.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.
Spotlight Credits
Editor: Glenn Ruga
Writer/Copy Editor: Jessica Hosman