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Other Recently- Added Exhibits

Photograph by Maxim Dondyuk
Maxim Dondyuk

Uman Rosh Hashana: Bratslav Hasidim
Every year tens of thousands of pilgrims from all over the Hasidic world come to Uman to pray at the tomb of their patron saint, Tzadik Nachman Bratslav.

Photograph by Toby Stone
Toby Stone

Iraqi Actors in Jordan
Many of the Iraqi refugees in Jordan are not allowed mainstream jobs while they hold refugee status, so they have turned to acting.

Photograph by Michael Steindel
Michael Steindel

Kosovo's Colors

Kosovo is still recovering and rebuilding itself two years after independence was announced and eleven years after the fighting ended.
SPOTLIGHT/ April 3, 2010

The Uprooting: Forced Displacement in Colombia
Photographs by Benjamin Ball

Colombia, 2009. Photo by Benjamin Ball

Colombia, 2009. Photo by Benjamin Ball

Each day as many as a thousand Colombians are displaced from their lands and forced to flee to nearby cities. Forced displacement is not merely a consequence of Colombia's armed conflict; it is a strategic objective of the war. Five million hectares of fertile land have been depopulated to secure foreign investment in mining, bio fuel crops, and mega-projects such as dams, highways, ports, and oil pipelines, or to provide strategic corridors for drug trafficking and arms smuggling.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Wai Khru Tattoo Festival, Bangkok, Thailand
Photographs by
Gavin Gough

Photograph by Gavin Gough
Wai Khru Tattoo Festival Masters Day, Bangkok, 2010. Photo by Gavin Gough

Traditionally, Thai tattoos are believed to be more than just a decorative art. Recipients believe that each tattoo carries protective properties, and it is in search of these that people gather at the temple every spring. The rituals are a complex mix of Buddhist, Hindu, Brahman, and Animist beliefs. Once applied, the tattoo is believed to offer protection, and in a country with an unpredictable political future, such protection is increasingly in demand.

Click here to view the exhibit.
Cruising: Working Girls in Sydney
Photographs by
Ian Flanders

Photograph by Ian Flanders
"Shelly," 2010. Photo by Ian Flanders

Over a nine month period, Ian Flanders documented the lives of thirteen working girls from Kings Cross, Sydney, where they confront physicality and intimacy that comes with a price. Their insights show a sad yet cathartic realization that it's their dreams that keep them sane and their contradictions that define them.

Click here to view the exhibit.

SDN News

Oil and Conflict: a View from the Front Lines
With Peter Maass and Ed Kashi
Thursday April 15, 2010, 5:30PM
Harvard Law School Campus (Griswold Hall, Room 110)

Photo courtesy of Ed Kashi

Join Maass and Kashi for a discussion and media presentation of the role oil plays in global conflict.

Peter Maass, New York Times Magazine writer and author of Crude World: The Violent Twilight of Oil, will discuss the power of oil to fan the flames of existing problems and harm countries that possess large quantities of it. His work has taken him to Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Kuwait. Renowned photographer Ed Kashi will share his photographs and multimedia work on the Niger Delta, focusing on issues of oil, development, environmental and economic destruction, sustainability, and our own unavoidable connections to these dynamics.

Click here for more information.

After Photography: Lecture by Fred Ritchin
Presented by the Photographic Resource Center
Thursday, April 29, 2010, 7:00pm

Northeastern University (room TBA), Boston, MA

After Photography by Fred RitchinIn a digital environment, what can emerge from a medium transformed? How will it change us as people? And how can we influence what comes next?

Fred Ritchin is author of the recently published book, After Photography, and has been writing on the digital challenge for media since a major article for The New York Times Magazine in 1984.

Click here for more information.

Exhibition catalog from SDN Call for Entries on global recession now available.

Photo by Mike BerubeSDN has just released the catalog of the winners from Crisis & Opportunity: Documenting the Global Recession. This full-color 32-page catalog includes a preface by Lori Grinker and a report on the global economic crisis by the Center for Economic and Social Rights, the co-publisher of this catalog.
$12.00 per copy.
Purchase online.

SDN is seeking other venues for global recession exhibition
After the debut showing at powerHouse Arena in Brooklyn of Crisis & Opportunity: Documenting the Global Recession ends in mid-March, we are looking for other venues for the exhibition. Click here for information on the Call for Entries and exhibit. For more information or to inquire about a showing, contact Glenn Ruga.
About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.
Spotlight Credits
Editor: Glenn Ruga
Writer/Copy Editor: Jessica Hosman