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Exhibit opening and panel discussion
Tuesday, February 16
6:30 pm
powerHouse Arena
Brooklyn, NY

Exhibition of
Call for Entries Winners

� Tomasz Tomaszewski
� Khaled Hasan
� Shiho Fukada
� Michael McElroy

Panel: The Role of Photography in Addressing Critical Issues Facing Our World
� Ed Kashi
� Irene Khan
� Leora Kahn
� Tomasz Tomaszewski

For details and to RSVP

Other recently added exhibits

Marco Simola

Marco Simola
After completing studies in the Bolaroja Clown school, Bola Roja doctors visit with patients in hospitals in Lima, Peru.

Willem de Lange

Willem de Lange
Mohair in South Africa
55% of all mohair comes from South Africa. In the Karoo, an arid part of South Africa where the Angora goats are raised, the natural environment has a beautiful, almost romantic, quality.



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SPOTLIGHT/ January 10, 2010

Seaweed Farmers in Zanzibar

Photographs by Joanna Lipper

Joanna Lipper
Seaweed farming is an occupation dominated by women who live in rural villages and it is one of the few jobs accessible to women that pays them in cash. Photo by Joanna Lipper

Joanna Lipper traveled to Zanzibar in the summer of 2009 to photograph women of diverse religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in both urban and rural settings. She visited Jambiani, a rural village on the east coast of Unguja where women work as seaweed farmers.  Zanzibar lacks the large-scale infrastructure and hardware needed to process seaweed and extract valuable algae. Therefore the raw materials are shipped abroad. Without microfinance loans, improved education, and community organization amongst laborers, seaweed farming as a cash-generating, economically empowering occupation for rural village women, runs the risk of becoming obsolete in Zanzibar.

Click here to view the exhibit.
In the Midst of Ruins
Havana, Cuba
Photographs by Michael McElroy

Michael McElroy
A neighborhood in Havana near the Capitolio. Photo by Michael McElroy

Darkness lays a blanket over the city as an afternoon storm rolls in; and for a moment, the golden curtain of sunshine is lifted, exposing its bare bones.

Havana has always been a city of many contradictions-from its crumbling yet graceful colonial and baroque buildings to the 1950s-era cars that roam its potholed streets. But around every corner there is something unexpected and beautiful: a woman in curlers gossiping with a friend, a rapper spitting out his rhymes without fear of being arrested.

But behind all the contradictions, there is a certain vibrancy that the Cuban people posses; and despite the best efforts of their government and the powers to the north, there are traces everywhere that the sun will again shine on Cuba.

Click here to view the exhibit.
The worst massacre in Europe since World War II
Photographs by Natalia Dobryszycka

Natalia Dobryszycka
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mortuary. Photo by Natalia Dobryszycka

On July 11, 1995, Serb nationalist forces lead by Ratko Mladic killed more than 8,000 Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica, a small town in northeastern Bosnia protected by UN forces.

Twelve years later, mass graves are still being found and exhumed. In the mortuaries thousands of bodies await for identification, funerals take place, families of the victims wish to bury and mourn their relatives.

This exhibit by Polish photographer Natalia Dobryszycka  brings us extraordinary photographs of committed forensic anthropologists going about their daily job of exhuming bodies, cataloging bones, and identifying the victims. Then the exhibit transitions to the very human side of family members mourning their losses and burying their dead.

Click here to view the exhibit.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.