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Other recently added exhibits

Claudia Wiens

Claudia Wiens
Bread riots and growing informal areas in Cairo
For the first time in decades, more and more Egyptians go to bed hungry and don't know how they'll feed their families the next day. Due to politics and corruption, there is no hope for improvement.

Jose Pereira

Jose Pereira
Wild Horse Ranch at Galician
At the beginning of the summer, along the mountains of Galicia, Spain, hundreds of people climb the mountains to search for wild horses to ranch them.

James Morgan

James Morgan
Child Trafficking in Nepal and India
These children's lives are being shaped by economic shifts and policy decisions being made in countries they've never heard of across oceans they'll never see.

James Chance

James Chance
Living with the Dead: Manila's North Cemetery
In a country where around 40 percent of the population lives below the poverty line, and overpopulation in Manila is reaching desperate proportions, the North Cemetery provides a unique residence for the hundreds of families that live and work within its walls.

Naotomo Umewaka

Naotomo Umewaka
Drug Addict, Prostitution, HIV, Pregnant, Poverty in Philadelphia and NY
A 34-year-old former stripper-turned-prostitute and now a pregnant drug addict, talks about her forlorn quest for fast cash, living with AIDS, hope, and the story of her life.

Andy Kropa

Andy Kropa
Epicurean Movements
A generation of small-scale entrepreneurial farmers is emerging, attracting young and pragmatic environmental activists to the profession from a variety of fields and non-farming backgrounds.

Nancy Siesel

Nancy Siesel
Slave-Like Conditions of Tobacco Leaf Harvesters in North Carolina Location
Tobacco harvesters today face some of the most deplorable living and working conditions in the United States. The majority of these workers are migrants from Mexico who endure long hours of stoop labor walking barefoot (most can't afford boots) through sweltering fields.

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Spotlight/December 14, 2009

Dear Readers:

I want to deeply thank everyone who has participated and submitted their work to our Call for Entries on the global recession--a topic that extends far beyond the gallery walls. The depth and breadth of work has been extraordinary and the commitment of the photographers to their subjects has been heroic. The winners to the Call for Entries will be posted to the SDN home page on December 16.

With so many exhibits submitted in such a short period of time, we can only show a limited number in this Spotlight. In coming weeks, we plan to draw from these other exhibits in future Spotlights.

Glenn Ruga, Founder

Hunger and Rage in Haiti
Photographs by Jan Sochor

Jan Sochor
An angry woman from the slum of Cite Soleil (Port-au-Prince) shouting and accusing the US together with the United Nations of being a cause of the deep poverty and overall misery in Haiti. Photo by Jan Sochor.

Czech photographer Jan Sochor's recent work has been based in Latin America, focusing on documentary projects showing everyday life including social, political and cultural issues. His photographs and stories have appeared in numerous Czech and international magazines, newspapers and publications, including Sunday Times, National Geographic, Burn magazine, Foto8, 100Eyes, PDN online, and NACLA Report.

Although the Caribbean islands are widely considered a holiday paradise, Haiti evokes a disaster rather than anything else. The overall situation gets worse every year and the extreme, hardly imaginable poverty effects more and more people. The Haitian economicy is paralyzed, there is no infrastructure, the population suffers from hunger, and the social and living conditions in Haitian slums are a human tragedy. People live with pigs surrounded by rotten garbage, no electricity, no drinking water, no meals, dying of diseases which may be easily curable if there was a public health system. The Haitian administration is highly corrupt and misappropriation of public funds is common. MINUSTAH (UN forces sent to Haiti in 2004) are generally not welcomed by the Haitian population. The rage grows and the tension continues with undiminished strength.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Waiting to Be Registered
A Muslim community in Bangladesh denied citizenship
Photographs by Sheikh Rajibul Islam Rajib

Sheikh Rajibul Islam Rajib
Musiim Rohingya girl sent by parents to be a servant in Bangladesh. Photo by Sheikh Rajibul Islam Rajib.

The Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority in Myanmar, are denied citizenship and suffer persecution and discrimination. Hundreds of thousands have fled to Bangladesh. To date, an estimated 25,000 Rohingyans have flocked to the Kutupalong makeshift camp in Bangladesh hoping for recognition and assistance. Instead of finding help, they have been told that they cannot live next to the official camp, supported by the Bangladesh Government and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. They have nowhere to go and no way to meet their basic needs. The majority struggle to survive, unrecognized and unassisted in Bangladesh.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Leaves of Grass
An intimate portrait of Afghanistan
Photographs by Jared Moossy

Jared Moossy

An Afghan girl rides her donkey down to the well at the bottom of the mountain to fetch water. Kabul, Afghanistan. Photo by Jared Moossy

'When two elephants fight, it is only the grass that suffers."
  -African Proverb

Leaves of Grass is an intimate portrait of Afghanistan, a country looked at but rarely seen. We often only see a country in the constant throes of war. We divide simplistically the country's people into those who visit war upon others and those upon whom war is visited. However the most common narrative is the one that is lived quietly and spun daily in the lives of ordinary Afghans. It is this narrative of quiet, personal industry, one that is shaping up to be the dominant narrative of Afghanistan where up to now we have thought of a people only as those irrevocably linked with conflict.

These images illustrate all the ambiguity and tragedy of people finding their way in war. For some, work is the descent into perennial night in a mine, for others it is the moral conundrum of farming poppy that provides half the world's heroin. Categories of right and wrong dissolve in a bowl of necessity. This exhibit hopes to show the undocumented side of Afghan lives, attempting to wrestle images that show a different cadence of life apart from that conflict.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Net Gains
Love in the Time of Malaria, HIV/AIDS & War
Photographs by Leslie Alsheimer

Leslie Alsheimer

Uganda is a land of contradiction. Overwhelming sorrow and immense joy exist side by side. Even as both a malaria and HIV/AIDS pandemic rages-ravaging communities already haunted by the specter of dictatorship, genocide, and war-Ugandans embody an irrepressible spirit of optimism, courage, and love.

Malaria is the leading cause of death in Uganda, claiming more than 100,000 lives per year. The mosquito-transmitted disease will strike approximately a half-billion people worldwide in 2009, at least a million of whom will die-most of them pregnant women and children under the age of five, most of them living in Africa.

With proper measures, however, malaria is entirely preventable. Many rural Ugandans are rarely afforded access to education and simply do not understand how malaria is contracted, prevented, and treated. Forward Focus has pioneered an ingenious, interpersonal solution that educates not only Ugandans, but also travelers and river runners along the Nile. With the help of translators going from village to village, Soft Power provides training sessions, rural healthcare, and affordable access to mosquito nets.

These photographs form part of a larger body of work entitled Forward Focus, whose mission is to spotlight dignity and interpersonal connections that transcend race, class, politics, and socioeconomics. To that end, these images portray both the richness of everyday life and the enduring human spirit-regardless of circumstance-by celebrating family, culture, community, and play through the joy, pain, and love of everyday living.

Click here to view exhibit.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.