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Other recently added exhibits

James Whitlow Delano

James Whitlow Delano
Homelessness in Japan
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Haiti in the Time of Elections
The night before elections, Port-au-Prince, Haiti was under a tense curfew. Thousands of UN soldiers make their presence known.

Svetlana Bachevanova

Svetlana Bachevanova
The Bowery Mission
For New Yorkers, the Bowery is a symbol of the lowest point you can reach in your lifetime. For homeless people, the Mission is a symbol of home, food, bed and warmth.

Sylvia de Swaan

Sylvia de Swaan
Along the Tracks
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Michael Robinson Chavez

Michael Robinson Chavez
Promise and Peril in South Los Angeles
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Leah Nash

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The Invisibles
"l'm used to thinking like a person who has money... I forget I don't have any anymore," says Melissa Walsh, a 30-year-old homeless woman with Asperger's Syndrome.

Michael Ruggiero

Michael Ruggiero
Space Available: NY State Route 25
Route 25 is a major east-west road, which runs through the heart of Long Island from the Queensboro Bridge to Orient Point. In every town along it, there is a store that has closed its doors due to the economic downturn.

Rhen Zhou

Rhen Zhou
2009: Farmers in Chinese Villages
Owing to the economic recession, the youth in Sichuan, China swarm into cities to make a living by taking labor jobs.

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Featured Exhibits/November 30, 2009

Behind the "War on Terror"
A look at daily life in Pakistan
Photographs by Yusuke Harada

Yusuke Harada
People praying in a drug addiction rehabilitation center in Pakistan. Photo by Yusuke Harada

Japanese photojournalist Yusuke Harada has covered conflicts in Gaza, Iraq, Sudan, Angola, Thailand. In this project, he turns his attention to Pakistan as a means to understand the war on terror and its impact on ordinary people. According to Yusuke, "The phrase 'War on Terror' is one of the most important slogans in recent times. We have applied so many different polices under that slogan. But has anything really changed in [Pakistan]?"

While the Obama Administration has officially stopped using the term "War on Terror", it is still used widely in Pakistan. Yusuke believes Pakistan is receiving financial assistance from all over the world yet the domestic economy, internal security, unemployment, and domestic politics have deteriorated. He is trying to express another side of the war on terror through the daily life of Pakistani people. Yusuke concludes his abstract with, "Almost everyone in Pakistan knows that he has to fight against terrorism.... Although the world applauds and believes in the war on terror, to the average Pakistani this is but a hollow sentiment."

Click here to view the exhibit.

Romania's Homeless
Photographs by Taylor Weidman

Taylor Weidman
Homeless orphan in Romania sniffing glue near the train station. Photo by Taylor Weidman.

Photographer Taylor Weidman has worked with NGOs in Europe, Asia, and Africa. The work has always been used to support his efforts to understand and enable marginalized people, including the falsely imprisoned in the Philippines and the rural citizens who lack paved roads and electricity in Ghana.  This current project focuses on the homeless in Romania.

"Across from the Parliament in an old abandoned building, a group of homeless families have begun squatting. The building has no heat or running water, and electricity is stolen from the city. None of the adults work. Having grown up orphaned on the streets, none are educated. In a land where jobs were scarce even before the recession, this group has little chance of earning an income. They subsist either on handouts from the government and NGO's or through begging and thievery."

Click here to view the exhibit.

Stab City
Life in Limerick, Ireland
Photographs by Rian Dundon

Rian Dundon
Lena Roche gazes out the window of her mildew-infested home she rents from Limerick City Council. Photo by Rian Dundon

In recent years gang violence in Limerick, Ireland, has helped distinguish it as one of Western Europe's murder capitals and turned parts of this port town, long branded "Stab City" for its rough reputation, into veritable war zones. Now, with recession sweeping the country, the blighted public housing estates where much of Limerick's bloodshed occurred are among those areas bearing the brunt of the devastated Irish economy.

In 2007 Limerick's housing estates became the focus of a major urban renewal plan. The three billion euro Limerick Regeneration Project promised to rebuild the estates as modern, sustainable communities through a public/private funding partnership with commercial developers. But since its inception, and the onset of recession, the project has been almost completely stalled for lack of funds.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Nomen Omen - Destiny Lies in a Name
Ethnic identity among the Rom in Romania
Photographs by Daniela Bazzani

Daniela Bazzani

Italian photographer Daniela Bazzani explores the issue of ethnic identity among the Rom in Romania. The marginalization of the "Rom," or gypsies, has deep cultural roots-a radical lack of alternatives and doors to a different future shut tight. The inescapability of this condition is at the core of this project. In the Rom culture, traditions are kept alive by inter-generational relations. With their keen maternal instinct, Rom women raise their children to the same destiny, thus perpetuating the vicious cycle.

Click here to view exhibit.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.