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Featured Exhibits /November 5, 2009

Carry Me Ohio
The foothills of Appalachia in time of recession 
Photographs by Matt Eich

Matt Eich
Lisa Russel, 20, and other teens hang out on the street corners in Glouster, OH. Photo by Matt Eich

Once known for its bounty of coal, salt, clay and timber, Southeastern Ohio was stripped of its resources by the mining corporations that thrived from the 1820s to the 1960s.  When they had mined all that they could, the corporations left and the residents remained.

For the past three years, Matt Eich has been documenting the people of this region. Now, the same lack of opportunity that has plagued the residents of Southeastern Ohio for decades has forced him to move.
Rampant unemployment, poor housing conditions, drug abuse and sub-standard schools have left many families here in crisis. In 2006, Athens County, one of the poorest counties in the state, had a poverty rate of 27.4 percent and a per capita income of just $14,171. With the economic downturn of the United States, these numbers have only gotten worse.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Vanishing China
Photographs by Jiri Tondl

Jiri Tondl
Photo by Jiri Tondl

The photographs in this exhibit provide evidence of the vanishing traditional world in China-rolled back, mostly in big cities-by the dynamic pace of development. The exhibit is also about a change of lifestyle. Many people, especially the elderly, strive to preserve their traditions.
Click here
to view the exhibit.

Beauty Queen
A beauty contest for immigrant workers in the
Tel Aviv bus station

Photographs by Michael Steindel

Michael Steindel
Photo by Michael Steindel

Newly-enacted immigration policies have caused fear among foreign workers in Tel Aviv. Now immigration officers are patrolling the streets looking for illegal migrants, threatening to evacuate them out of Israel. Under this black cloud, a beauty contest for foreign workers from southeast Asia took place at the central bus station of Tel Aviv. This seemingly event took place in the lowest floor of the station. Getting ready in a dark corridor, helping each other dress up, the girls and their loving crowd felt moments of glamour for one night, trying to put behind their daily survival problems.
Click here to view exhibit.

Amazon Footprints
The frontline in the battle to save the rainforest
Photographs by Colin McPherson

Colin McPherson
A young girl holds up a bowl of freshly caught fish from the Tapaj�s river in the Amazonian basin. Photo by Colin McPherson

This exhibit shows life on Brazil's highway BR-163. This 1000km dusty strip of road next to the mighty Tapaj�s river has become the frontline in the battle to save the Amazon rainforest from exploitation and destruction by loggers, cattle ranchers, soy farmers and multinational companies. The photographs document the daily lives of people who live on or near the highway and whose way of life is changing as rapidly as the environment around them. Each year thousands of acres of irreplaceable forest is lost forever and the impact on the local and international climate is incalculable. Click here to view exhibit.

Baseball in the Dominican Republic
Photographs by Billy Weeks

Billly Weeks
San Pedro de Macros, Dominican Republic. Photo by Billy Weeks.
This exhibit focuses on baseball in the Dominican Republic and the social issue of recruiting teenage boys to play an American sport. In a country where most families live on a few dollars a day, a new baseball prospect can get a signing bonus of upwards of $100,000. This kind of salary has tested the ethics and standards of major league baseball. Many Dominican families find themselves in a position of choosing between dishonesty to gain wealth, or work in sugarcane fields for meager pay. Therefore the money in baseball drives the passion of this sport in the Dominican Republic. View exhibit.

Documentary News

Three Concerned Women
Photographs by Susan Bank, Stella Johnson, and Rania Matar

Griffin Museum of Photography
67 Shore Road, Winchester MA
November 12 through January 10, 2010 
An opening reception with the artists and panel discussion November 12

"What these three women share is a devotion to a kind of photography which celebrates the dignity of the human condition, no matter what the circumstances might be," says Constantine Manos, Magnum photographer and curator of the exhibit. "Each, in her own way, has found people and situations which have moved her to make photographic statements which reflect love and compassion." A panel discussion with the photographers and Manos, facilitated by SDN founder, Glenn Ruga, is November 12, 5 p.m. The topic is the societal role and responsibility of photographers. A book signing follows. Members, free; non-members, $7. Click here for details.  

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.