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Other recently added exhibits

David Wells

David Wells
Foreclosed Dreams
A photo-essay exploring the empty homes and foreclosed dreams littering the American landscape in the wake of the foreclosure crisis across the United States.

Emmanuel Fradin

Emmanuel Fradin
Migrants: Calais, France
French police began clearing out a sprawling camp known as the 'jungle', where an unknown number of illegal migrants live as they try to reach Britain.

Bill Jackson

Bill Jackson
Jackson's interest is to show people in their spaces, as they live in it or work in it. It is a panoramic snapshot of people's lives in 2009/2010 and beyond.

David Miller

David Miller
Dakota Commemorative March
There are still those denying the truth of the historical wrongs perpetuated against Native American peoples, but movements like the Dakota March seek to bring reconciliation decades later.

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Featured Exhibit /October 12, 2009

Living Amongst Trash
"Smokey Mountain" in Manila is Home to Hundreds of Families
Photographs by Brian Carlson

Brian Carlson
A man carries scraps he's collected from Smokey Mountain. Photo by Brian Carlson

This garbage dump, located in Manila, Philippines, is known as Smokey Mountain due to frequent fires caused by decomposing trash. It is also home and work to hundreds of men, women, and children. The residents of Smokey Mountain hunt through the garbage for food or items that they can recycle at the local junk shops. There are no government-sponsored services available and they are often overlooked by their nation's leaders. Brian Carlson's photographs offer a sensitive portrait of the individuals who make their living off the discarded waste of Manila and make their homes amidst the rubble.

Click here to view the exhibit.

Documentary News

Seeking Justice - Social Activism through Journalism & Documentary Practice

Starting midnight (GMT) October 15, 2009

The Centre for Documentary Practice invites you to log on and join the world's first online journalism and documentary conference. Speakers include Ed Kashi, Jodi Bieber, Marcus Bleasdale, Shahidul Alam, Gary Knight, Adam Ferguson, Travis Beard, Michael Coyne, Masaru Goto, Jack Picone, Megan Lewis, and more to be confirmed. http://www.cdp.edu.au
Register now for this free online conference.

Momenta Workshops: Documentary Photography Classes

With workshops ranging from India, Uganda to Myanmar, Momenta works with photographers to develop their documentary skills and teach them how to use their images to further social discourse through their work.

To learn more about Momenta, visit http://www.momentaworkshops.com

Extraordinary Journeys: Four Visionaries
October 18, 5:30 pm
Splashlight Studio, 75 Varick Street, Third Floor, Soho, New York.
Join En Foco and the Lucie Foundation for free artist talk featuring Mustafah Abdulaziz, Rania Matar, Sue Flood and Rachel Papo. Followed by a Fiesta (members free, $10 donation for non-members), from 7:00-8:30 pm. RSVP is required: jointtalk@luciefoundation.org

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.