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Other recently added exhibits

Sarah Hoskins

Sarah Hoskins
Please Make it Stop! Someone's Child Was Killed Here
Balloons to most people would symbolize a celebration, a graduation, or an anniversary. On Chicago streets these days, they are often a sign of a memorial.

Syed Mahfuz Ali

Syed Mahfuz Ali
Present Life in Dhaka, Stress...And Respite
A city of more than 10 million people, Dhaka, Bangladesh, has become crowded and polluted, but people still manage to survive.

Joseph Sorrentino

Joseph Sorrentino
La Crisis En Silencio: Rural Mexico's Silent Crisis
Poverty in rural Mexico is on the verge of becoming one of the worst disasters in Latin American history. Yet the media reports little about it. It is a crisis unfolding in silence.

Syed Mahfuz Ali

Syed Mahfuz Ali
All About My Mother
Syed Mahfuz Ali documents his mother's inner personal state as she struggles to maintain a family with two children and without their father.

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Featured Exhibit /October 4, 2009

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The Missoula Food Bank by Anna M Weaver

Anna Weaver
Ralph and Mialeina Luciano put away food from the Missoula Food Bank. Photo by Anna M Weaver

Anna M Weaver's philosophy is:
A record. An aesthetic work. A call to action.

Whether she is photographing a Sudanese refugee in Maine, a recovering crack user and her reintegration into society after serving a prison sentence, or Ralph and Mialeina Luciano and their four children in Missoula, Montana, Anna has an eye for telling a story about social conditions, and a need to call us to action. Her exhibit on SocialDocumentary.net documents the Lucianos and their reliance on the services of a community food bank to help them through new hard times. When Weaver took these photos, Mialeina was pregnant with her fifth child and her family's primary residence had been their van for most of the summer. They were staying at a relative's home for the last few weeks of her pregnancy. Like many social documentary photographers, Weaver highlights the strengths and dignity of the Lucianos as they work to keep their strong family ties together. She also documents the workers at the Food Bank, such as volunteer Maxine Rice, who repackages food donated by local restaurants.

Click here to view exhibit.

Call for Entries Update

Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom to be awarded to The People's Choice Award winners of Crisis & Opportunity: Documenting the Global Recession

Thanks to generous support from Adobe, SDN has created a new prize category, The People's Choice Award, based on total number of visits to an entry's exhibit. Click here for complete details on the Call for Entries and new winner category.

Call for Entries and Exhibition Sponsors
(Click here to find out how to be a sponsor)

Documentary Channel
Meridian Printing

NGO Partner

Center for Economic and Social Rights

New! SDN Now Has Archives of All Past Spotlights

You can now view and link to previous SDN Spotlights by visiting our Spotlight Archives. If you have been featured in an archive, or want to link to it from your website or FaceBook page, you can now find all past Spotlights and copy the URL to paste into your website or send in an email.

OSI Documentary Project
Call for Proposals: Moving Walls 17 Documentary Photography Exhibition

The Open Society Institute invites photographers to submit a body of work for consideration in the Moving Walls 17 group exhibition. Moving Walls is an exhibition series that features in-depth and nuanced explorations of human rights and social issues.  Thematically linked to OSI's mission, Moving Walls is exhibited at OSI's offices in New York and Washington, DC and includes seven discrete bodies of work. 

Deadline: Friday, October 23, 2009, at 5:00 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time).
For more information, please see the Moving Walls guidelines.

New Definitive Biography of Dorothea Lange
DOROTHEA LANGE: A Life Beyond Limits
by Linda Gordon
W. W. Norton & Company. $35.00 cloth

Dorothea LangeThe first definitive biography of Dorothea Lange, this book is the sweeping account of the life and work of the woman widely regarded as the most influential American female photographer of the twentieth century. Lange's consummate images of the Great Depression have renewed meaning in our distressed times. While her photograph known as Migrant Mother is one of the world's most recognized images, few people know anything about the artist herself.
In DOROTHEA LANGE, renowned historian Linda Gordon charts Lange's journey from polio-ridden child living in the Lower East Side to wife and mother, to San Francisco portrait photographer, and to chronicler of the Great Depression and World War II. From the Dust Bowl to Japanese interment camps to the civil rights movement, Lange's life and work touched on most of the important social issues of twentieth-century America.

For more information.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.