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Featured Exhibit /August 12, 2009

White Nationalism
Photographs by Anthony Karen

Anthony Karen
Charles (36), a Lieutenant in the National Socialist Movement, addresses the crowd shortly before a Swastika lighting ceremony at the Hated and Proud concert, which was held on a small farm in America's heartland. Photo by Anthony Karen.

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"In April of 2005 I began to document the Ku Klux Klan. Over the years that followed, I was granted unrestricted access into some of America's largest hate groups. This particular feature includes several "White Nationalist" organizations, including the NSM (National Socialist Movement), Aryan Nations, White Knights of America and the IKA. I consider it a work in progress, and its purpose is to allow individuals a look into a world most will never see. I prefer to keep the editorial aspect out of this body of work; I feel the images speak for themselves."
                        Anthony Karen

Photographer Anthony Karen's "White Nationalism" presents the real and frightening fact that in the US heartland, there are organized hate groups celebrating intolerance and racism--using the swastika as their guiding symbol. These groups espouse hatred toward Jews, Blacks, homosexuals, and anyone else who does not conform to their definition of racial purity.

Karen's important work highlights an under-reported and dangerous reality that could threaten the principles of tolerance that we value so highly here in America.

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South African Photographer David Goldblatt at the New Museum through November '09

David GoldblattOver the last fifty years, David Goldblatt has documented the complexities and contradictions of South African society. His photographs capture the social and moral value systems that governed the tumultuous history of his country's segregationist policies and continue to influence its changing political landscape. Goldblatt began photographing professionally in the early 1960s, focusing on the effects of the National Party's legislation of apartheid. The son of Jewish Lithuanian parents who fled to South Africa to escape religious persecution, Goldblatt was forced into a peculiar situation, being at once a white man in a racially segregated society and a member of a religious minority with a sense of otherness. He used the camera to capture the true face of apartheid as his way of coping with horrifying realities and making his voice heard. <more>

Aftermath Project Grant Applications Available Online August 15

Thanks to the generous support of Open Society Institute and the Compton Foundation, the Aftermath Project is giving $40,000 in grants in 2010 -- two grants for $20,000 each. Click for more information.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.