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El Campo: The Crisis in Rural Mexico
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Featured Exhibit /July 6, 2009

A Stone's Throw: Changes in Rural Poland
Photographs by Tomasz Tomaszewski

Kazimierza Wielka, Poland . Photo by Tomasz Tomaszewski.

Click here to view exhibit.

A Stone's Throw is a documentary concerning change in rural areas of Poland. It is a story of a world that remains unknown and excluded from the collective consciousness, the world of the former State Agricultural Cooperatives -- the propaganda calling card of the communist era. Completely unproductive, they nonetheless were presented for nearly 50 years as the triumph of a socialist economy over its bourgeois counterpart, until they became symbols of the system and were eliminated along with it in 1990. For many of those involved, the shift turned to tragedy. For the few, it was an opportunity for a positive change of their hitherto existence.

"My goal was to present significant fragments of the newest Polish history and honor the people of the Polish countryside, which, contrary to official declarations, have been marginalized and left alone with no help."
                        Tomasz Tomaszewski

Tomasz TomaszewskiTomasz Tomaszewski is a member of the Union of Polish Photographers, the Visum Archiv agency in Hamburg, Image Collection in Washington, DC, and the ASMP. He has had his photographs published in Stern, Paris Match, Geo Magazine, the New York Times, Fortune, Vogue, Elle, Zeit Magazine and others. He is the author of numerous books including Remnants, The Last Jews of Poland, Gypsies, The Last Once, and In Search of America. He has had solo exhibits in the U.S., Canada, Israel, Japan, Madagascar, Germany, France, Poland and other countries. For more than twenty years, he has been a regular contributor to National Geographic Magazine where 18 of his photo essays have been published. (photo � M. Gliniki)

Iran in Turmoil exhibit on SDN receives more than 13,000 visits
SDN wants to thank Reza and the Webistan Photo Agency for posting their exhibit of recent photographs of the elections, demonstrations, and crackdown in Iran last month. After the exhibit was picked up by both the Huffington Post and an Iranian news website, gooya.com, more than 13,000 unique vistors went to the site on SDN in just a few days. We hope these photographs will help educate both a western and an Iranian audience as to the commitment and extent of pro-democracy demonstrators and the harsh tactics that the government is using to quash dissent.

En Foco New Works Photography Awards Fellowship
Deadline: July 31, 2009
En Foco's New Works Photography Awards Fellowship is an annual program selecting three or more U.S. based photographers of Latino, African, Asian, Native American or Pacific Islander heritage, through a national call for entries.
Download guidelines & entry form.

New Works provides the incentive for artists to create or complete an in-depth photographic series exploring themes of their choice, and provides the infrastructure needed for national visibility and a professional exhibition of their new work in the New York area. This is an open call for entries, with NO fees involved. Submissions can be in any photo-based style or genre (documentary, autobiographical, landscape, abstract, digital, installation, alternative processes, etc). Juror: Anne Wilkes Tucker, Curator, Museum of Fine Arts / Houston

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.