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Leslie Alsheimer

Leslie Alsheimer
Dignity Around the World: Regardless of Circumstances
In Uganda, as both a malaria and HIV/AIDS pandemic rages, Ugandans embody an irrepressible spirit of optimism, courage, and love.

Kemal Vural Tarla

Kemal Vural Tarlan
Newroz as celebrated by Kurds in Amed
In Turkey, the revival of the Newroz celebration has become a symbol of Kurdish resurrection.

Andrew Biraj

Andrew Biraj
State Excluded: Bihari refugees in Bangladesh
A community forced to live as refugees as retribution for supporting Pakistan, during the independence of Bangladesh.

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Featured Exhibit/June 25, 2009

Human Trafficking in Argentina by Ron Nicolaysen

This exhibit is the winner of the SocialDocumentary.net Award for Documentary Photography in association with the Center for Fine Art Photography's Documentary Contest.

Ron Nicolaysen
From Human Trafficking by Ron Nicolaysen "I was offered a job in a bar and promised more money."

"Violence against women is an issue that cannot wait. A brief look at the statistics makes it clear. At least one out of three women is likely to be beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused in her lifetime". 
Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary General
November 2008

In November 2008, Ron Nicolaysen participated in a United Nations project aimed at eliminating violence against women. He was asked by the UN to go to Argentina and take photos of recovering victims of sexual violence. He found that women and girls in Argentina are subject to kidnapping, drugging, rape, and forced prostitution. Many are sold to brothels. Some become pregnant or contracted HIV.  These photos were displayed at the UN in November 2008 and March 2009.

Ron Nicolaysen

Nicolaysen pursued photography at Beloit College in Wisconsin and later at the International Center for Photography and the NY Institute of Photography, where he studied with Harry Callahan, Lee Friedlander, Duane Michaels and Ansel Adams. In the early 1980s, he began commercial fashion photography in Paris and Milan for Vogue (American and Italian), Glamour, Mademoiselle, Self, Bazaar (American and Italian), Votre Beaut�, linea, Grazi� and Cosmopolitan. In the late 1990s, he returned to New York and shifted toward fine art and documentary photography. In 2002, he spent two months on a research vessel in the Southern Ocean off of Antarctica documenting a research project for the National Science Foundation. His book Mediterranean Profiles was published in 2007 by Skira.
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A Note About SDN Fees
Many photographers have inquired about the fees that SocialDocumentary.net charges to create online exhibits. SDN charges a modest fee-99 cents per image per year. All fees go toward developing, maintaining, and promoting the website. Currently SDN's staff is all volunteer. In the best of worlds, we would not charge photographers anything, and the site would be supported by other revenue sources. We are always exploring new options and will keep our members aware of any changes.

Create Online Exhibits and Join the Fastest Growing Documentary Website
SocialDocumentary.net is committed to using the power of photography to create global awareness about important issues affecting everyone. Human rights, climate change, women's health, poverty, and life in small towns across the world are just some of the issues explored by photographers on SocialDocumentary.

The cost to create and maintain exhibits on SDN is just 99 cents per image per year. There is a 90-day free trial period for all exhibits.

All exhibits on SDN come with a viewer feedback form, statistics on number of viewers, a photographers' home page, and optional image licensing. We also feature exhibits and photographers in e-Spotlights to SDN members.

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About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.