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Featured Exhibit/June 16, 2009

Bangladeshi Photographer Khaled Hasan Documents Stone Laborers on the Piyain River

Khaled Hasan
Probad Das (age 67) and Priti Rani Das (age 39) work together as stone laborers along the Piyain River in Bangladesh. Photograph by Khaled Hasan.

Khaled HasanKhaled Hasan, a native of Bangladesh, has worked for several daily newspapers in Dhaka and for the photo agency Majorityworld. His photographs have been published in the Sunday Times Magazine, American Photo, National Geographic, and Saudi Aramco World. He was awarded in 2008 an All Roads Photography Program grant from National Geographic Society. In 2009 he received an Award of Excellence from the Alexia Foundation, and was the winner of the International Photography Contest organized by the Museum of Photography in Russia.

"Through photography, I hope to help society to empathize with hidden social, political, and environmentally suffering people," says Hasan.

Hasan's Living Stone: A Community Losing Its Life tells the story of the hard-working community of Jaflong in northeast Bangladesh. The Piyain River, which flows from India through Bangladesh, gives the community its natural beauty. During the monsoon, river currents wash precious rocks and pebbles from India into the area. At dawn every day, laborers on more than 100 small boats enter the Piyain River, buckets and spades in hand. The stones that tumble down the riverbed from India are decreasing in volume and the laborers are already taking risks in venturing into the no-man's land along the India-Bangladesh border. More than 10,000 men, women and children work as stone laborers here. Uncontrolled and unstoppable stone extracting and crushing at Jaflong pose a serious threat to public health, and to the environment and agriculture in the area. There is no legal protection or concern about human rights violations in this stone industry.

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PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards

PhotoPhilanthropy-a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting photography for philanthropic purposes and activism in charitable organizations - is sponsoring the first-annual PhotoPhilanthropy Activist Awards.

Contest entrants are invited to submit a Photo Essay  that tells the story of a non-profit organization and its work. Winning photographers will receive up to $5,000 award and recognition,  while featured non-profit organizations and their causes will benefit from valuable exposure.

Deadline for entries is October 31, 2009. Click here for details.

SDN and Social Networking
SocialDocumentary is now on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Follow our tweets at Twitter; become a fan of SDN on Facebook, join our new SocialDocumentary discussion group on LinkedIn.

View SDN on ABC's Chronicle HD
SocialDocumentary.net will be featured on ABC's Chronicle HD program on Thursday, June 18, at 7:30 pm (EST) on WCVB-TV, Channel 5, Boston. Or click here to watch it on the web following its broadcast.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.