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Other exhibits featured this week

Justin Ide

Justin Ide
Quinceanera: Coming of age ceremony
The Quincea�era is a young Latina woman's celebration of her fifteenth birthday.

Mark mathew braunstein

Mark Mathew Braunstein
Good Girls on Bad Drugs

"It is easy to condemn and demonize these girls, whereas it requires effort to try to understand and humanize them. "

George Hsia

George Hsia
Homeless in Kyrgyzstan

"They want the same things that we want, the right to live in a home and to provide for themselves and their families."

Ralph Thompson

Ralph Thompson
Thingyan--April Water Festival in Burma

"Water-throwing or dousing one another... is the distinguishing feature of this festival"

Joseph Boltrukiewicz

Joseph Boltrukiewicz
Festival People

"In the world of war, hate, hipocrysy, lies and deception, people have time to have fun while displaying their true colours."

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Featured Exhibit/April 27, 2009

Over the Road: Long-haul Truck Drivers
Photographs by Michael Ruggiero

Michael Ruggiero

A Coffee Shop, I-95, Connecticut.

In the spring of 1990, Michael Ruggiero began making frequent trips on the interstate highways of America riding along with long-haul truck drivers or driving in his 1980 VW bus.  Ruggiero's aim was to photograph the cross-country truck driver's life "over the road" from coast to coast. These highway men, once at the center of popularity in American culture, are revealed in images of portraits, truck stops, rest areas, and landscapes and are soon to be published in book form.
View the Exhibit.

New York Photo Festival, May 13-19

New York Photo FestivalSDN is proud to be a media sponsor of the New York Photo Festival, curated by William A. Ewing, Chris Boot, Jody Quon, and Jon Levy. These world-renowned curators all bring their personal visions in contemporary photography to the main pavilions of the 2009 edition of The New York Photo Festival. More information.

Portfolio Review
The NYPH'09 Portfolio Review will be the centerpiece of the new Review Pavilion. It is a platform for all levels of aspiring and professional photographers to present their body of work for review and critique by leading experts in the fields of photography, art, media, and advertising and to receive guidance and mentorship for future artistic and commercial career development. The portfolio review will be run by photography book publisher powerHouse Books.

For more information, visit the website at www.nyphotofestival.com

Call for Entries: Documentary Photography
Deadline May 12, 2009. Documentary photography has the power to tell stories, create social change, awaken emotions, and show the intimate and unseen. This exhibition will feature the artistic viewpoint of the documentary photographer. Eligibility: The exhibition is open to photographers world wide, both amateur and professional. The Center for Fine Art Photography invites photographers working in all media, styles, and schools of thought to participate in this exhibition. Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome. Juror: Ed Kashi. Ed Kashi is a photojournalist dedicated to documenting the social and political issues that define our times. His images have appeared in National Geographic, the New York Times Magazine, Time, MediaStorm, GEO, Newsweek, and many other domestic and international publications. For more information,
the Center for Fine Arts Photography.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in the Niger River Delta, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.