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Other exhibits featured this week

Claudia Wiens

Claudia Wiens
Leprosy Colony - Egypt
Daily life in the Abu Zaabal leprosy colony in Cairo where patients escape from stigma and harassment.

Andreas Oetker-Kast

Andreas Oetker-Kast
Manpower: Humans at the heart - Germany and Czech Republic

Celebration of workers in six small to medium manufacturing companies

Luiz Santos

Luiz Santos
Nation of Islam - United States and Great Britain

Insightful look at a controversial black sect of Islam.

Antero de Alda
Antero de Alda
Portraits & Transfigurations - Portugal

Difficulties of life in the isolated interior of traditional Portugal
Gion Adriu Calzerett
Gion Adriu Calzerett
From The Country Of Angry Winds - Mongolia

The half-nomad lifestyle of the Mongolian steppes
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Featured Exhibit/February 24, 2009

New Arrivals-African Refugees in Malta by Luiz Santos

Luiz Santos photo of African refugee in Malta

UK photographer Luiz Santos documents The Hal Far Open Center for Refugees, also known as Tent Village, in Malta, housing nearly 800 immigrants from many African countries. The Center opened in 2005 to meet the demand of increasing numbers of refugees and economic migrants traveling by boat to Malta. The refugees can spend up to 18 months in detention while Maltese authorities process them. Those who have migrated from so-called "safe" countries, like Ghana, have nowhere to go. According to Santos, many opt to pay Maltese traffickers to take them to Sicily for no less than 2000 euros. View the Exhibit

Also see Santos' exhibit Nation of Islam. Click thumbnail on left

Lori Grinker Joins SDN Advisory Council
SDN is pleased to welcome New York photographer Lori Grinker to its advisory council. In addition to her reportage of events such as the destruction of the World Trade Center, she has delved into several long-term projects, and published two books: The Invisible Thread: A Portrait of Jewish American Women, and Afterwar: Veterans from a World in Conflict. View Grinkers's work at www.lorigrinker.com.

Comment on Exhibits
We encourage all SDN members and the public to provide feedback on posted exhibits. Just click on Viewer Feedback links on the left column of all exhibits and post your comments. Membership is not required.

SDN Media Features
ABC News' Chronicle program in Boston interviewed SocialDocumentary.net founder Glenn Ruga about SDN and featured the work of exhibitors Peter Crabtree, Sarah Bones, Daro Sulakauri, John Sevigny, Wendy Johnson, and Neil White. Watch the show.

The Concord Journal featured SocialDocumentary and created this video on YouTube of SDN Founder Glenn Ruga that also features the work of SDN Advisory Council Member Ed Kashi. Read the article.

The Lowell Sun interviewed Ruga as well and promoted the work of Lowell photographers on SDN: Jessica Hossman, Sarah Coughtry, and Cassandra Heller. Read the article

Visit SDN at Photoshop World in Boston
Visit SDN at the Photoshop World Conference, March 25-27, 2009 at the Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA. Complete conference information.

SDN and Social Networking
SocialDocumentary is now on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Follow our tweets at Twitter; become a fan of SDN on Facebook, join our new SocialDocumentary group on LinkedIn.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored oil workers in Niger, male sex workers in India, Central American immigrant women during their journey north, and Iraqi and Afghan refugees in Greece. Click here to view all of the exhibits.