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Other exhibits featured this week

Diana Castillo and Dariela Diaz

Diana Castillo and Dariela Diaz
Mexico: Passengers

Isabell Zipfel

Isabell Zipfel
Hidden worlds | Male sex workers in India

Michael Hyatt
Michael Hyatt
Migrant Artifacts-US/Mexico Border
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson
Mexico: Xantolo
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Featured Exhibit/February 9, 2009

Ed Kashi Documents the Human Costs of Oil Exploitation in the Niger Delta

Ed Kashi photo of oil workers in Nigeria

Renowned documentary photographer and SDN advisor Ed Kashi's Curse of the Black Gold examines 50 years of oil in West Africa. Now one of the major suppliers of US oil, Nigeria is the sixth largest producer of oil in the world. This exhibit documents the consequences of oil exploration and production in one of the world's foremost centers of biodiversity. It chronicles the lives of local leaders, armed militants, oil workers, and villagers -all of whose fate is inextricably linked-in the ongoing struggle of communities caught in the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty.

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Fotovision Offers Documentary Workshops
fotovisionFotovision is a documentary photography organization dedicated to keeping the tradition of socially concerned photography alive through education, dialogue and community building. Fotovision empowers emerging documentary photographers throughout the San Francisco Bay Area by delivering workshops, classes, public lectures, and portfolio reviews with master photographers like Sebasti�o Salgado, James Nachtwey, Ami Vitale, and Alex Webb. Fotovision's educational programs span topics such as fieldwork, editing, funding and marketing, book publishing, and multi-media issues, which give these photographers the skills, techniques, confidence and support to develop long-term, in-depth documentary photography projects. Public lectures and book signings are open and enjoyed by people from the entire Bay Area. A bimonthly newsletter lists calls for submission, book reviews, articles and events. Find out what Fotovision is offering at the website:  www.fotovision.org or join the email newsletter list and then, become a member.

About this Weekly Spotlight
Each week we send this spotlight to our list of photographers, editors, journalists, educators, and people who are interested in documentary photography and learning more about the world. Please forward this email to your colleagues using the link below.

About SocialDocumentary.net
SocialDocumentary.net is a new website for photographers, NGOs, journalists, editors, and students to create and explore documentary websites investigating critical issues facing the world today. Recent exhibits have explored migrants in Mexico; Latin American women and immigration; male sex workers in India; and deforestation in Ethiopia. Click here to view all of the exhibits.