How do I make more work more meaningful?
I need to look at my perception of what I do for for living. Periodically I fall into a negative outlook of "the tedium of my everyday work" and become self absorbed about what steps I need to do in making myself more comfortable. Sometimes this can feel forced and cause me to become more obsessive.
When I don't feel a larger connection to what I am doing I can feel a kind of emptiness, like something is missing. How can I change this? I know even if what I am doing doesn't have a cosmic meaning, the way I go about it and the interactions I with others around my work can give it meaning beyond the work itself.
This solution is so simple. Think more of others and less about myself. When I pray and mediate about serving others and think less about my own anxiety and my own comfort level, my work magically becomes more fulfilling! When I meet with others and think about how I can help them with their goals and desires it gives more meaning to what I do! With HP's help I can make a dramatic difference on people's lives with what I can offer them and my work becomes more meaningful. :)
CD is now available of the W.A. 2011 World Conference?
A professionally recorded and edited MP3 Audio CD of the 2011 Workaholics Anonymous World Conference held in Austin, Texas from October 28th to 30th, 2011. This CD includes 12 hours of recordings including all conference meetings, workshops, and panels. If you weren't able to attend you can still hear the message!
Group Support section on website & Meeting Development Committee!
Check out the Group Support section on the W.A. website.
There are helpful tools and materials available here that you can download for your group; meeting formats, types of meetings, tips on outreach, W.A. Public Awareness Guidelines, archives to news letters and much more!
Click here to view more.
W.A. also has a Meeting Development committee to offer more ongoing support to new and existing groups.
This committee reaches out to members in groups around the world to help them continue to build a strong meeting and local fellowship. Each committee member is assigned meeting contacts in regional areas.
We are looking for more W.A. members to volunteer to help "sponsor" a group and offer them support and make sure they know about our new Group Support section on the website. This is a wonderful way to provide service and get to know other W.A. members around the world!
Please contribute what you can for your meetings. :)W.A operates on contributions from it's members and literature sales. Please don't forget to go online and make a contribution to W.A. if you only go to phone meetings. You can click here donate. |
Purchase Our Books Online!
The Book Of Discovery
A guide to the 12 Steps
The Workaholics Anonymous Book of Discovery is a guide that provides step instruction, questions, activities, and stories-all with room to write and reflect as necessary, in a large spiral-bound, three-hole punch volume. The book is designed to lay completely flat so as to be easily used for writing as well as for protective storing in a three-ring notebook of your choice with other loose or extra pages if desired. This workbook can be used alone, with a sponsor or used with a group in a meeting format.
Click here for online purchase You can also purchase through the mail. Price: $25. Plus $4.95 shipping and handling anywhere in the US. Send your check to WSO Web Payment Center, PO Box 56416, Portland, OR, 97238.
The Book of Recovery
W.A.'s first publication, The Book of Recovery is our main text. It has valuable information for all recovering workaholics; history, stories, guidance in working the steps and tools to help you with your recovery program! Click here for online purchase