W.A. World Service Organization Newsletter
Living in Balance E-NewsetterOctober 2010
In This Issue
W.A. 2010 World Conference in Menlo Park, CA
Quick Links
We hope this correspondence finds you happy and living in the now, enjoying the journey. ;)

More information W.A. World Conference in only 2 weeks - register now space is limited!

Go forward and live in harmony and balance!

Michele S., Outreach Coordinator
Workaholics Anonymous

Living in Balance, the WA print newsletter, needs your stories; finding WA, struggles and your progress in recovery.  Please send contributions to: [email protected]

Being Present To The Moment

"Miracles are constantly occuring around us. The issue is not these miracles are absent. The issue is that often WE are absent. We are standing on a hill of diamonds, and we are looking for the gold mine beyond the next ridge. Thank goodness I have walked in circles long enough to wear the soles of my shoes so thin that the diamonds on which I stand can now get my attention".


Ring a bell??  I LOVED this when I read it - I have A LOT of diamonds in my life and I have adopted this term with my family. We remind each other to think about our diamonds when we are not feeling greatful. ;)

2010 W.A. World Conference 

This year, the W.A. World Service Conference will be held in just two weeks and there is still time to register! Download all the information on the conference's schedule and travel instructions here.

Conference is held Friday through Sunday, 29-31st, 2010 in Menlo Park, California at the Vallombrosa Retreat Center, with an optional Pre-Conference day on Thursday, October 28th. To register download here, print and send in the registration form and pay with a check or pay online for your registration, room, and pre-conference.

Book of Discovery, W.A. WorkbookThe "BOOK OF DISCOVERY"
A guide to the 12 Steps    

The Book of Discovery is available online.
This is the 2nd book published by Workaholics Anonymous (W.A.).  The Workaholics Anonymous Book of Discovery: A Guide to 12 Step Writing and Reflection is available for online purchase here.  
This guide provides step instruction, questions, activities, and stories-all with room to write and reflect as necessary, in a large spiral-bound, three-hole punch volume. The book is designed to lay completely flat so as to be easily used for writing as well as for protective storing in a three-ring notebook of your choice with other loose or extra pages if desired. This workbook can be used alone, with a sponsor or used with a group in a meeting format.

You can also purchase through the mail.  Price: $25. Plus $4.95 shipping and handling anywhere in the US. Send your check to WSO Web Payment Center, PO Box 56416, Portland, OR, 97238.

W.A.'s first publication and the main text. Valuable information for all recovering workaholics; history, stories, guidance in working the steps and tools to help you with your recovery program!