W.A. World Service Organization Newsletter
Living in Balance E-Newsetter January 2010
In This Issue
Book of Discovery
Regional Outreach
Outreach & Sponsoring
Quick Links
Happy New Year!
We are starting the new year out with great outreach news in W.A.!  South Eastern 2010 Conference this March and the W.A. Outreach Committee working on projects. Read on for more information.

Help us update our records! If you are fortunate to be able belong to a group that has a W.A. face to face meeting can you please check our website to make sure all your information is accurate?  Is the day, time, location, contact person and all other info are all correct? If not, can you please contact the W.A. registrar and send the correct information?

If your group is NOT on the list - please send your information so we can get your info online. We are trying to make sure all of the information on the site is up to date and current.  Click here to view the meeting page online. If you want to start a meeting in your area but you don't know anyone else around you, send us your information and we will put you on a list online for "PENDING" meetings. This is a person that wants others to see that they want to start a meeting then people interested in your area will contact you. This info should also be sent to the registrar. You can contact them by filling out our online form here.

Thanks so much for your help. It is greatly appreciated!! 

Living in Balance, the WA print newsletter, needs your stories; finding WA, struggles and your progress in recovery.  Please send contributions to: newsletter@workaholics-anonymous.org. The next issue hopes to feature the "Tools of WA".
Go forward and live in harmony and balance!
Michele S., Outreach Coordinator
Workaholics Anonymous
Book of Discovery, W.A. WorkbookThe "BOOK OF DISCOVERY"
A guide to the 12 Steps    
The Book of Discovery is available online.
This is the 2nd book published by Workaholics Anonymous (W.A.).  The Workaholics Anonymous Book of Discovery: A Guide to 12 Step Writing and Reflection is available for online purchase here.  
This guide provides step instruction, questions, activities, and stories-all with room to write and reflect as necessary, in a large spiral-bound, three-hole punch volume. The book is designed to lay completely flat so as to be easily used for writing as well as for protective storing in a three-ring notebook of your choice with other loose or extra pages if desired. This workbook can be used alone, with a sponsor or used with a group in a meeting format.
You can also purchase through the mail.  Price: $25. Plus $4.95 shipping and handling anywhere in the US. Send your check to WSO Web Payment Center, PO Box 56416, Portland, OR, 97238.
W.A.'s first publication and the main text. Valuable information for all recovering workaholics; history, stories, guidance in working the steps and tools to help you with your recovery program!
 WA Home Page Header Graphic
South Eastern Outreach!
We are very excited to announce a Regional W.A. Workshop in the Southeast put on by our enthusiastic W.A. members in North Carolina, USA! GREAT job on outreach!!

KEEP IT SIMPLE:  Workaholics Anonymous South Retreat 2010
March 20-21, 2010 ~~~ Ramada River Ridge, Asheville, North Carolina
How to Get There:  Ramada River Ridge is located at 800 Fairview Road, Asheville, NC  28803.  Additional information is available online at www.ramadariverridge.com. 
Lodging:  A small block of rooms will be held through March 1, 2010 at the special group rate of $61 plus tax per room, per night.  This rate includes a Complimentary Deluxe Hot Breakfast Bar (eggs, breads, cold and hot cereals, fruits, yogurt, coffee, tea).  A limited number of in-room refrigerators and microwaves are available on request.  To reserve your room, please call the hotel directly at 1-828-298-9141; ask for the WA Southeast room block.
Schedule:  Retreat registration will open at 1:30pm on Saturday.  The first meeting will begin at 2pm.  The last meeting will end at noon on Sunday.  
Download and print registration form here. (Page 8 of the newsletter).
Workshops will include:
 Developing sobriety plan; top/bottom lines
 First step (actually some work in workbook then share); probably will have someone share their story/1st step as well
 Art/play workshop
Starting a fellowship/building W.A. South, including deciding whether to become 1st formal W.A. intergroup
$25 early bird registration ends Jan 20, 2010.
Rooms are $61 per night, include hot breakfast, done directly through hotel.  
Meals on your own other than breakfast; (most of us will gather at a particular healthy, nearby restaurant to continue fellowship).
Scholarships:  Limited scholarships are available to WA members.  For more information, send an E-mail message to breathdeeplyslowly@hotmail.com.
Outreach and Sponsoring    

W.A. Outreach Committee

We are working on what will eventually be the official W.A. Public Awareness Campaign and guidelines for outreach approved by the W. A. World Board. The group is also putting together an outreach pamphlet for members and groups to use - it will include our outreach guidelines as well as ideas on how each group and individual can attract more members to our fellowship and help other suffering workaholics. More to come this summer! I will keep you updated on our progress. If you would like to be involved and have input on these projects join our Outreach Committee! Contact me if you are interested and I'll get you on the list.


Sponsor Someone in W.A.!

Want to receive the great spiritual growth and benefits that comes with  sponsoring another member in W.A.? Let us know and we will put you on the list of members willing to sponsor someone in the program. New members contact us regularly looking for a W.A. sponsor. I am fortunate enough to be on the contact list for sponsors and I have new members contact me by email and phone looking for a sponsor. This is a great part of my spiritual growth; explaining the program, the steps, meetings, fellowship and other tools to new members. It really is a GREAT break in my day and helps keep me on track on what I need to be doing.

Try it! It really does help your program. J