W.A. World Service Organization Newsletter
Living in Balance E-Newsetter November 2009 
In This Issue
NEW: Book of Discovery
2009 World Conference
Quick Links
Yes, this is the November 2009 newsletter coming out a bit late. So sorry for the delay! I hope this finds you happy, grateful and rested.
Our "Book of Discovery" workbook available for purchase online. A GREAT way to work through the steps!
We would love to receive any submissions for this
e-newsletter and for our more extensive, printed newsletter that is mailed quarterly.
Go forward and live in harmony and balance!
Michele S., Outreach Coordinator
Workaholics Anonymous
Book of Discovery, W.A. WorkbookThe "BOOK OF DISCOVERY"
A guide to the 12 Steps    
Our new workbook is available for purchase online.
 "A Guide to 12 Step Writing and Reflection."
This is the 2nd book published by Workaholics Anonymous (W.A.).  The Workaholics Anonymous Book of Discovery: A Guide to 12 Step Writing and Reflection is available for online purchase here.  
This guide provides Step instruction, questions, activities, and stories-all with room to write and reflect as necessary, in a large spiral-bound, three-hole punch volume. The book is designed to lay completely flat so as to be easily used for writing as well as for protective storing in a three-ring notebook of your choice with other loose or extra pages if desired.

This workbook can be used alone, with a sponsor or used with a group in a meeting format. Our hope is that, by providing this place for Step focus and for personal writing, the fellowship is sparked to take a new look at the Steps and how they can be navigated to healthy and lighter living.

You can also purchase through the mail.  Price: $25. Plus $4.95 shipping and handling anywhere in the US. Send your check to WSO Web Payment Center, PO Box 56416, Portland, OR, 97238.
2009 World Conference in 
Durham, North Carolina
October 16-18, 2009

Our World Conference was a great success! We had members from all over the world come together.
We experienced wonderful sharing and fellowship discussing topics like; W.A. Outreach, Service Work, Beyond Self-reliance, Keeping Work in its Place, Keeping Work in its Place, Staying Sane at Work, Living our Lives and Keeping Our Minds Where God Wants Them. :)
The board had a great discussion on W.A. Outreach and an outreach committee was put together. The committee will create a set of guidelines for a Public Awareness Campaign, as well as a new outreach pamphlet with ideas to get the word out locally. More info will on this early 2010.
The North Carolina folks were so excited they have put together a regional conference in March 2010 to strengthen the fellowship in their area! You can contact them for more info here if you interested in attending or finding out how you can do the same in your area!
Thank you to all who came and for those who missed it this year... we will have information available soon on where and when the 2010 conference will be!
 WA Home Page Header GraphicA.A.S. - W.A.'s Sister Organization
For those of you who are not aware. W.A. has a sister organization that serves Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Anonyme Arbeitssuchtige - you can view their website here:  http://www.arbeitssucht.de.
A.A.S invited two members from W.A. to visit them at their world conference.  I, along with Moira H. had the great honor to represent organization at their conference held in Freiburg, Germany in early November 2009.
There was excitement about our visit and growing enthusiasm among the fellowship throughout the conference about the two organizations connecting and helping each other grow. We believe we made some lasting friendships and feel the trip was a great success.
We brought 10 copies of our new workbook and talked about it being on sale online on Amazon and soon to be on our site.

Told them about Workanon - they didn't know about it. They now have a link to the workanon website on their site. :)

We explained to them how we were using the website to get members in touch with each other with the PENDING meeting status and told them it was a helpful way in using our website for members looking for meetings in their area. They liked that idea quite a bit.

We talked about our struggle with the cultural message about work and the problem we face in spreading the word and educating people. They too have the same problem. I told them we planned to create a Public Awareness Campaign and about the policies we were going to set up.  Numerous members liked that idea. They have no policies in place either.

We told about our monthly e-newsletter and the written quarterly one. I informed them how to sign up for both.

We talked about how we really wanted to connect and continue to communicate our ideas and help each of our organizations grow.