The Power of Forgivness
How do I let go of my resentments through forgiveness?
After we figure out what resentments we have in working step 4 and talking about them in step 5, discussing how they effect us in different areas of our lives with our sponsor and/or another W.A. member - we begin to move towards letting them go.
There is a lot of into in the W.A. Book Of Recovery and the Big Book of A.A. on the subject - full of instructions on how to look at our behavior patterns in relation to these harbored resentments, the areas in our lives they effect and how to prayer for ourselves and the other person.
There is something I read recently that I wanted to share with you all.
It was a list called "Ground Rules for Successful Aging".
Here are the two rules that referred to resentments:
Forgive Yourself
At any moment you did whtever you did, you saw life in a very particular way. If you were wiser and more aware, you could have acted very differently, but you weren't. Forgive yourself for not being wiser and more aware. Forgive yourself for acting consistent wity your limited awareness. You did the very best you could with the equipment you had.
Let Go Of Resentment
Forgive the person for not being wiser and more aware. Forgive the person for acting consistenly with his or her limied ability. Forgive so you can heal your hurt and get on with your life.
Hope that gives you something to think about and helps you with letting go of resentments. :)
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