W.A. World Service Organization Newsletter
Living in Balance E-Newsetter June 2009 
In This Issue
W.A. Service Work
2009 World Conference
Quick Links
We hope that this letter finds you in a happy, grateful and balanced living situation. Our theme this month is how to balance our W.A. service work and continue to have a healthy balance in our work and personal life.
We would love to receive any submissions for this
e-newsletter and for our more extensive, printed newsletter that is mailed quarterly.
Go forward and live in harmony and balance!
Michele S., Outreach Coordinator
Workaholics Anonymous
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WA Service Work & Healthy Work Habits

How can I do 12 step work and service work in W.A. and keep myself abstinent from unhealthy work habits and work a good spiritual program?

The Importance of Service Work
W. A. service work and 12 step work is an important part of my spiritual program that keeps me in a good balance with work, play and rest. "Carrying the Message" to other workholics that suffer helps me get out of my "self absorbed" nature which is ALWAYS good :)

Getting out of myself and helping someone else helps reiterate what I should be doing in my program and makes me feel grateful about the progress I have made in healing through the program's 12 steps.
Our collective big benefit? - our fellowship will grow! 

More people that will understand workaholism and about W.A., as well as more opportunities of 12 step work for us to help others, which helps our spiritual programs. Not to mention more meetings throughout the U.S. and the world
for us to visit. :) 
How can I help other's with 12 step and W.A. service work?
  • Sponsoring others and helping someone through working the steps.
  • Provide support and speaking with their family if they want to talk.
  • Giving the newcomer some of our W. A. Pamphlets for them and
    their family to read and then directing them to our website.
  • Chairing meetings.
  • Informing other 12 step groups about your meeting.
  • Filling a position to serve our group; treasurer, group representative,
    secretary, outreach, etc.
  • Serving on the W. A. Board.
How do I balance service and my tendency to over work?
I want to experience the benefits of my service work but am concerned about keeping a healthy balance.
  • Outline Top and Bottom Line behaviors - pages 217-219 in the W.A. Book of Recovery. This is a GREAT guideline to help in keep an eye on having a healthy abstinence program.
  • Do a daily written 10 step to evaluate work behaviors and make sure
    I am getting the proper balance in my work, play and rest. This can take as little as 5 minutes a day.
  • If I commit to a new activity, I need to look at "whats already on my plate" and see what I need remove that will take up the same amount of the time my new commitment is going to take. If I cannot let anything go at this time, I need to wait to take on something new until I can free up some time by letting something else go. Refer to the W.A. book, page 218, bullet 5.


We want to hear from you about how you balance W.A. 12 step and service work and your spiritual program. Please submit articles, suggestions and tips to newsletter@workaholics-anonymous.org. We need everyone's help.

We want to help you grow the fellowship in your area and will be happy to support you in any way we can! Contact us is you need help or have any questions!

2009 World Conference in 
Durham, North Carolina
3 Day Conference
Our Theme - The Tools of Recovery
October 16-18, 2009

Come play and recover with us amidst the beautiful
fall colors of North Carolina. Relax and share experience, strength and hope with fellow W.A. members in a setting conducive to growth at the Avila Retreat Center, located in Durham, NC. Creative activities planned! The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop working compulsively. :)
You can get a lot more information about the upcoming conference on
our website here.
The Avila Retreat Center is a retreat center, nestled among 51 acres of rolling countryside, offers a meditation trails and a labyrinth. See www.dioceseofraleigh.org  for a map or more information or call 919-477-1285.