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Volume 5 | Issue 20 | Through April 24, 2012
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EMR Integration
Epic's 70-mile stretch UCH and University of Colorado Health partner Poudre Valley Hospital System have taken the first steps in a long journey toward building one massive integrated electronic medical record. When complete, the integration will unite the two geographically distant organizations under the Epic Systems umbrella. >>More
Epic Systems Sign
Coming soon to a clinic near you There have been go-live waves and Big Bangs. Get ready for Part 3, "Epic: the Upgrade." It's set for release May 19. >>More
Hill Benjamin
Walking the walk for health and wellness A large crowd gathered last week at the soon-to-open Colorado Health and Wellness Center to celebrate National Public Health Week and beat the drum for a health care system based on disease prevention. U.S. Surgeon General Regina Benjamin (far right, with the center's executive director, Jim Hill), led the crowd on a one-mile walk around campus.   >>More

Richard Krugman
The dean of deans At 20 years and counting, CU's Richard Krugman, MD, is now the longest-serving medical school dean in the country. But it all started as what he thought was a temporary delay in a planned trip to Belgium.  >>More
3D Patient Room
Virtual boots on the ground The hospital's massive tower expansion project is hewing to its ambitious construction schedule with the help of cutting-edge digital construction plans. Right: what a patient room looks like,  3-D style.  >>More
Patient falls take a prolonged tumble After 15 years of frustratingly inconsistent efforts, the patient fall rate at UCH has been trending downward the past year and is now at the goal for the fiscal year. One key: encouraging unit staff to develop prevention plans for their specific patient populations.  >>More
Laura Satorie
Sidebar: keeping patients upright on 12 West  In one effort, Occupational Therapy provided training and equipment to help staff move patients more safely. Another initiative, meanwhile, looks at whether getting the unit's elderly patients up more often will help keep them from going down. 12 West Charge Nurse Laura Satorie, RN (left), shows yellow tape marks that help staff measure how far patients walk.   >>More
Barbara and Richard Stevens
Potomac Street and the price of progress In This Hospital Life: The economic flowering on the Anschutz Medical Campus and the surrounding environs has helped spur an I-225 highway improvment that is desperately needed to accommodate the growth. But the largely positive developments have had a downside for nearby neighbors like Barbara and Richard Stevens (right), who have been relegated to a kind of underground status. Plus: "What You Read."  >>More
Dried RNA
Chill out or dry up? Clinical research at the Cancer Center and elsewhere relies heavily on genetic material like RNA. It's traditionally been preserved by freezing, but a CU initiative is studying whether drying the samples could be just as effective -- and much less costly. Left: Professional Research Assistant Steven Robinson handles dried samples. >>More
Step into Gear Green
Around UCH Our regular round-up of goings-on, big and small, in and around the hospital. This issue: benefits enrollment around the corner; gimme drugs; HRA prizes; UCH prepares to step out (right); more. >>More

Skillbred and Hemstreet
President's Awards feature caring, team sharing and more The hospital this week honored those who gave outstanding service during the second trimester of fiscal year 2012. The Cancer Center's Justin Skilbred and Stacy Hemstreet (with VP of Ambulatory Services Suzanne Sullivan, center), received an Outstanding Service Award for the compassionate care they provided a patient with non small cell lung cancer. >>More
Selling the hospital In this edition of the Media, Marketing, Bits of Business blog: events at hospital abound in Q1 2012; cutting-edge cardiac procedure draws local coverage. (Available exclusively to readers with acess to Hub, the hospital's intranet site.)  >>More
Dean Krugman's news The latest at the School of Medicine. >>More
Fitz Credit Union March 2012
Hybrid OR
The Do-It-All Operating Room
Set to open next week, the ultra-high-tech hybrid OR accommodates cardiac and vascular surgery and interventional cardiology procedures in a single room. It's the result, providers say, of the unprecedented treatment choices now available to cardiology patients. >>Go
Schaeper Myint McIntosh BMT
A Thanks for the Gift of Life
Six years ago, acute lymphoblastic leukemia shattered the life of then teenager Brice McIntosh. Late last month, McIntosh got a chance to thank the young woman from Germany who saved his life. Above: McIntosh (right) with bone marrow donor Henrike Schaeper and his BMT surgeon Han Myint, MD. >>Go
Compliance staff 
Audit Question: Was It Worth It?

A two-week federal audit of 160 Medicare patient records required hundreds of hospital staff hours and 10 months to identify overpayments that made up less than 1 percent of millions of dollars of charges. It left the hospital's Compliance team (above) with plenty of questions -- and frustration. >>Go

Study: Medicaid Patients More Likely to Use ED   

And the problem is likely to get worse if the Affordable Care Act extends Medicaid coverage to millions more, says a CU Emergency Medicine physician. The cure: a stable source of easily accessible primary care. >>Go


UCH in the News
An an athlete-turned-MD's new way to knock people out; a clinician's write stuff; shining a light on skin cancer; more. Mentions: Frank Accurso; Tim Byers; Robert Dellavalle; Ryan Gamble; Robert Greer; Stephen Hunger; Daniel Matlock; Gregory Myers; Alex Polotsky; Dan Theodorescu. >>Go