StapletonLennar Homes
Volume 4 | Issue 24| Through June 21, 2011
Nearby How Near
Physician Briefing
Tower Construction

Heavy construction about to shake the Critical Care Wing Walls - permanent and otherwise - are coming down and going up as heavy construction to link the CCW to the new inpatient tower begins next week. Clinicians, contractors and staff have been meeting to hold down the noise, vibration and disruption for patients>>More 

North of campus, the Science + Tech Park gets some new energy The dreamed-of bubbling scientific lab and commercial hothouse for faculty members still has just one building on it. A new director and a bigger board look "to get this thing going. And I mean literally tomorrow morning." >>More


Thomas Flaig

FDA clears promising therapy for advanced prostate cancer patients 

After a phase III trial at UCH, described in a New England Journal of Medicine article last month by the Cancer Center's Thomas Flaig, MD (left), patients across the U.S. can now use a promising new hormone therapy. >>More 


Heart Valves 2

UCH builds a novel Heart Valve Clinic No one can live well - much less long - with leaky, narrowed or diseased heart valves. And none of the growing number of ways to treat them works for everyone. A new, collaborative way for patients, families and referring physicians to choose the right one has begun at the Cardiac & Vascular Center. Sidebar. The wait - and race - to use a "game changer." >>More

Roop Elliman

A research center turns entrepreneurial The new Gates Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Biology, with its dozens of physicians and scientists, has "significant" momentum. But with fewer hard-to-get NIH grants available, it hopes to start generating revenue. It has turned to a keen businessman (Don Elliman, foreground, with the center's founding director, Dennis Roop, PhD) to help lead the way. >>More 


Meagan Beard

"It's not just clinical"  Third-year med students - trained largely to treat or halt disease - are now getting a taste of the complex care for patients who need to cope with disease as well as psycho-social and spiritual issues. Right: UCH social worker Meagan Beard, LSW, serves as a preceptor to students for "Palliative Day." >>More

Linda Gunnison

The air they breathe In a complex health care system where it often takes a multidisciplinary village to make things work, an important part of the machinery that creates safe patient discharge sometimes falls to the hospital's lone respiratory case manager, Linda Gunnison (left). >>More 


But out of breath This Hospital Life: Linda Gunnison jokingly calls her frenetic job evaluating oxygen needs and arranging respiratory therapy for patients her "weight management program." Our reporter, for one, needed oxygen after following her around for a few hours. Plus: "What You Read" and a skin cancer clarification.  >>More


Purposeful Visits

An oasis in seniors' "desert of cognitive and social interaction" 

A structured effort to restore elderly patients' sense of purpose and combat delirium and loneliness by stirring up enjoyable memories won top honors for innovative care at a national conference in Dallas last month. Now Harvard and Cogent have come calling. Plus: a volunteer brings light to patients' lives. Left: some of the staff and volunteers who made the "purposeful visit" program possible>>More 


Mary Beth Martin

"One hospital speaks adult, the other pediatric" The first executive director of UCH's and Children's new jointly operated service for women delivering certain at-risk fetuses arrived to find a lot of the work of marrying two talented multidisciplinary staffs well underway. Mary Beth Martin (right) hopes to schedule the new Colorado Institute of Maternal & Fetal Health's first delivery by late summer. >>More

RN Survey Poster

 Around UCH Our regular round-up of goings-on, big and small, in and around the hospital. This issue: a spring in the step from the RN Survey (right); a blood drive for steak and pie; going undercover to fight colorectal cancer; Bike to Work Day rolls around; more.


Dean Krugman's news The latest about what's going on at the School of Medicine. >>More


Premium Dollars
Good News about Health Insurance Premiums?
Well, sort of. They're going up, but far less than double digits and national averages this time. The result was one of the hopes the hospital, the university and UPI nurtured when they went to a self-insurance plan last year. Sidebar. Some coverage tweaks for 2012. >>Go

Call for Help with Admissions, Discharges
Still looking for ways to get patients into beds faster and more safely, some floors are bringing "capacity nurses" back. The first surprise: finding out when peak hours really are. >>Go

Joseph Kay
A Big Gap in Care
Thousands of Coloradoans have congenital heart problems. But pediatricians may be uncomfortable treating them as adults and adult cardiologists aren't always trained in the specialized care these patients continue to need. UCH and Children's are working together to bridge the care gap. Above: Adult Congenital Heart Defect program Director Joe Kay, MD. >>Go

Crash Car 3
An Even Bigger P.A.R.T.Y.
The hospital hit the road more this school year to touch - and maybe even preserve - the lives of more than 3,000 high schoolers not always known for responsible, safe driving. Up next: data about the program's ultimate impact. Above: students view a crash car, the program's signature prop. >>Go

UCH in the News
Digesting bacterial outbreak news; pre-birth brain injuries; a limb study branches out; more. Mentions: Jennifer Armstrong-Wells; Ross Camidge; Ethan Cumbler; Thomas Flaig; William Hiatt; Yosef Refaeli; Elaine Scallan; Brian Turner. >>Go