Stapleton May 2011Lennar Homes
Volume 4 | Issue 22 | Through May 24, 2011
Parkwood Homes
Physician Briefing
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Lara Hardesty

Fall-out from revised mammogram guidelines 2009's hotly debated federal mammography guidelines have led to decreases in the number of breast cancer screenings and the percentage of providers who recommend them to patients in their 40s, studies by UCH Mammography Chief Lara Hardesty, MD, found. >>More 

Medical Benefits

Enrollment time Annual employee benefits enrollment for fiscal year 2012 starts May 13. All employees will have to re-enroll by May 30, using the Lawson Employee Self Service system. >>More

Pushing prostate care out of "the dark ages" UCH's Urologic Oncology Clinic is pushing to find alternatives to prostatectomies and a "revolution" in the treatment of "small cancers." It's the recipient of a sizable endowment to help the cause.  >>More 


Marc Bingham 2

Too late for him, but not for others The $2 million gift to UCH's Urologic Oncology Clinic won't help donor Marc Bingham (right) avoid the procedure he was dreading, but Bingham hopes it will help others recover without it. Sidebar: The real estate rodeo rider and the targeted therapy that saved his prostate and, perhaps, his life. >>More

When complaining about parking is harder than parking In This Hospital Life: banished to covered parking in the Henderson Garage, forced to endure treks of up to 800 steps, left to battle frolicking squirrels, our harried correspondent still couldn't muster the expected outrage against his employer/oppressor. Plus: "What You Read" and a Final Word on a Perioperative Services omission>>More


Larry Allen

Subspecialty care for the uninsured Volunteer providers from UCH's Cardiac & Vascular Center are staffing an occasional UPI clinic that offers rare subspeciality care for the un- and under-insured. Left: Cardiologist Larry Allen, a clinic volunteer, takes an echocardiogram during his examination of an uninsured patient. >>More 


Nicole Braun

The hard fight to quit smoking 

There are an estimated 250 UCHers who smoke, and eight - a record - started the hospital's new smoking cessation program last March. One beat the "powerful addiction." Now the hospital is ready to launch round two of its "Freedom from Smoking." program. Sidebar: More than three weeks without cheating for SICU nurse Nicole Braun (right). >>More

Danny roop

Two ex-smokers at the head of the class 

Both respiratory therapists, no less, they stress quitting isn't easy, but it can be done. Left: Instructor Danny Roop, smoke-free eight years, says he helps smokers develop the "mind set" necessary to kick the habit. >>More 


Sim lab takes the mannequin to the mountain It's especially hard for non-urban providers to gain the great edge medical simulation gives in practicing tough procedures. With the help of a grant, though, the hospital's WELLS Center could soon hit the road to give it to them>>More


Park Lane Joan Coleman

Around UCH Hospital volunteers dig Park Lane Elementary (right); pound the pavement for transplant; karaoke time at UCH; kick-off shows staffers have sole; UEXCEL recognition; more. >>More

Take Your Child to Work Day Lab

The next generation? The hospital welcomed 100 youngsters to its third annual "Take Your Child to Work Day." The kids toured the facility, getting a close look at the place their parents go to work - and at jobs they may hold someday. >>More 


Dean Krugman's news The latest about what's going on at the School of Medicine. >>More


Inpatient "Big Bang" Delayed
But just a little. Mindful of how crowded the hospital is on most Thursdays, the big, complex Epic go-live for inpatient services was pushed back two days to Sept. 3, a Saturday. >>Go

Robert Eckel Teri Hernandez
Liposuction Weight Quickly Resettles
Surgeons took it off, but it wound up in different places, concluded a campus study that set off a national buzz. Above: study leaders Robert Eckel, MD, and Teri L. Hernandez, PhD, RN. >>Go

Transplant Anesthesia
More than Numbing up and Knocking Out

As a liver transplant patient teetered on the brink of death, two anesthesiologists (above) stepped in with a demonstration of just how cool their specialty has become.


NICU Magnet RNs
The Most Magnetic Magnet Nurses

The hospital is packed with skilled nurses. But their peers selected a top 10 to receive the first-ever Magnet Nurse of the Year awards. Above, left to right: Kirtley Ceballos, Christy Math and Cheri Anttila of the NICU each earned honors.


Recruiting with Facebook
A program to reward employees for providing leads to recruits who join the staff has already yielded 140 new colleagues since last July. Human Resources is using Facebook to try to accelerate the pace. >>Go

UCH in the News
Fat bounces back; sweet news for sugar; a study not worth its salt; more. Mentions: Sarah Anderson; Ryan Borne; Ethan Cumbler; Heather Driscoll; Robert Eckel; Jeffrey Glasheen; Lara Hardesty; Teri L. Hernandez; Richard Johnson; Christina Little. >>Go