Fitzsimons 3Stapleton 33011
Volume 4 | Issue 19 | Through April 12, 2011
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Physician Briefing

The employee parking shift goes live April 4 Almost all day-shift staff members who park in the surface lot west of the AIP will make their long-awaited temporary move across Colfax on Monday. And then the big cluster of on-campus construction projects will accelerate again. >>More




US News names UCH best hospital in the metro area It added the four specialties it ranks UCH as among the nation's best to 10 more "high-performing" specialties, and declared the hospital numero uno. >>More

Its workload easing a bit, Pharmacy preps for next Epic rounds

Pressed by a "continous go-live," working with an Epic application still in its infancy, and overcoming a string of early, unanticipated technical challenges, Pharmacy presses on toward resolving a small mountain of issues generated since the February 1 go live. Plenty of work remains, but department leaders say what they learn every day will serve them well when a new wave of ambulatory clinics goes live in late April. >>More

Where employee satisfaction is lowest, managers get some help Forty-one work groups - 20 percent of all groups at UCH - graded out with the lowest levels of employee satisfaction in the latest Employee Opinion Survey. Managers from 20 of those "tier 3" units are now meeting monthly to search for ways to make things better. >>More


Disruptive Behavior


Sidebar: What UCH's least-satisfied groups have in common In many, a closer look at the results of the latest Employee Opinion Survey showed it's "disruptive" behavior. One in five employees hospital-wide, in fact, say they've got a troublesome colleague in their group. But just what is disruptive behavior? A couple of units have reached some conclusions. >>More


Jean Kutner 3

Docs choose Kutner president elect Internist Jean Kutner (right), elected second in command of the Medical Staff, started her term with "a different perspective" on care and a yen to understand more about how the hospital works. >>More

da vinci surgical team

Now being used for thoracic surgeries, too, volume on the robot grows 

General Thoracic Surgery Chief John Mitchell, MD, is the first in the area to use the da Vinci robot for certain thoracic surgeries and has become a fan. The biggest limit of the technology may be its availability. Left: Mitchell, second from left, with surgical team members (from left) Tamara Mayne, Shauna Sutton and Ronny Lamar
. >>More
Eugenia Carroll

Big hearts At the Cardiac & Vascular Center, it turns out empathy is a communicable condition. In This Hospital Life, Eugenia Carroll, MD (right), discusses taking her concern for kids to the streets. >>More

UCH in the News High hopes for altitude study; pacemaker advance; condom conundrum; more. Mentions: John Adgate; Ryan Aleong; Gregory Austin; Ying Chen; Steve Hess; David Kaplan; Michael McDermott; Benjamin Miller; Vasilis Vasiliou; Roxana Wittwer. >>More


Take Your Child to Work Day


Around UCH 

Our regular round-up of goings-on, big and small, in and around the hospital. This issue: HRA goes into OT; Nightingale nominees; get your kids ready for work (left); more
. >>More





Dean Krugman's news The latest about what's going on at the School of Medicine. >>More


PSCU September 2010
The Revenue Cycle "Big Bang"
By any name, the April 12 Epic go-live may be the most ambitious yet. It means all Ambulatory Clinics will switch their scheduling, registration, health information management and billing from IDX to Epic. >>Go
Paige Patterson Bedboard
Hospital Manager Paige Patterson helps Neurosurgery ICU Nurse Frank Newsome with new patient-tracking application on go-live day March 22.
Room with a New View of Rooms
Last week, UCH became an "early adopter" of a new, hospital-wide application that improves its ability to track which patients are in which bed, when, and the best ways to manage their travels. One goal: shorten patients' waits in an always-full hospital. >>Go

Liver Transplant Reunion
One Liver,
Two Lives, 57 Years Apart
The fantastic story of how one donor saved the lives of two people - one a 59-year-old at UCH; the other a two-year-old at TCH - reached an even brighter moment March 28 as man and boy got to meet for the first time. >>Go

Stephanie Brown Ben Meyerhoff
More Contact, More Patient Satisfaction
For providers, quality care is outcomes. For payers, it's low costs. But for patients, it's patient satisfaction, and Interventional Pain Management found a way to improve it with regular phone calls. Above: Charge Nurse Stephanie Brown and Practice Manager Ben Meyerhoff with a presentation of the work.  >>Go

Emily Kauvar Bietel Belay
Researchers' Dream, Two Years Later
What happens two years after two CU med students (Emily Kauvar (left) and Bietel Belay, above) are tapped for a dream research scholars program? Herein, a non-double-blind, statistically insignificant study of whether it led them, as hoped, to a career in academic medicine.  >>Go