Employee survey results arrive. Turnout improved again, and employees mostly said they were satisfied with the hospital's overall direction and their own working conditions,.More work groups are operating at a high "Tier 1" level. But about 20 percent remain in the lowest, "Tier 3" level of performance. Leadership is mulling ways to change that. >>More
With two insurers' moves, Colorado Medicare patients' options narrow SecureHorizons and Humana's recent Medicare plan changes have got some UCH patients in need of new coverage options. >>More
A few more doubts about hormone treatments Along with her colleagues, a UCH and School of Medicine gynecological oncologist has added some hard evidence linking estrogen replacement therapy to ovarian cancers. But lead researcher Monique Spillman (right) stresses the therapy's value for some patients. >>More
An Epic trade-off A core group Epic project leaders are in the middle of a debate about what happens to clinical decision-making support when the new electronic medical record starts to go live in February. >>More
"A position never before seen at UCH" Three months after creating a new post and a new model, transporters are off to the races. The hospital has cut often-ignored but vital patient transport times by a third. Right: some members of the transport team gather in their AIP basement headquarters. >>More
Miniature bodies. Outsized challenges. In the NICU, respiratory therapy takes on a new meaning with patients' lungs literally the size of a peanut, unable to accommodate more than a couple of milliliters of oxygen. Left: tiny mask that fits over the nose of a neonate delivers lifesaving air. >>More
Cancer Day divides and conquers With a new marketing and management strategy and a new name for the provider portion of the event, Colorado Cancer Day drew record-breaking numbers of clinicians and patients to campus November 6. >>More
UCH broadens support for the school next door 88% of the kids qualify for free lunches, which may be their only full meal of the day. Books are scarce. Scores are shaky. But with the help of UCH and campus partners, Park Lane Elementary is beefing up its resources, involving families, and focusing on nutrition and science. Turkey and food donations and much more assistance from UCH is on the way. >>More
Hospital tips its cap to service-oriented staff The 2010 President's Award Dinner celebrated the dozens of employees and partners who have helped make the hospital profitable and efficient - not to mention safer and more humane. Right: Senior Medical Director of Anesthesiology Jose Melendez, MD (center), with Partnership in Leadership Award winners Brian Davidson and Ashley Nassau. >>More
Bioentrepreneurs? The new department of bioengineering at UCD is less than a year old, but already has 17 students, a bench full of clinical implications and an ophthalmology product in "hush mode." >>More
UCH in the News The perils of sleep deprivation; drug seeking in the ER; the ethics of pharma payments; more. Mentions: Linda J. ("B") Burton; Ross Camidge; John Corboy; E. David Crawford; Jason Hoppe; Richard Krugman; Cara Mack; Randall Meacham; Michael Weissberg. >>More
Around UCH Our regular round-up of goings-on, big and small, in and around the hospital. This issue: UEXCEL survey; turkey time; expansion project expands staff; award for nursing informatics team (right); more. >>More
More people coming to UCH Web site via iPhone, Droid Also in Marketing, Media and Bits of Business: more people on the site, period; integrative medicine's big success, more. Available only to those with access to Hub, the hospital's intranet. >>More
CU Medicine Today The magazine about people and events at the School of Medicine is now online. This issue features a profile of Eric McCarty, MD, an orthopedic specialist who practices at UCH. McCarty, a School of Medicine faculty member, was a gridiron star for the CU Buffaloes in the '80s. Also: an essay by UCH cardiologist Larry Hergott, a report on a clinical trial for patients with type 1 diabetes and more. >>More
| Nurse managers Jan Hagman (left) and Peggy Heilman (right) and Transplant Unit nurse Liz Johnson helped champion shift to bedside reporting.
Reporting from the Bedside Arrives | It may not look like much, but a subtle, week-old change in where nurses hand off patients and information at their shift change promises to improve patient safety, help control costs, bring nurses and patients together faster and improve patient satisfaction. >>Go
"Safety Culture" Continues to Improve but Concerns Linger | The annual Patient Safety Culture Survey found a still greater hospital focus on safety, but a desire for more feedback when someone reports something that could have compromised a patient's well-being. >>Go
UCH's P.A.R.T.Y. Hits the Road | The successful and dramatic "risky driving choices" teen education program, with more than $16,000 in grants and donations in its tank, is taking its most eye-catching symbol out to where the kids are. >>Go
This Hospital Life | With the future of the entire health care world out of focus, even health insurance looks interesting. >>Go
A Rare Chance to Celebrate Boo-Boos | The hospital's fifth annual Boo Bash featured a record number of frightening creatures of all sizes and ages. >>Go
A New Plan for Retiring Types Set to Debut | Starting December 1, employees looking to sock away money for retirement will have a new deferred compensation option. >>Go
Low Dough Slows Patient Video Show | It's every movie producer's worst nightmare, but after a little financial delay the Patient & Family Centered Care Advisory Council finally got its long-completed patient video into the theaters that count last week: inpatient rooms. >>Go
Dean Krugman's News | The latest about what's going on at the School of Medicine. >>Go
See You in December | The Insider will be off November 24 in observance of the Thanksgiving break. We'll be back December 1. >>Go