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Unlocking the Black Box... 
Volume 11 Issue 01January 2011

Featured Speaker
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THEInsuranceAdvisor.COM was most recently asked to present at American Banker's Association and was a guest speaker onJohn Hancock and Pacific Life radio shows.. If you would like to also hear THEInsuranceAdvisor.COM speak about the guidance that the Cochran v. Keybank case provides, the "prudent process" endorsed by the NYBA, or generally about life insurance pricing, performance, suitability, transparency, management, standards of care and/or compensation disclosure, click here.


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THEInsuranceAdvisor.COM on Exhibit at Heckerling in Orlando

Come and talk to the authors of "A Shot Across the Bow" published in the December 2010 issue of Trusts and Estates. Printed copies of this article will be provided at booth #301. 


Join us at booth #301 at the Heckerling conference in Orlando on January 10-14th 2011 and enter the drawing for a chance to win an R/C Hummer (scale 1:6).Hummer


CPE Report

Sign up for our NO-Risk Trial Subscription entitles you to unlimited Confidential Policy Evaluator (CPE) Reports at the subscriber rate of $125 each (a 75% discount off the $500 per report fee for non-subscribers) or less if you are a member of one of our Enterprise Licensees.

Either way, ONLY subscribers have access to all TIA Portfolio Management Tools and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you are not completely satisfied after running just three (3) CPE Reports during the initial 90-day Trial Period, simply return all CPE Reports and other TIA Work Product, and TIA will refund all subscription and report fees.


1 Complimentary
CPE Report with the Referral of a New Subscriber
Forward this e-news to colleagues and friends with a CC: to and, if they subscribe, you will receive a complimentary CPE Research Report (Limit 1 Per Consumer), a $500 value, and more information about the pricing, performance and suitability of a given life insurance product than by any other means. 
Offer Expires: January
February 6, 2010
 THEInsuranceAdvisor.COM, Inc. (TIA). All rights reserved. 

TIA is a provider of insurance analysis research and ratings, and does not sell or otherwise distribute any financial products, and does not endorse any broker/dealer, financial planner, registered representative, insurance professional, insurance product, or insurance company, including any that may be mentioned herein.  The information, data, analysis and opinions contained herein include the confidential, proprietary, patented (U.S. Patent #6,456,979 & #7,698,158) and/or copyrighted (Insurance Banking� is a registered trademark of THEInsuranceAdvisor.COM Holdings, Inc) material of TIA and may not be copied or redistributed.  TIA does not give tax or legal advice.