August 2010
E-Village News
Responding to the Call of the Ancestors
In memory of Grandfather Bakhyé and Papa Elie
Malidoma's Pen
"The first time I presented the material contained in this book was at a multicultural men's conference in Virginia... My wish was to strike some kind of balance between the modern person's mind and his heart by communicating to both of them. Within this group of men of opposing color and culture who had gathered together to figure out how to bridge gaps and reach out to each other, the initial atmosphere was one closer to war than peace...
On the day of my presentation, the room was jam-packed with busy professional men who had cleared a whole week off their schedules to come to this conference. Their expectations were high. As I began telling my story, I could hear the sound of my own voice competing with the pounding of my heart, and the terrible sound of the audience's silence...
When I finished, something happened that I had never expected, something I was not prepared to handle. One hundred and twenty men gave me a standing ovation -- men of European, African, Oriental, Indian, and Native American descent. The intensity of their response filled every corner of my mind, body, and heart and threatened to draw tears out of me. I fought hard to keep from weeping while the clapping seemed to go on for an eternity.
I do not remember how I recovered from this response. The whole time all I could do was to wonder what could be the explanation for this kind of overwhelming response. What was it in those men that understood what I had said about initiation so fully that they responded to it as if it were something familiar to them? They were not simple men. On the contrary, they were sophisticated, highly educated individuals -- psychologists, therapists, anthropologists, men versed in myth, medical doctors, sociologists, lawyers, and who knows what else. And they all had the same response."
Of Water and the Spirit pg. 10-11 _________________ _________________ Malidoma will be speaking at this conference next month--- The 26th Annual Minnesota Men's Conference. See the section Upcoming Events for details.
Grabbed by a wave of emotions, then tears
He said, "...I'm starved for intimacy
...tired of draining the women
I love..."
Letting the tears shake his body
No man rescued him,
but all were present
he experienced the intimacy
he needed
~In a Men's Workshop on Intimacy~
©2007 The Triangle Men's Inquiry
_______________________ _______________________
A Long, Long Way by K. Bradley Papier
We awaken into a world of complexity and conflict, feeling a hunger, a longing for simplicity and peace.
Expectations and responsibilities shadow us menacingly, obscuring our sense of freedom and well-being, warding off any whimsical nostalgic journeys into the innocence of childhood memories.
Just as a softly growling dog warns us away from forbidden territory with no more than the baring of its teeth, our laughter and smiles are stifled into clumsy chuckles and tight grins as we are endlessly warned to show our strength and minimize our vulnerability.
We wrap our fears and insecurities in an emotional armor of detachment, denial, and deception, dripping with testosterone and imprinted with iconic images of what a hero should be.
We resist all exhortations and pleas to speak of our feelings because we know . . . we KNOW with absolute certainty that the one who loves us most will remember our demonstration of weakness and will secretly think less of us for our emotional fragility. We just know.
We are men. We are weary. And we have such a long, long way to go!
_______________________ _______________________ Rites of Passage
"The program [rites of passage] was named after a young brother El-Hajj Ray, who when I met him at the age of 15, was very conscious and aware. There had been many elders in our community working with this young man, assisting him in his journey towards manhood. By the age of 17, he had been kicked out of every high school in Lexington, Kentucky; however, we managed to get him to take the GED. El-Hajj scored in the top 10% in the nation, scored a 28 on his ACT and won a scholarship to the University of Kentucky to study mathematics. He was always a bright spot and wonderful spirit. However, despite all of our combined efforts for some reason he was attracted to the street life. We were working to get him into the military and away from the streets. Two weeks before he was to go into the military, he was murdered. How is the story of this young man you? How is the story of this young man me? The question is, how does this young man represent all of us? How are all of us his story?"
~Baba Koleoso Karade~ a.k.a. ~Nashid Fakhrid-Deen~
Reaching Black Males Through Spirituality Pg. 111-112
Grandfathers & Grandsons in Dagara Community
"My grandfather had been my confident interlocutor for as long as I can remember. There is a close relationship between grandfathers and grandchildren. The first few years of a boy's life are usually spent, not with his father, but with his grandfather. What the grandfather and grandson share together -- that the father cannot -- is their close proximity to the cosmos. The grandfather will soon return to where the grandson came from, so therefore the grandson is bearer of news the grandfather wants. The grandfather will do anything to make the grandson communicate the news of the ancestors before the child forgets, as inevitably happens. My grandfather obtained this news through hypnosis, putting me to sleep in order to question me.
It is not only to benefit the grandfather that this relationship with his grandson must exist. The grandfather must also transmit the "news" to the grandson using the protocol secret to grandfathers and grandsons. He must communicate to this new member of the community the hard tasks ahead on the bumpy road of existence.
...My father used to complain that his life was calamitous because he never knew his grandfather, who disappeared before he was born...His stepbrother, who new their grandfather, did not have the kind of restlessness that plagued my father. The frustration of a grandfatherless male child has no cure.
In the beginning, the intense intimacy between the grandson and the grandfather might create feelings of jealousy in the father. While a grandfather is alive, the grandchildren do not have much of anything to learn from their father--until they reach their preadolescent age. And the father knows that. He knows that a conversation between a grandson and a grandfather is a conversation between brothers of the same knowledge group. To know is to be old. In that, the grandson is as old as the grandfather. Consequently, the father is too young to have a part in this relationship between wise men."
Of Water and the Spirit pg. 19-21
Malidoma & Men's Work in the West
Excerpt of an Interview by Leslee Goodman, SUN Magazine, July 2010 Goodman: You also work with adult men. What is the purpose of that work?
Somé: My work with men began in 1991, when Robert Bly, James Hillman, and Michael Meade - the central figures of the mythopoetic men's movement - invited me to speak at a conference about initiation, ritual, and purpose. In this culture masculinity is so competitive that when men get together it's almost always to compete. My work provides a different reason for men to get together: to explore their heart, their feelings, their spirit, and their purpose for living. Men can support each other rather than compete with each other.
So many men feel useless. They're not free to express their emotions and show when they are hurt. In Dagara culture there is a feminine side to being male that is repressed in the West. But through the men's movement I've learned that Western men do have these feelings.
In Dagara culture a child's maternal uncle is called the "male mother." The closest equivalent in English would be a "mentor." The male mother is both nurturing and challenging at the same time. When I returned to my village as a young man, my male mother saw in me what I couldn't see in myself. The simple act of being seen as a person with a purpose was the beginning of a massive change in me. He single-handedly protected me through the ritual transformation so that I came out the other end a completely different person. He taught me many of the abilities that are now part of my daily life, such as how to divine, how to perform rituals, and so on. His complete belief in my capacity to become a good man made me who I am. Goodman: Is that what men in your workshops do for each other: believe in each other's capacity to be transformed and redeemed?Somé: They at least go home knowing that the issues they thought were theirs alone are common to most of us, that every nightmare or horror story in their past has also been lived by someone else. There's a sense that they stand together in this world. They may be challenged, but they're not alone. They can hold hands and face those challenges with other men. Goodman: Are most men comfortable "mothering" each other?Somé: We have to create a ritual space where this can happen, because it isn't possible in the world "out there." In the safety of this space, we conduct a water ritual in which men help each other wash away the guilt, deception, disappointment, and other painful feelings that they have stored inside. I've been humbled to see men holding each other tenderly in the water. Within the ritual context the mind steps back, and the nurturing, emotional self takes over. There is some learning - or some unlearning - that has to transpire before this can occur. Goodman: Is masculinity broken in the West?Somé: Sadly, there is a certain brokenness in modern men. Western society has a one-dimensional masculinity that presents impossible challenges to both men and women. Masculinity has crossed gender boundaries, so that any person caught in it - man or woman - becomes either a victim or a perpetrator. Because of this, masculinity has become demonized and associated with violence, recklessness, competitiveness, and abuse. These attributes pervade virtually every aspect of the culture, even religion. When Catholicism, for example, insists that only men can be in charge, it says something negative about masculinity. Why are only men capable of running that organization? When I see men allowing their hearts to be opened and showing how fragile they are, then I find hope for the restoration of healthy masculinity.
Goodman: What do you mean when you say that anyone growing up in our masculine culture ends up becoming either a victim or a perpetrator? Somé: I mean that no one is exempt from the iron fist of competition and hierarchy. This culture creates what we could more gently call "winners and losers," rather than "perpetrators and victims." The overwhelming majority are losers, yet they're the ones least spoken about, while a few winners are hailed by the entire world. No one talks about all the losers we have to have to create one winner - who turns out not to have been so lucky, after all. He becomes altered so that you have to wonder whether winning isn't the worst thing that could happen to a person. These are the forms of victimhood I'm talking about. Excerpt from: "Between Two Worlds: Malidoma Somé on Rites of Passage" By Leslee Goodman, SUN Magazine July 2010
Men, Ritual, & Community Malidoma Patrice Somé with Reid Baer Excerpts from Man Overboard Column Archive, 2005 Menstuff: The National Resource Website
"Ritual is the most functional means by
which archetypal energies are dealt
with," Malidoma began. "Indigenous people
have been aware of that for eons. In the modern
era, we focus too much on psychological counseling. There is a tendency for people to linger endlessly in therapy without
receiving significant help. The shadow
parts of our lives keep coming back." Malidoma believes that dealing with "the
things we cannot escape" is best accomplished
within the sacred space of ritual.
"Ritual facilitates and provides us with a
unique channel to access higher power," he
said. "Certain issues don't want to be
resolved mechanistically. We don't have to
know how the power works; we just have to show up
and let the higher forces deal with the issues. The
trap we feel inside ourselves is removed once we
enter into sacred space. The energies know how to
push obstacles out." Malidoma
suggested that men should learn to trust their own ability to create sacred
space, where they can be "vulnerable in a sacred fashion" and allow themselves
to be dismantled so that the rebuilding can produce a lasting result. The
sacred space to initiate men is not necessarily a physical place, but an
energetic place.
very hard to do this as an individual thing" he said. "This kind of healing
requires community - men with men. The healing begins with the destabilization
of a man's energy. When he starts to feel unstable, it is best put in that
place where other men or humans are. And eventually he will let go." "Men
usually fool themselves into serving the big dragon," Malidoma stated.
However, with the help of other men observing from the outside, an initiate
will begin to see his own dragon. The collapse of the traditional internal
structure can then begin, and the "great opportunity of rebuilding the self
idea is a hard-sell in this culture because men like to stay in control," he
continued. "Men have no room for a place of risk. In the business of healing,
more often than not, we paint over the problems. This danger place that we are
obligated to move into is a sacred danger because it endangers the very
problems we deal with; and when it endangers them, we feel it endangers us
too." Modern
men identify too closely with their problems, he added, "and we become the
problems, not the solutions." Malidoma
said he believes men use the need for "safety as a condition of healing" as an
excuse not to deal with the problem.
must endanger the problem by confronting it," Malidoma instructed. "It is to be
dug out of its hiding and exposed to the air. It cannot breathe oxygen. The
light of day is lethal to it. That's why the dragon tells us that we should be
safe, because the dragon wants to be safe. We end up actually serving the very
thing we want to be rid of." The creative process is essential in coping with
dragons, the Elder noted. "In talking about
expression, we have to visualize it as more than
speaking English," he said. "Creativity
includes non-verbal expression and the ability to
use the entire body as a means of
discourse." Malidoma said the dragon wants us to be
introverted. "Expression rips open the hidden cages and
blind boxes, thereby releasing all the information
hiding in there unbeknownst to us and
others," he said. "To speak constantly
into sacred space is to give oneself the
opportunity of transcending ... taking our
lethal pain and diluting it into the
ether." "Ritual or initiation provides a safe place
for the soul and body to affirm life over
death," he declared, "to affirm
continuity over discontinuity."
don't need a "sophisticated construction" to participate in ritual. Malidoma
recommends we "look up at a tree" or "go to a creek and see the flow of water." "There
may be some powerful genie dwelling in the water," he said. "Talk to him like
we talk to each other." The
response may not be the loudest one we hear, but if we're willing to listen
carefully, we can hear the "big noise or echo" of nature tell us that "we're
right and to go on and walk proudly." In
Malidoma's village, the men are the spiritual leaders.
"Because this is the kind of power and is the responsibility every male is
born with, and when assumed properly, it becomes authentic," he said. "Women
and children find themselves reassured by the men's true power. It is when we
pretend to assume the power that in fact we are derogatory and chaos is
created. True male power is very healing for everybody. And so, if a man is not
a self-centered control freak, he is one that will be serving, protecting, and
holding the sacred space .... holding the space for everything and everybody to
live." So,
what keeps Western modern man from being the spiritual leaders in their own
homes? "Men get caught up in the socio-economic nightmare of giving away most
of their time in order to survive," he answered. "We didn't come into this
world to give all our energy to stay alive, we came here to live. The biggest
dragon is the one that tells us we have to work eight hours a day ... and we end
up being so tired that the very thing our soul is yearning for we don't have
time for. We have to tell each other to take time, and we need to hold hands
with each other. Men have to be willing to come together to express what they
feel to each other as the first step toward moving into that sacred space so
they can heal enough to assume true responsibility in their own household. If
we find a little moment to get together to pound on this problem, then we can
go back to our respective homes and our partners and children ... and they can
see us shining in our true glory." Community
is a strong recurring theme in much of Malidoma's work. He defines it as,
"a bunch of people willing to come together in a circle in which they are
conscious enough to invoke the sacred, the divine ... to be with each other so
they can express their authentic self to one another. If
men are willing to come together and be with each other, knowing they need
supervision of the divine in order that their being together is not limited to
talking about current events and drinking beer, then they have become a
community." The
community is strengthened by "invoking the sacred," he added, but not by making
themselves exclusive. "Once
we start attacking and excluding other communities then we have become a club,"
Malidoma explained, "and then we have taken the ideas of society into our club,
and the dragon prospers in us as a community." Malidoma
expresses his own sense of community and his personal spiritual creative
process this way, "I draw from bone energy and the memories that come from the
bone. I allow myself to surrender to the higher forces with the clear intention
that I want to be as clear and precise as possible. What comes out is something
almost independent of me. There's something quite militant in it, because when
I express myself, and not after heavy duty preparation, I know that spirit is
speaking through me. When I feel that intensity coming out, when I feel it, I
know someone else will feel it. Every time I have attached my own emotion or
capacity, I have to stand back and get out of my way so higher forces can
speak. That has been transforming. I like to call that spirit. Spirit expresses
itself in a way we cannot map, cannot tell ahead of time, and has its own plan
- a plan not known to us. To know it, we have to surrender to it. It's a risky
thing. And risk-taking in the business of feeling, is worth doing."
2005 Reid
Be a Host for Divinations!
some of you have experienced, receiving a divination from Malidoma is a
fascinating and powerful encounter with Spirit! Unfortunately many
people are unable to receive divinations from Malidoma due to faraway
locations or transportation challenges.
Many have inquired about
how to bring Malidoma to their area. One way to accomplish this is to host
Malidoma for divinations! In order to provide the best opportunity for
Malidoma to connect and share the wisdom of the Otherworld, get 20+
people committed to receiving a divination, and he will come to your
area. Hosts receive a free divination! For more information and
details, write to info@malidoma.com |
Africa Trip Planned December 2010
In the Kitchen --- Photo by Sheila Evans | Malidoma has scheduled a general trip to his village in Burkina Faso, West Africa on December 8th through December 21st. The fee is $2,250 per person. The focus of this trip will be to introduce participants to the rhythms
and flow of daily, indigenous village life. Now is the time for those
who are seriously interested to begin preparations to make the journey
a reality. The deadline to sign up is the 15th of next month! Write to info@malidoma.com to get your name on the list of interested participants and receive more details.
Upcoming Radio Talk Show Interviews featuring Malidoma:
Sunday, August 15th "A Call to Consciousness" Talk Radio Show Interview, Live. K-Talk AM 1150, 9:30 am PDT, Los Angeles, CA area Outside Los Angeles area, go to http://www.ktlkam1150.com. Archived the following week at http://www.universalflag.com/av.html Host: Brian McClure
Sunday, August 28th "Expanding Awareness" Talk Radio Show Interview, Live. Tune in to WZBC 90.3 FM, 10am EDT, Boston, MA area. Archived at http://www.innerexplorationprocess.com/victorvenckus/WZBC.html Host: Victor Venckus
Monday, August 30th "The Way Forward" Talk Radio Show Interview, Live KPFK, 90.7FM, 2pm PDT, Los Angeles, CA area. Archived at http://archive.kpfk.org/parchive/ Host: Eisha Mason
Tuesday, August 31st "Thinking Out Loud" Talk Radio Show Interview, Live WUML 91.5 FM, 9:35am EDT, Boston, MA area. Host: David Tierney ]
Ask Malidoma!
An overwhelming number of the questions addressed to
askMalidoma@gmail.com reflect an ongoing thirst
for some answers on the issues of ancestors and ancestry. This includes the
situation of multiple ancestry, unknown and known ancestry as in the case of
adoption; hard to deal with ancestors as in the case of criminal or genocidal
ancestors and ancestralization. Many of you know that ancestralization is the
actual ritual that empowers the dead to finish their crossover and their
reinsertion into community and family life. The following is an attempt to
address this multi-faceted subject with the hope to provide a sense of closure
to it, and with the understanding that this closure might never happen. Connections in the realm of the dead appear to be a
great deal more complex than the connections in this plane. The racial line of
demarcation often used for identity purpose in this dimension collapses in the
world of the dead where spirits are part of the same village. There, a united
front glues them together in a common interest and purpose. Consequently, we
talk about a POOL OF ANCESTORS to suggest that anyone who dies joins others in
a much greater sense of community. In this case, what happens is that multiple
ancestry is quite all right. We do share ancestors even if we think that our
ancestors must be separated from other people's ancestors for reasons of
comfort or convenience. The dead are not very interested in genealogic
specificity or blood. Thus, Ancestors from one continent can sit in session
with Ancestors from another continent. Ancestors of one culture radically
hostile to another might be in great attunement in the realm of the dead. The
resulting effect in this plane is a seminal fusion of culture, souls and
spirits in what we like to call multicultural families and relationships, with
children that belong to both cultures. This simply means that I can be adopted
and still be connected to my ancestors because the ancestors of my adoptive
family belong to me just the same as the ancestors of my unknown family tree.
What is lost in this plane is found in the other. Even further and more complex than that is the
feeling that some people have of a strong attachment to the culture of one
continent while officially born in, and belonging to, another continent. It is
NOT always the result of naïve attraction to exoticism, nor does it
automatically suggest that these people are ashamed of their own culture. Time
and again, people in Europe and in the US have expressed concerns about this
feeling, and in some cases with distress about what to do. They are born in a
culture they have a hard time relating to, and are drawn to a culture the
foreign nature of which doesn't detract them. Granted that there might be some
attraction to exoticism in their symptoms, it is fair to say that their spirit
has also transmigrated, meaning that they could be associated with
trans-cultural ancestry. It helps to know that, as human beings, we are
evolving toward a conscious spiritual globalism in which the great racial
divide will lose its mighty reputation. Could it be why some people have issues with their
own ancestors? I know of many who are so done dealing with ancestors whose
legacy is an unbearable burden to their souls. These people have inherited a
history they are ashamed of because the rest of the world holds it in contempt.
In the winter of their discontent, they should realize the opportunity they
have to voice to their ancestors the rage, shame and anger passed on to them
unsolicited. One of the intriguing character traits of these dead folks is that
they do not take emotional expression directed at them personally. In fact, they
find it quite refreshing and the person expressing it quite charming. Further,
it is good to know that it is cathartic to voice bottled-up feelings in a sacred
space. Otherwise the unspoken rots in the psyche, slowly poisoning it with
sometimes self-destructive imagery such as suicidal thoughts, depressing
feelings, and uncouth behavior. It suffices to say that we must speak out to our
ancestors in any way we feel for our sake, and for their sake too. Politeness
spoils the relationship with ancestors, and introverted speeches bore them to
yet another death. The way to get their attention is to talk to them. Let's
pray then that modernity has not conditioned us to the point where "telling it
like it is" becomes an oxymoron. Spirituality is a bit extroverted. Malidoma Somé
Many inquiries come to Malidoma through cyberspace concerning a deeper desire to connect with and experience personal, more in-depth knowledge and information of Dagara traditions & cosmology, and their real application for daily modern living. Ask Malidoma! was created as a way to fill that need. He is eager to respond to questions on
Dagara spiritual traditions & cosmology, the elements, nature,
divination, ritual & community, inter-dimensional beings &
worlds, kontombli, the role & benefit of ritual sacrifice, ritual
application for daily living initiation, shrines, ancestors, etc.
Send your question to askMalidoma@gmail.com. Malidoma will choose and respond to at least one question per newsletter. He is most likely to respond to the question with the widest appeal to the community, or the question that is most-frequently asked. |
Photo by Theresa Thomas |
Donations for The Dagara Cultural Youth Festival, 2011
The Dagara Cultural Youth Festival this year February 2010 was a tremendous success! The monetary support Malidoma received through donations for the festival--without a doubt--played a major role.
Because of this achievement, Malidoma has indisputably become the leader in the safeguarding and promotion of Dagara ancestral traditions. In the past, UNESCO, a division of the United Nations was co-sponsoring this government program. Suddenly in 2009, both UNESCO and the government dropped any support and the Ministry of Culture told Dano that it was on its own. The High Commissioner of Dano, upon learning through the grapevine of what Malidoma had been doing in the West, asked him for help. This was the beginning of Malidoma's highly visible leadership role in his own country (he was featured on T.V. several times in Burkina Faso--never before had this occurred).
The Dagara Cultural Youth Festival is an attempt to interest youth in the values of the traditions of their ancestors so that they can preserve it in themselves amidst the sweeping changes of modernity. UNESCO had shown interest in it for reasons of its own and then dropped out when these interests dried up.
Again we need your help!
Photo By Theresa Thomas |
If you have ever been moved by the values of the Dagara culture in the West, this is a wonderful opportunity and--we believe--an invitation from the ancestors to step up to the plate and show the extent of our appreciation of the
wisdom that is now endangered in its place of birth.
The goal is
to raise $15K or more for this week-long event which is scheduled to happen again in February of 2011. Exact dates are not yet set. Your tax-deductible contribution can be sent directly to Aviela Inc., c/o Robert Walker,
P.O. 82, Cherry Plain, NY 12040.
Once again this is a
call to rise, for it is now our time to shine!
Respected Elder in the Village---Photo by Manuel Aicher |
Ritual at East Coast Village, Cherry Plain, NY
8-10, 2010 with Malidoma Somé
BEYI, or THE TASTE OF A NAME Community is formed by people
intent upon a purposeful living in which the central focus is the dispensing of
gifts and purpose. This implies that without purpose and knowledge of one's
gift the quest for community is but a fleeting thought that will fall short of
fulfillment even when a small sense of community is reached.
BEYI is a three day ritual facilitated by elders who
will contribute to the unearthing of each person's mystical meaning in this
world and ritualistically encourage each to embrace it by drinking it and in so
doing investing it into community through eldership.
Beyi is available to any person who feels his/her gift
and purpose pressing from within to burst into the world. BEYI then offers the
chance of setting us up to clarity about ourselves and our gifts for a
practical and legitimate claim to community. It is also the first step toward
eldership in the Dagara tradition.
The Beyi Ritual will take
place in Cherry Plain, NY on a sacred piece of land belonging to the East Coast
Village, which is a community of people who have been studying and working with
Malidoma Somé, an initiated Elder of Burkina Faso, West Africa, since 2001.
This land has been dedicated specifically for doing this medicine work with
Malidoma, and he has established shrines to Spirits in the Dagara tradition
here. We request that each person
interested in continuing along the path by way of the Beyi ritual submit a one
page description of your work with Malidoma and of your other experience relative to your spiritual work when you send your deposit
or when you arrive for the Beyi Ritual. The Ritual of Beyi is the
first step towards Elder Initiation in the Dagara tradition of West
Africa. Those participating in this ritual may choose to be in a pool of
candidates to be chosen to go through the Dagara Elder Initiation which will
occur in 2011 or 2012 with the leadership of Malidoma and the group of Elders
who were initiated in 2009.
for the Beyi Ritual The cost
for the Beyi Ritual will be $275. This includes six meals from Friday evening
to Sunday lunch. This does not include sleeping accommodations. For further
details regarding housing opportunities, please visit the East Coast Village
web site at http://www.eastcoastvillage.org. You can plan on paying a $20-25/night fee to stay on the land in
a tent, cabin or lodge. If you have
decided that you would like to participate in this ritual, please send a $50
deposit to reserve your place by August 31st, 2010. Make the check out to: East
Coast Village and mail it to Sheila Evans-15 Rosedale St, Rochester, NY 14620. Additional
Event with Malidoma Malidoma
will also be conducting a community event, offering further teaching at the
same site just prior to Beyi, from October 6th-8th, Wednesday evening, 5pm to
Friday afternoon. There will
be an additional cost of $200 which includes six meals to attend this event. This does not include sleeping
accommodations. If you
would like to attend this event as well, please send an additional $50 deposit
to reserve your place. One check for $100 as a deposit for both will be fine.
Make the check out to: East Coast Village and mail it to Sheila Evans-15
Rosedale St., Rochester, NY 14620.
and Transportation Information: Please go
to the East Coast Village News site and look under the "About" heading to get
information about housing and transportation: http://www.eastcoastvillage.org
Information For further
assistance with housing, please contact -TeriLeigh Schmidt Teri@TeriLeigh.com 651-357-4658 For general
information about the Beyi ritual or the community event time with Malidoma,
please contact Sheila Evans-585-473-0111 or sheilahhhhhh@yahoo.com |
Upcoming Events
The Spirit of Africa: Workshop & Divination with Malidoma Somé_________________ Caduceus
Klinik, Niendorfer Weg 5 29549 Bad
Bevensen, near Hamburg, Germany July 30-August 1
Divinations: August 2-3 for more
info contact: Caduceus
Verein ph:
49.5821.477.129 fax:
49.5821.477.130 email: verein@caduceus.de website: www.caduceus.de
Lecture: Of Water & Spirit--- The Story of an African Shaman Streliska 12 Waldorf School, Ljubljana, Slovenia Saturday, August 7 @ 7pm
Divinations available near Ljubljana--- Visoko 103, 1292 IG, 25 km from the
center of Ljubljana August 8-10
For more
info about the lecture & divinations contact: Jozica Amadea Demsar mobile phone: 00.386.30.648.910 office phone: 00.386.1.364.48.47 email: jozica_demsar@yahoo.com www.malina.si
"A Call to Consciousness"--Talk Radio Show
Interview Live with Malidoma Somé--Host, Brian McClure _____ K-TALK
AM 1150, Sunday August 15 @ 9:30 am PDT Outside
Los Angeles, CA---tune in @
http://www.ktlkam1150.com. Archived the following week athttp://www.universalflag.com/av.html
Divinations--- Mountain
View, CA August 21-25 for
more info write to info@malidoma.com
3rd IAST, California Santa
Rosa, CA August
"Expanding Awareness"--Talk Radio Show
Interview Live with Malidoma Somé--Host, Victor Venckus __________ WZBC 90.3 FM, Sunday, August 28 @ 10 am EDT Boston, MA area Archived at: http://www.innerexplorationprocess.com/victorvenckus/WZBC.html
"The Way Forward"--Talk Radio Show
Interview Live with Malidoma Somé--Host, Eisha Mason KPFK 90.7 FM, Monday, August 30 @ 2 pm PDT Los Angeles, CA area Archived at http://archive.kpfk.org/parchive/
"Thinking Out Loud"--Talk Radio Show
Interview Live with Malidoma Somé--Host, David Tierney WUML 91.5 FM, Tuesday, August 31 @ 9:35 am EDT Boston, MA area
The Power of Ritual & Community: Lecture & Book Signing_________ Circles of Wisdom, Andover, MA www.circlesofwisdom.com Cost: $30 Thursday, September 2 @ 7:30-9:30 pm For more info contact Cathy at Circles of Wisdom @ 978.474.8010 or Betsy McNair @ 781.259.3431 or write to malidomaboston2010@gmail.com |
Ancestors, Healing, & Empowerment: A One Day Intensive with Malidoma Somé Rolling Ridge Conference Center North Andover, MA September 4, 10 am to 10 pm
To register visit: http://web.me.com/betsymcnair/malidoma/Home.html For more info contact Betsy McNair @ 781.259.3431 or write to malidomaboston2010@gmail.com
Divinations available in Lincoln, MA Friday, September 3 & Sunday, September 5 through Tuesday, September 7 For appointments contact Betsy McNair @ 781.259.3431 or write to malidomaboston2010@gmail.com
5th IAST, East Coast Village (ECV) Cherry Plain, NY September 8-12
Malidoma @ 26th Annual Minnesota Men's Conference Camp Miller, Sturgeon Lake September 14-19 for more info call Craig Ungerman @ 860.923.6987 or 860.942.1658 email address: hiddenwine@earthlink.net website address: http://www.hiddenwine.com/MMC
5th IAST, Asheville, NC Rites of Passage Council September 22-26
Healing Relationship with Ancestors Workshop Blue Deer Center, Margaretville, NY for more info see http://www.bluedeer.org/FireRitual_Some-2010.html October 1-3
Private Divinations--- East Coast Village (ECV) Cherry Plains, NY October 4-6 for more info write to info@malidoma.com Annual Gathering @ East Coast Village (ECV) Cherry Plain, NY October 6-10 for more info see the East Coast Village website
Beyi Ritual @ East Coast Village (ECV) Cherry Plain, NY October 8-10 for more info contact Sheila Evans at sheilahhhhhh@yahoo.com
Public Evening Talk at Unity South--- Minneapolis, MN October 13, 7-9pm for more info write to info@malidoma.com
Private Divinations--- Minneapolis, MN October 14-17 for more info write to info@malidoma.com
Event @ Boys To Men Mentoring Network--- Minneapolis, MN Tentatively scheduled for October 18-19 for more info write to info@malidoma.com
The Power of Ritual & Community--- Lecture in Toronto, Ontario, Canada Sponsored by Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM) for more info write to info@malidoma.com or see www.instituteoftraditionalmedicine.com October 29
Healing Relationship with Ancestors & Grief Ritual Workshop Institute of Traditional Medicine (ITM) Toronto, Ontario, Canada for more info write to info@malidoma.com or see www.instituteoftraditionalmedicine.com October 30-31
Divinations--- Toronto, Ontario, Canada November 1-3 for
more info write to info@malidoma.com
The Gender of Magic: Men & the Other World A Men's Gathering_______________________ Ojai, CA November 12-14 for more info write to info@malidoma.com
Private Divinations--- Ojai, CA November 15-19 for more info write to info@malidoma.com
Ancestor's Ritual Ojai, CA November 19-21
Village of Dano, Burkina Faso, West Africa December 8-21 for more info write to info@malidoma.com
" Initiation: the boy is brought into the 'new male
womb', the men's community where he would for months or years listen to
the stories, learn the encyclopedia of the male culture, and wrestle
with life questions of destiny and how men are. He would learn the
spiritual technology (ritual, chants, dances, ceremonies, healing
practices); the practical technology ( use of tools, hunting,
gathering); and social skills (husbanding, fathering, and fighting);
needed to fulfill the role of manhood."
~ Sam Keen ~
Malidoma,16877 East Colonial Drive, Unit 185, Orlando, FL 32820, ph: 407.574.5350