Liberals hate the human and Conservatives hate the
Since hating the man haters is not the same as
loving the human (potential) I am not a Liberal either.
I love the human potential.
The potential for all the good that humans can do,
do do and are capable of doing I just love.
From the best art to the best sex, everything human
that is good is either good, better or best.
And as I've said in another context, the good is the
unit, the better is the good plus one and the
best is
better plus more.
Every single, individual human being on earth has
the potential to be good, then better, then best.
Well, there may be one exception somewhere on
the planet but I personally do not know of it.
So for all practical purposes, as far as I am
concerned, everyone, potentially, can be good.
The Good of course is as identified by
Objectivism: that which is FOR rational life
as we
live it
here on earth (or anywhere else in the Universe
there are actual living, breathing, surviving, volitional-
reasoning-conceptual beings).
The evil is that which is AGAINST actual,
breathing human beings. (If evil has degrees,
is the ultimate evil; if it doesn't, then murder
is evil is
murder is evil is murder is ... the concrete; evil,
Since the good does have degrees we all should
strive for the ultimate degree of good, which is: our
own self as our own hero.
Heroic effort is the ultimate human good, hence
ultimate human potential.
In the realm of the human, the Hero is the best.
Just as The Villain, the murderer, is the worst.
In between of course, there is a lot of room for change
and growth.
My advice is, change and grow and if you
help buy my books and things
(Gary on and/or and use them, as
well as
read and use all the free stuff of mine that exists
online (and there is a good-ly amount of it, you just
have to look for it).
Beyond that ... beyond what? Beyond being a
man ... or a woman ... that is ... A being of self
soul ... beyond this ... we cannot get.
This is it.
Make the best of it.
I have, and I think, you should to.
But, to repeat, if you require help see above.
Below this we now move down ... to other, lesser,
albeit still important, concerns.