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To watch Joanna's Orb Presentation in Palm Springs (14 mins)
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For this month, my chosen theme is Awakening Your Avatar, which is basically a suggestion that we consolidate our internal conflict (balance our masculine/feminine, home/work-life, even positive/negative personality traits) and focus on connecting with our inner knowing (Higher Self) which we all hold within. This means opening the heart and working toward integrating the Higher Self (spiritual aspects) and Lower Self (basic functional needs) to create an enlightened being (Avatar).
I recently saw the film Avatar and was struck by some very deep resonances within the storyline (though I personally think the film would have been improved by at least 30-45 mins less battle combat scenes). The blue skin of the Na'vi is interesting (Ptah, the Egyptian Deity, is depicted with blue skin and it is said that the beings from Sirius have blue skin), but I particularly like the way the Na'vi understand the inter-relationship between species and the need to honour all life forms, plus their appreciation of the life force infrastructure network operating via trees! This is something that my sister (Angela McGerr) and I work with (via the Sacred Eden Tree, original archetypal tree from the Garden of Eden), through which much global and planetary healing can be disseminated. Most people would not understand this concept at all, so in a way, films like Avatar sew the seeds for this being not such a challenging idea! Of course Avatar, though it has come to mean in techno speak representation of self as a chosen archetype (or even via a Caricature), as defined by is original Sanskrit meaning, was the representation/incarnation of a Deity via a human or animal body, so in the film both definitions are combined with the idea of an idealised/perfected template of self.
2010 is a '3' year in numerology, March is the third month and we have four dates this month where the digits add up to three (3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th)' giving us four separate examples of 3:3:3 numerology, which can be interpreted as meaning 'awaken your avatar' as well as 'creating heaven on earth'. These dates will offer amplified energies for manifesting our hopes and dreams. Full details on the numerology are detailed in the separate section below. I will be undertaking a meditation on the 3rd March at 3 - 3.33 pm GMT.
By awakening our Avatar, we can become masters of our destiny. Just imagine what we can do by tuning in 'en masse' at 3.33 (am or pm would work, though I fancy pm will be more popular!) on any of these 3:3:3 portals. I will be undertaking a meditation between 3 - 3.33, hopefully on all of these dates, but certainly on the 3rd and 30th, please tune-in if you are available. Close your eyes at a convenient time, which could be 3pm in your local time or the equivalent of 3pm GMT (when we will be meditating), or, if this is not possible, then invoke Eth, the angelic Guardian of time, to bend time so that you can join us etherically. Send your positive intentions for awakening your Avatar and also for seeing the planet healed, to create for ourselves the next golden age. See this Lost Generation You Tube video link for a thought-provoking (1 minute 50 seconds) presentation on the need for global responsibility.
Last month we looked at progress and I was hopeful that we would catch up somewhat after January when practically nothing was achieved. February has been a little better, although personally I have felt overwhelmed with my workload (particularly administration) and underwhelmed with my ability to process it! It does seem to have been another month of struggle with physical wellbeing for many and still a high level of personal exhaustion. Generally, I am someone who functions with very little sleep, but I have needed considerably more than usual over the last few weeks, no doubt this is directly responsible for my reduced productivity. Nonetheless, progress has been made, not least with Harmony Healing being registered by the CMA (Complementary Medical Association) as a training provider, and my Reyad Sekh Em courses have been approved for CMA CPD (Continuing Professional Development) hours, with the Practitioner Intensive being valued at 24 points which is the full annual requirement for CMA practitioners. I am delighted with this news. CMA Website
With regard to the exhaustion and struggle for efficiency, this seems so common amongst everybody I know. I really feel this is all part of the heightened drive towards a major energetic shift taking place. No doubt many of us are absorbing shock waves from the recent earthquakes* and it seems likely to me that our physical bodies are being re-wired for another exponential increase in frequency, which could even culminate with this month's amazing numerology.
*Adam Dreamhealer is a young, gifted and dynamic healer from Canada, who has been credited with some astounding healings. He is also studying quantum physics, its effect on health and wellbeing and indeed the ability to overcome illness. Adam's Intention Heals initiative is designed to scientifically prove the power of global positive intention. I urge everybody reading this newsletter to consider signing up for it. The idea is to select an international project or cause and encourage as many healers and/or lightworkers (even everyday lay-people with compassion for the planet and humanity) to all put their intention into a particular outcome which is measurable, and so far the results have been magnificent. This will repeated with different projects on an ongoing basis. Last weekend, all of us received an email about the Chile Earthquake (8.8 on the Richter scale) and how it was predicted to result in a tsunami on the Hawaiian Coast, which was evacuated in readiness. Participants were asked to visualise the ocean absorbing the ferocity of the shock wave and the 12' tsunami, projected by the media, fizzled to about a 1' surge or a 3' wave in some areas. I am sure this is the way forward, as it's only by becoming involved in this way can we make the substantial changes needed. Adam's Intention Heals Initiative Weblink
News & Course round-up from Angela and myself (full details in the sections below - use 'in this issue' quick links from the panel on the left).
I've booked Stand 102 at Kempton MBS Exhibition on the Weekend of 13th & 14th March and I've been booked for another evening talk for the Dorking Awareness Group on Friday 9th April. I suggest you make a note in your diary if it's local to you.
There is a Full Day Sacred Site & Angelic Meditation Trip to Avebury and Stonehenge (with 1 hour Private Access) on Thursday 22nd April. There may be an opportunity for a handful of people to join us at Stonehenge only (see below). A Half Day Mystery Tour, with transport to/from Nash Manor (Sussex) costing £44, is planned for Friday 23rd April; 'open agenda' trips in the past have always turned out full of amazing synchronicities and great fun.
Also on 24th April, I'm offering a 4-hour workshop at Nash Manor, entitled Integrating Angela' McGerr's Angel Cards with your professional healing modality. Cost £55, to include a brief personal reading. See below for details.
Our Heart & Soul Quest Angel Conference, on 24th & 25th April, Sussex, is almost full, we will be closing registrations on 15th March, to enable us to finalise the arrangements.
Published dates for the next Reyad Sekh Em 3-day Practitioner Intensive are 22nd - 24th March. However, if you are interested to enrol for the course, and can't make these dates, contact me to discuss special bespoke dates for a small group or even 1-2-1 tuition.
My friend Gwyneth Owen is resuming her Programme of Herbal Days on Saturday 17th April. Costing £35, they are wonderful value for money. Gwyneth's website
See articles below (events being listed in date order, quick links from the top left 'In This Issue' column) for further details on the activities summarised in this section
Other UK Regional & International Course Venues
Still in the planning stage are visits to the North East (Durham area), Germany (Bonn area) and Canada (Quebec area) is being considered for October 2010.
If you would like to co-ordinate some talks or workshops in your local area, please contact me for details.
Energy shifts for this month ( GMT).
Please note Celestial Forecast is compiled using many sources, but notably the Moonwise Calendar ( Whilst considerable effort is made to ensure accuracy in this Celestial Forecast section, this is not an exact science and sources are sometimes contradictory!
Significant dates from ancient folklore and dates on which you can 'tune in' to higher frequencies
Monday 1st March is St David's Day. St. David, Dewi Sant, is the patron saint of the Welsh, and 1st March, his feast day, is celebrated as a patriotic and cultural festival in Wales.
Monday 1st March is also Matronalia, which was the topsy-turvy traditional Roman feast sacred to Juno, where the Mistress of the house waited on her servants for the day and presents were given to other people's partners!
Wednesday 3rd March is the primary 3:3:3 in numerology. See section below for full explanation. Global Healing Meditation at 3-3.33pm (GMT), please join in.
Friday 5th March is the Ploiaphesia Egyptian Festival of Navigation. This was when one of the most important festivals of the Egyptian Goddess Isis was celebrated, the Ploiaphesia or Navigium Isidis (Ship of Isis). The festival marked the opening of the safe sailing season after the stormy weather of winter had passed. A statue of Isis was carried in procession from her temple down to the harbour, where a specially-built ship was moored. The ship would then be loaded with offerings and dedicated to the Goddess, before being launched and carried out to sea by the wind. The festival is described by Apuleius in his Metamorphoses (also known as the Golden Ass). To participate you can enjoy the energy of water and celebrate with processions, lights, mirrors, music and flowers.
Thursday 11th March is Fasli Zoroastrian Muktad, which in Sanskrit, means liberated soul. This is Festival takes place in the final 10 days of the Zoroastrian Year. During these 10 days, the spirit of departed souls come down on earth and ceremonies are performed with offerings of beautiful flowers and fruit for deceased family members & friends, prayers are recited. The last five days are known as the Gathas, which are the holiest times of the year.
Friday 12th March is a secondary 3:3:3, see 3rd March entry for details or see section below for full explanation. Global Healing Meditation at 3-3.33pm (GMT), please join in.
Monday 15th March in Roman tradition was the celebration of Anna Perenna. Offerings were made to the Spirit of the Year, so that the circle could be completed.
Monday 15th March is the Equinox Dark Moon @ 21.01. The New Moon Abundance ritual should be carried out within 24 hours after the New Moon.
Wednesday 17th March was the Roman Festival of Liberalia, this was the feast to celebrate the male coming of age!
Wednesday 17th March is also St Patrick's Day in Ireland. St Patrick is credited with converting the Irish back to Christianity which had been abandoned under Roman rule.
Friday 19th March is the Roman Festival of Quinquatrus. This was a Festival in honour ofMinerva; it seems that women were accustomed to consult fortune-tellers and diviners upon this day.
Saturday 20th March is the Pagan Equinox at 17.32. On the Equinox, light and dark are equal over the whole world: mark the moment of the Equinox with silence and stillness.
Saturday 20th March is also the Egyptian Festival of Pelusia, with the Egyptian Goddess Isis working her spring magic to ensure the flooding of the Nile later in the year, thereby guaranteeing a fruitful harvest.
Sunday 21st March is another secondary 3:3:3, see 3rd March entry for details, or see section below for full explanation. Global Healing Meditation at 3-3.33pm (GMT), please join in.
In the UK, the clocks go forward on the night of Saturday 27th March, in fact at 01.00 on Sunday 28th March, and that is the start of British Summer Time.
Tuesday 30th March is Pagan Equinox Full Moon @ 03.26 (Monday night) and this is a further secondary 3:3:3 numerologically (see 3rd March entry) and see section below for full explanation. Global Healing Meditation at 3-3.33pm (GMT), please join in.Between Full Moon and the next New Moon is considered as a good time energetically for detoxing the body. Click here for Angela McGerr's Full Moon Meditation with Gabriel |
3:3:3 Numerological Stargates |
Wednesday 3rd March (primary 3:3:3) plus Friday 12th March, Sunday 21st March, Tuesday 30th March (secondary 3:3:3)
2010 is a '3' year in numerology, March is the third month and we have four dates this month where the digits add up to three (3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th)' giving us four separate examples of 3:3:3 numerology. Three represents the spiritual (abstract) relationship between two opposites. For example there is no relationship between male/female unless there is an emotion, such as love or desire. The establishment of that relationship - bringing the reconciliation of opposites - becomes the third force. The metaphysical function of the number three is recognised in trinities found in mythologies both in Egypt and, of course, around the world. Aset/Asar/Heru (Isis/Osiris/Horus), Father/Son/Holy Ghost and mind/body/spirit are all examples of trinities.
Any triple number, therefore carries a great amplification, creating a powerful energy vortex (gateway) on that date. By definition, a triple three, is guaranteed to be extra special and we have four opportunities on which to tap into the heightened energy, which also links to the 3 x 3 sets of chakras (the standard seven but with personal heart, sacred heart and thymus, detailed in our teachings) and the 9 of Ascension. According to Angela, we may have access to the 33:33 Star Gate (the Star Gate of Suns, as per her new Love & Light card set), bringing ultra high levels of healing to empower further spiritual growth. The 3:3:3 portals will be linked to this, as well as to Solar chakra, i.e. decision making and new goals/actions. In angelic terms, the primary 3:3:3 on the 3rd March, plus the secondary dates of the 12th and 21st, come under Machidiel, Ruler of Aries, and this also means setting new goals, with heart as well as head.
If possible, I will be undertaking a meditation at 3-3.33 p.m. GMT and will be inviting all our Lightworker friends and contacts to join me remotely wherever they are in the world. Please feel free to telepathically connect with our efforts. You can do this either at 3pm (at whatever time that is in your time zone*) or at 3pm your time and ask the angel Eth (Guardian Angel of time) to bend time so that you can join me. In fact Eth can do this at any time you choose to suit your convenience.
Reyad Sekh Em® 3-day Practitioner's Intensive Course |
Monday 22nd - Wednesday 24th March
Walton-on-Thames, Cost: £450
An intensive three-day course for fast-track people either with Reiki (or similar), previous esoteric knowledge or an ability to grasp and assimilate lots of information in a short time! The first day is an accelerated version of the 2-day Level 1 course and includes Reyad Sekh Em Level 1 attunements to St Germain and the Angels of the Gold & Silver Violet Flame plus Reyad Sekh Em Level 1 (Kheper - The Scarab), an introduction to Khemitology (Ancient Egyptian Philosophies according to the local oral tradition wisdom keepers), working with the elemental healing angels, Will & Intent and Thoth's Law of Three, calming meditations, a brief overview of chakras, self-healing techniques and conducting a seated healing. This is a very full day and includes an extensive course manual, certificate and 35 minute self-healing instructional CD.
The course also covers the Level 2 syllabus; including the Reyad Sekh Em Level Two Attunement plus an Attunement to the Ausarion Bridge to the Egyptian Deities & Angelic Realm, grounding exercises with angels, an overview on Merkaba Technology & group Merkaba Meditation using Angela McGerr's new Angelic Heart Ascension Meditation, use of symbols and their empowerment, more on Khemitology (Ancient Egyptian philosophies), opening and closing the aura, distant healing methods, the negative energy drain, basic use of sacred breathing, etheric crystal and colour breathing. A full course manual is supplied and your Certificate is recognised by IPTI (Independent Professional Therapists International) as well as the CMA (Complementary Medical Association) and is valued at 24 CMA CPD (Continuing Professional Development) hours, which is the full annual requirement.
To book 3-day Reyad Sekh Em Practitioner Intensive at £450
Mind, Body, Spirit (MBS) Exhibition |
Free Talk: Be Empowered with the Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, Workshop Rm 3
Saturday 13th March at 2.45 - 3.45pm
Feeling frustrated in your spiritual development? Join Joanna for a talk on Reyad Sekh Em ® - A unique high energy combination of sound, colour, crystals, angels and elemental healing rays to reconnect with Egypt. Joanna Bristow-Watkins is a gifted, entertaining speaker. Originally sceptical of anything new age, a spiritual awakening in 1998, led her to specialise in ancient egyptian healing philosophies and sacred journeys.
Joanna will be available on stand 102 at the Mind, Body Soul Exhibition at Kempton Park. A small supply of Angela's signed books and cards will be available. Please reserve and pay for any titles, if you know you will want to collect from Kempton.
Joanna will be joined on her stand by Kate Wardman, who is a Reyad Sekh Em Practitioner (amongst other things) and the UK Distributor for the Guided Journey to Self Mastery; the board game that can change your life! Receive guidance, insight & understanding in areas of your life - a game to play on your own, with friends and great for group work. Please reserve and pay for a set in advance, if you know you will want to collect from Kempton.
Joylina Goodings will also be at the Kempton MBS and is offering a free Bridge Between Ego and Soul Workshop on Saturday afternoon, between 1.30 and 2.30 pm, in Workshop Room 2.
Entrance fees to the Exhibition are £5 (£4 concession) if booked online, with a reduction for a 2-day pass.
Please let Joanna know if you are planning to attend Kempton at all.
Talk: Be Empowered with the Ancient Wisdom of Egypt |
Friday 9th April, 7.30pm for 8pm start
Dorking Awareness Group, admission £4
Fascinated by Egypt? Feeling frustrated in your spiritual development? Join Joanna for a talk on Reyad Sekh Em ® - A unique high energy combination of sound, colour, crystals, angels and elemental healing rays to reconnect with Egypt. Joanna Bristow-Watkins is a gifted, entertaining speaker. Originally sceptical of anything new age, a spiritual awakening in 1998, led her to specialise in ancient egyptian healing philosophies and sacred journeys.
For details, contact Michelle Corrigan on 01483 276354 or e-mail Michelle |
Avebury & Stonehenge Sacred Site Tour |
Thursday 22nd April (9am-9pm)
Angelic Meditation & Sacred Sites
Start/end at Horsham or Steyning, Sussex
Offered by Joanna, who will lead angelic meditations in these sites. One hour private access to Stonehenge included, plus visits to Avebury Stone circle, walk along Michael leyline, West Kennet Longbarrow*, Swallowhead Spring* (*both on Mary leyline) and other local sites as time permits. Cost £111 including full transport to/from Nash (9am to 9pm) and between site locations. Reduction of £23 for those taking their own transport for use throughout the day. Lunch at own expense. Limited to 26 places (maximum permitted for Stonehenge Private Access).
Stonehenge & Sites with transport to/from Nash @ £111
Stonehenge & Sites using own transport throughout @ £88 |
Stonehenge Private Access with Meditation Only |
Thursday 22nd April - 6.30 p.m. until 7.30 p.m.
Angelic Meditation at Stonehenge, £40
Offered by Joanna, who will lead an angelic meditation for approximately 30 minutes, followed by 30 minutes free time inside the stone circle which is normally roped off to the public. Meet in the Stonehenge Car park at 6 for 6.15 p.m. We are limited to 26 places (maximum permitted for Stonehenge Private Access) in total and priority will go to those booking for the full day tour. 4-6 places are anticipated for those joining us at Stonehenge only, and there will be a waiting list should any further spaces become available.
Stonehenge Private Access Visit Only @ £40
You will receive confirmation of your place by the end of March, unless you are on the waiting list. You will receive a full refund if we are unable to offer you a place. |
Angel Card Integration Workshop |
Friday 23rd April, 8.30am - 12.30pm
Nash Manor, Steyning, West Sussex
A 4-hour workshop with Joanna Bristow-Watkins, demonstrating how you can bring any Angela McGerr Angel Card set (Harmony Cards, Heart & Soul Cards, Love & Light Cards) and channellings (Gold & Silver Guardian Angel Cards) into a therapy session as a supplementary tool combined with whatever healing modality you are qualified to offer. This works really well with energy healing systems (such as Reiki, Seichem, Sekh Em etc.), but can enhance any type of healing session.
Angel Card Integration Workshop @ £55
Harmony Journeys Mystery Tour |
Friday 23rd April, 2.30pm - 6.30pm
Mystery Tour around West Sussex, £44
Joanna will lead a 4-hour Mystery Tour around sites local to this area, to include a selection of countryside locations on leylines (with energy vortices) or templar connections. We have visited a number of potential destinations in the vicinity and the final choice will depend on the weather and inspiration on the day! 'Open agenda' trips in the past have always turned out full of amazing synchronicities and great fun.
Transport to/from Nash Manor, Steyning, West Sussex, will be included.
Half Day Mystery Tour @ £44 |
Heart & Soul Angel Conference, April 2010 |
Saturday 24th April & Sunday 25th April
Nash Manor, Steyning, West Sussex Cost: £175
This will be presented jointly by Angela and Joanna and will comprise a mixture of lectures, meditations and inter-active sessions. Conference fee is £175.00, including refreshments and light lunches on the two days, but excluding accommodation and other meals.
Bookings close on 15th March, we currently have just 3 places left.
Nash Manor is now fully booked for overnight accommodation but other venues are available locally. Optional extra activities and workshops will span over one week, starting with a Sacred Site Trip on Thursday 22nd April (organised by Joanna, see above) and ending Wednesday 28th April/Thursday 29th April.
To reserve a place, please pay £175 (including £100 non-refundable deposit). Payment for the optional extra courses will be arranged separately, once you have secured your place for the Conference, as follows:
PayPal link for £175 full balance for weekend Conference Please note that bookings will close on 15th March. |
with Joanna Bristow-Watkins
Cost: £60
A new initiative, this involves a 30 minute session, to include 'tuning-in' for the most pertinent message(s) at this time, and a brief report.
The reading can relate to your Heart Quest (personal healing needs*), Soul Quest (life purpose) or Past Lives. With your permission, Joanna connects with your energy field (heart-to-heart) and 'reads' the messages she perceives. Readings are undertaken at a distance, so there is no requirement to visit her in person. For some understanding on how Joanna connects with clients, see the article link below, although Past Life images need not be involved.
* If you have any physical symptoms, this should not replace a visit to a qualified medical professional.
Intuitive Mini-Reading with Joanna Bristow-Watkins
1-2-1 Reyad Sekh Em® Healing Sessions |
1½ - 2 hours, 2010* rates are
Weekdays £120 (distant)/£150 (in person) Eve/weekends £165 (dist)/£200 (in person)
*Complex cases with extended 2-3 hour weekday session with pre-briefing £250
These life-changing sessions can be conducted in person or at a distance and are ideal for those who are experiencing a block/slowing down to their spiritual development or anyone wanting to move forward on their spiritual pathway. A running commentary of the entire session is recorded onto MP3 or a tape cassette for future reference. Joanna works at a level beyond the physical. There is no manipulation involved and you remain fully clothed.
The format of a 1-2-1 healing session unfolds through synchronicity; working along the body from head to feet, scanning and adjusting energies, which may feel similar to a Reiki-type energy healing session. Angelic energies, etheric crystal breathing, vocal tones and tuning forks are used intuitively. Part of this process may induce past life recall; anything that comes to mind will be detailed on the tape. The person being healed may experience the same and/or different past lives or have no recollection of this process.
A negative energy drain (negative energy being heavy stale energy, which is in the wrong place) is used on part or all of the body. A portal is used to return this energy to its own dimension. Generally, this energy drain system also releases any entities provided the host is ready to let go! This includes dissolving past life vows (such as poverty, chastity, silence, obedience) and breaking ties with past events and contacts as desired. Any etheric devices discovered may be removed before or after this drain as appropriate.
The cost of 1-2-1 Reyad Sekh Em® Healing Sessions with Joanna reflect her 10+ years of experience in creating profound results with the majority of her clients (testimonials available). 1-2-1 Reyad Sekh Em® Healing Sessions are also available, sometimes at considerably lower cost, at other locations with practitioners who have trained with Joanna. See links section the Harmony Healing website for a list of practitioners and their respective complementary therapy skills. Session times and costs vary from £40+.
with Emmanuelle Pries
Cost: £40 or 44 Euro
Emmanuelle, seen here helping Angela at the 2008 Freiburg Angel Congress, has proved to both Angela and Joanna that she is a most able and gifted angelologist. Says Joanna "I've found Em to be passionate about all things angelic, she's already familiarised herself with Angela's latest Love & Light Angel Cards and her readings are spot-on, to the extent that I'm happy to offer her readings through the Harmony Healing e-newsletter".
Emmanuelle's Biography
Emmanuelle has always felt angelic presence and never doubted its existence, yet her expertise on angels was restricted and her connection to them nonexistent. Driven by a desire to deepen her knowledge and begin her relationship to these amazing beings, she attended the International Angel German Congress in the spring of 2006.
She felt an immediate resonance with Angela McGerr's teachings and upon returning home, threw herself full time into Angela's books and cards. She completed the first Module 1 of Angela's Melchisadec Rainbow Eye e-course series in 2007, and went on to finish all modules of the e-course series. Her yearning had become a calling, and in 2008 Emmanuelle assisted Angela at the 3rd Annual Congress in Germany.
That same year she embarked as a mentor on Angela's online courses. In addition to that, she has studied the Blue Star Mystery School up to level 3, and Reyad Sekh Em level 1 and 2 with Angela's sister Joanna Bristow Watkins.
Her journey has been fast tracked and she is now ready to guide others on their journey. Emmanuelle has been working with all of Angela's cards sets and now offers 4 cards readings. Readings may be undertaken from any of Angela's card sets (Harmony Cards, Heart & Soul Cards or Love & Light Cards). You can state a preference or leave Emmanuelle to decide.
4-card angel reading - payment in Pounds Sterling (£40)
4-card angel reading - payment in Euro (44)
Past Lives Article - Paradigm Shift Issue 42 (edited) |
Past Lives: Future Impact (full version)
by Joanna Bristow-Watkins
Some years ago, soon after qualifying as an Egyptian energy healing therapist, I was invited to the home of Susan, a homeopathic vet. In an effort to clear some 'stuck energy' which she believed was the spirit of a previous resident, we placed some powerful symbols in the air and felt the energy shift quite palpably. Afterwards, as I was giving Susan a healing, she suddenly exclaimed "I am in a young Roman boy in a field, you are with me, we are picking herbs for use with our clients. It is a beautiful sunny day, no clouds in the sky ..." She may have listed some herbs, but I wasn't listening to the detail; I was stunned. Could it be that Susan was experiencing a spontaneous 'Past Life' memory? I hadn't been told that this was a possible consequence of a healing. At the time, I actually felt a bit panicky, what if I couldn't cope? What did she mean by 'you are with me'? The session opened a 'can of worms' and I was going to have look into it ...
Phoebe Forsythe's Insights for this Month |
Review of Last month
During February, a series of positive contacts involving the benefics, Jupiter and Venus, took place in the sign of Pisces. It occurred to me that the luckiest, a Venus-Jupiter conjunction, was due to take place on the 17th - the same day as the midweek lottery draw. Despite buying a ticket, I didn't win anything. However, I couldn't help but wonder if the couple who won the Euro Millions draw the previous Friday, may have been benefiting from this positive aspect. Interestingly, Friday, named after Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love, is ruled by Venus astrologically, so perhaps she may have had a hand in their good fortune after all. The two planets were within a 5˚ 'orb' of each other that week, so, from an astrological point of view a 'big' prize (Jupiter) involving money (Venus) makes complete sense.
If you'd like to know more about your own planetary placements, you can order a beautifully-illustrated natal report from my Website.
Lunar Phases
The New Moon in Pisces on the 15th of March (21h01 GMT) is a good time for new photography, music or film projects. It also augurs well for institutions such as prisons, museums, hospitals and spiritual communities who want to introduce new programmes or implement reforms. Anyone thinking of going on retreat or visiting a spa should try and do so now - quiet contemplation, meditation, healing and purification techniques involving water are all well-starred.
Solar Phases
The Sun will enter 0˚ Aries at 17h32 GMT on the 20th of March, marking the beginning of the astrological 'new year' as well as the Spring Equinox. According to The Busy Pagan, this is considered to be a 'Fire day, when the heat of the Sun starts to be noticed and take effect.'Perhaps that is why the ancients chose fiery Aries to be the zodiac sign in which the Sun is exalted. Planetary Events & Energy Shifts throughout the month
During March, a series of challenging aspects will take place in the cardinal signs of Aries, Libra and Capricorn. First Mercury (18th) and then the Sun (22nd) in Aries will oppose Pluto in Capricorn and then square (20th, 26th) Saturn in Libra. The former suggests that one's ideas or opinions stand to be radically changed as a result of a challenge from someone, possibly a superior, which could ultimately lead to a re-evaluation of your affiliation with this individual. The latter implies intense personal transformation stemming from an encounter with an authority figure or corporation which could, in turn, lead to a reassessment of one's priorities regarding individual vs. relationship needs.
For a more in-depth look at what this month has in store, visit Phoebe's Astrosphere Website. |
Worthy Causes for Consideration |
Here are some worthy causes for
your consideration, some are petitions
Abundance Cheques |
Monday 15th March
New Moon Ritual
Abundance cheques are a tool we can use to create more abundance in our lives. They are written within 24 hours after a New Moon.
Surprisingly, you don't need to believe that the cheque will work when you write it. Apparently, you will be amazed at the results, as you will see increased abundance in your life, in some life area. It is not always financial, but certainly in an area that you need.
There is a traditional manner, which has been handed down, that must be followed. If you do not have a bank account you can draw a cheque on a piece of paper and fill it out the same way - the results will be the same, more abundance for you.
New Moon: Monday 15th March @ 21.01. * UK Time = GMT
1.) Within 24 hours after a New Moon, take a cheque from your cheque book. Where it says "Pay to," write your name. 2.) In the little box on the same line where you would fill in a UK Sterling amount write "Paid in full." 3.) On the line underneath your name, where you would write out a sterling amount in figures, write "Paid in full." 4.) Sign the cheque: "The Law of Abundance."
Do not put a date on the cheque. Do not write a specific amount in the cheque. Put it in a safe place and forget about it. The Universe will take it from there.
If you don't have a cheque book, or don't use up a cheque, you can write the information on any piece of paper; it is the intent which counts.
It is said that many people are sceptical about trying this until they do it. After the first time they realise the power of these cheques and do them routinely every month! Try it yourself and see!
If you want to diarise the next date, the New Moon takes place Wednesday 14th April @ 13.29. |
Reyad Sekh Em® Self-Healing CD |
£12 + Postage & Packing
The Reyad Sekh Em® Self Healing CD has now been recorded and packaged by a professional organisation. Each CD has an 8-page information booklet illustrating the hand positions and also gives general information about the healing system itself. The CDs cost £12 each with a reduction for anyone buying 3 or more copies.
Buy CD + UK postage & packing
Buy CD+ European postage & packing
Buy CD + Worldwide (outside Europe) postage & packing |
Angela McGerr Angelic Meditation CD |
Special Sale price* - £6 + Postage & Packing
Angela's Angelic Meditations CD features three separate guided meditations with music by Chas Cronk. The three meditations are: The Cosmic Web (19:35 mins); A Journey to the Crystal Temple to Find your True Self (18:43) and Universal Harmony of Mind, Body & Spirit (24:30). The CD also introduces sacred breathing.
*Price Reduction due to this CD being included with UK full price publication of the Angel Almanac.
Buy Angelic Meditation CD + UK postage & packing
Buy Angelic Meditation CD+ European postage & packing
Buy Angelic Meditation CD + Worldwide (outside Europe) postage & packing |
Harmony Healing Course Schedule |
Course Schedule for 2010
If you would like to host one of these courses at your venue, or book Joanna to give an inspirational talk, call 01932 244518 or e-mail jo
Click on the email link above for details of any of the above courses and others offered by Joanna, such as Reading Auric Messages (Etheric Encodement Detection & Removal), Combat Cancer With Complementary Therapies, Meditation Workshops and Sacred Site Trips to Stonehenge, Avebury etc. |
About Joanna |
For those new to the Harmony Healing E-Newsletters
Joanna Bristow-Watkins spent over 15 years in senior management specialising in customer care and training. Driven by a desire for greater inner peace, she overcome her initial scepticism of energy healing and ultimately became a practitioner and teacher of Reyad Sekh Em® and leader of spiritual pilgrimages. Developed by Joanna, Reyad Sekh Em® is an ultra-high vibrational Egyptian healing system which harnesses the elemental healing rays of earth, air, fire, water and spirit with etheric crystalline and angelic energies plus sound vibration and sacred breathing. With daily use of this healing art plus her frequent visits to sacred sites, Joanna is considered one of the leading authorities on constructive energy body manipulation. She has acquired strategies for detecting and transmuting energetic blocks that are restricting the spiritual and/or emotional progress of their host. | |