Montgomery County Republican Party   
  G.O.P. Dispatch
Gregory M. Gantt, Chairman         Kay Wick, Co-Chair
April 2012
Special Edition
Table of Contents
2012 Endorsed GOP Candidates
Governor Kasich is Keynote Speaker at this Year's Lincoln / Reagan Gala
Kay Wick Named a Member of the O.A.E.O. Education Committee
Service Academies Offer Both Education and Opportunity for Students in Our Commmunity
GOP Elected Officials

2012 Endorsed GOP Candidates



U.S. Congress - 10th District
Mike Turner (WWW)
  State of Ohio
State Senator - 6th District
Peggy Lehner (WWW)
State Representative - 39th District 
Jeffrey L. Wellbaum
State Representative - 40th District 
Michael E. Henne (WWW)
State Representative - 41st District
 Jim Butler (WWW)
State Representative - 42nd District 
Terry Blair (WWW)
State Representative - 43rd District
Joyce Marie Deitering
Montgomery County
Ashley Webb
Dave Vore
Clerk of Courts
Mike Foley
Phil Plummer (WWW)
Timothy C. O'Bryant  
Rene L. Oberer  
Kent Edward Harshbarger  
Ohio Supreme Court Justice  
Terrence O'Donnell  
Ohio Supreme Court Justice  
Robert R. Cupp  
Ohio Supreme Court Justice  
Sharon L. Kennedy  
Ohio 2nd District Court of Appeals Judge  
Jeffrey M. Welbaum  
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas  
General Division Judge  
Michael L. Tucker  
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas  
General Division Judge  
Gregory F. Singer  
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas  
General Division Judge  
Dennis James Adkins  
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas  
Domestic Relations Division Judge  
Denise Martin Cross  
Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas  
Juvenile Division Judge  
Jeffrey S. Rezabek

Governor Kasich is Keynote Speaker at this Year's Lincoln / Reagan Gala



Approximately 350 people attended this year's Lincoln / Reagan Gala at the Presidential Banquet Center on Thursday, March 15th.


During the dinner, Governor John Kasich discussed his proposal to raise taxes on the oil and gas industry and use the money to lower income taxes.


The eastern portion of the state has oil and gas buried in the Utica and Marcellus shales, resources that drillers want to reach using hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking."  The Governor proposes a 1 percent tax on natural gas and 1.5 percent initially on crude oil from shale wells. The new money - as much as $500 million annually -would be used for an across-the-board reduction in income taxes.


Governor Kasich said that energy companies will make a lot of money if the drilling performs as expected and he believes Ohioans should benefit from it, rather than have all the profits leave the state.


The Governor also called for strong regulations on the oil and gas industry, saying officials must be sure "we don't choose between jobs and the environment."


Following the Governor's comments, several awards were given out:

  • Chairman's Award:  David McDonald
  • Clare Weisenborn Award:  Darleen Breen
  • Volunteer of the Year Award:  JoAnn Smucker
  • David D. Albritton Award:  Rick Dobson
  • Sheriff Gary Haines Award:  Senator Bill Beagle
  • Fred Young Memorial Award:  Kettering Councilman Ashley Webb
  • Sue Finley Woman of the Year Award:  Lisa Hayes
  • Kay Wick Campaign Volunteer of the Year Award:  Bryan Michel



Kay Wick has been named to co-chair the Ohio Association of Election Officials Education Committee.  One of the objects of this O.A.E.O. committee is to elevate the standards of the Board of Elections profession through education and offer ways and means to better serve the public.  Ohio is in the process of developing their own certification program and Kay will be instrumental in this development.   


In January, Kay completed her national Professional Certification Program, which led to her status of a Certified Election/Registration Administrator (CERA).  Kay is the only current board member of the Montgomery County Board of Election to hold this certification. 


The certification program consisted of 12-12 hour classes held by the National Association of Election Officials Election Center.  


By Congressman Mike Turner




As a Member of Congress, I have the distinct honor of nominating a select number of young people from Ohio's Third Congressional District ages 17 to 23 for admission to each of the military service academies. With a history and tradition spanning over two hundred years, the United States service academies offer outstanding young Americans the opportunity to gain a world class education while serving their country at the same time.


On Saturday, April 21st, 2012, my staff will host an U.S. Service Academy Day for local high school juniors, underclassmen, and their families. The program will take place at Centerville High School, located at 500 E. Franklin Street, Centerville, Ohio  45459.


During the formal program, which runs from 9:00 a.m. to noon, representatives of each academy will discuss the requirements, benefits, and culture of each institution. A short film presentation will offer students and their families a glimpse of life on campus at each academy, and my staff will be on hand to discuss the qualifications, procedures and special instructions for applying for a nomination. This will be the first opportunity for local students to obtain the nomination application for the Class of 2017. Following the formal presentations, students interested in a nomination to an academy will have an opportunity to speak one-on-one with representatives from each of the five academies, and my staff.


Each academy is a distinct institution providing students with a unique mix of academic and leadership experience. Our nation's service academies include: the Army's United States Military Academy at West Point in New York; the United States Naval Academy located in Annapolis, Maryland; the United States Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, New York; and the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Although admission to the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut is made by direct application, Coast Guard representatives will attend the event.


To be considered for a military academy appointment, a student must be recommended by an authorized nominating source. This could include the President, the Vice President, a Member of the U.S. Senate, or a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives.


Receiving a nomination is still only the first step in the process of receiving an appointment. Students must qualify academically and are subject to character, leadership, physical fitness, medical fitness, and motivational evaluations. Students are qualified for a full appointment to one of the service academies only after passing each of these evaluations.


Many outstanding individuals accepted to one of the five service academies have gone on to become our nation's leaders and heroes. This year's appointees will follow in the steps of U.S. Presidents Ulysses Grant, Dwight Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter; Generals Douglas MacArthur, George Patton, David Petraeus, and Norman Schwarzkopf; and astronauts such as Alan Shepard and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, just to name a few.


I encourage all high school students who are considering applying to one of the military academies to join my staff at the Military Service Academy Day. The information is as follows:


U.S. Service Academy Day

Saturday, April 21st, 2012

Centerville High School

500 E. Franklin Street, Centerville, Ohio  45459

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


If you or someone you know are interested in additional information or unable to attend the event, please feel free to contact my Dayton District Office at 937-225-2843. 


Click on the name below to visit their website


United States Senate

     Rob Portman
United States Representative(3rd District)


United States Representative (8th District)
Ohio Governor/Lieutenent Governor


Ohio Attorney General
     Mike DeWine


Ohio Secretary of State
     Jon Husted
Ohio Auditor
     Dave Yost 

Ohio Treasurer
     Josh Mandel 

Ohio Senate-5th District
     Bill Beagle 


Ohio Senate-6th District

     Peggy Lehner


Ohio House of Representatives-36th District

Ohio House of Representatives-37th District
     James Butler

Ohio House of Representatives-38th District
     Terry Blair
I hope you have found this issue to be informative.  I welcome your comments.


Gregory M. Gantt, Chairman
visit our website at www.montgop.com

Contact Information

Office Address:
8534 Yankee Street
Dayton, Ohio 45458


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 751261
Dayton, Ohio
(937) 461-1776


(937) 461-1774

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