Connecting Cultures: Engaging Latinos in Science Education
Connecting Cultures Newsletter 
from Environment for the Americas

August 2012
In This Issue
Bandelier N.M. Interns Begin
Update from Oregon
Calendar of Events
Migratory Bird Day - 2012
International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) is the focus of the Connecting Cultures study.  In 2012, the program will share the results of the study in a celebration of diversity, IMBD's 20th Anniversary, and bird conservation.

2012 Art
Art by Rafael Lopez for EFTA
Project Participants
Colorado State University
National Park Service
Point Reyes Bird  
New Jersey Audubon
Rocky Mountain Bird
Barr Lake State Park
Wendy Hanophy
Edwin Juarez
  Arizona Game & Fish Department
Kim Ramirez
  Audubon Fellow
Michael Rizo
  USDA Forest Service
Greg Stevens
  American Association of Museums
Fernando Villaba
  National Park Service

STUDY SITES              Bandelier National Monument
  New Mexico
Golden Gate Nat'l Recreation Area/Point Reyes Nat'l Seashore
Fire Island National Seashore
  New York
North Cascades National Park
New Jersey Coastal Heritage Trail Route
  New Jersey
Barr Lake State Park

Great Sand Dunes National
Park & Preserve
Big Thicket National Preserve
Big Cypress National Preserve

Co-Principal Investigator  Carol Beidleman


Mariamar Gutiļæ½rrez

Natasha Kerr

Marcella Wells
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Environment for the Americas (EFTA) is examining the barriers to participation in informal science education by Latino/Hispanic audiences in a 3-year project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Using International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) as the focus of the study, we are developing tools to help educators improve their outreach. Now, we are working with event organizers to implement the recommendations of survey respondents to improve outreach to Latino/Hispanic communities. Thank you for your interest!  

Susan Bonfield  
Susan Bonfield
Environment for the Americas
Bandelier National Monument Fall Interns
NPS Park Flight Interns: Maria Pia Floria (l) and Angela Lorena Velarde (r). 
We are happy to announce that our fall interns, Angela Lorena Valarde from Peru and Maria Pia Floria from Argentina, have arrived in New Mexico! Last year their internship was postponed due to wildfires in and surrounding the park. Thankfully the interns are able to work on the NSF study this year. During their internship, they will provide free bilingual environmental education opportunities and help promote the Fall Nature Fiesta in communities near Bandelier N.M. 

Maria Pia Floria is a biologist from the Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Argentina. She is the co-founder of Esquel Aves, a non-profit organization dedicated to the study and use of birds as a tool for environmental education campaigns in Esquel, Argentina. Through her work with Esquel Aves, she has organized and led birdwatching workshops and trips under the auspices of the University of Patagonia and the Secretary of Environment and Tourism. Maria Pia has embraced disseminating educational messages using various media formats, including a well-visited blog and Facebook page. In her hometown, she  also co-hosts a weekly birding radio show "Un pajaro te sostiene". 


Angela Lorena Velarde Quintanilla is a biologist from Peru. She received her undergraduate degree in Biology from the San Agustin National University of Arequipa and is working toward a post-graduate certificate in Environmental Conservation and Environmental Impact Assessment.  As a member of the conservation non-profit GAIA-Peru, Angela is involved in avian research and environmental education efforts in national and privately protected areas in Peru. She has worked with both rural and urban communities, local and regional authorities, decision makers and stakeholders regarding land use and watershed protection. She is also involved in avian field research in the Lagunas de Mejia National Sanctuary in Arequipa, Peru.


Reaching Latino Communities in Oregon 

Intern Semiiar Chavez (r) with youth on 
Salmon Cycle & Birding program. 
In partnership with the Oregon Coast National Wildlife Refuge Complex, EFTA is working in Latino communities to provide information about education programs on wildlife refuges. Summer intern Semiiar Chavez is in charge of reaching out to families and communities, providing bilingual wildlife interpretation, promoting shorebird conservation, and increasing Latino participation in the 26th Annual Oregon Shorebird Festival.  
Thank-you to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 
for support of this project! 




Calendar of Events  

August 2012 
Latino outreach project begins at a new site- San Diego National Wildlife Refuge Complex. 
September 2012 
EFTA's first America's Great Outdoors intern begins working in the Boulder office.  
Sept 29, 2012 
The Fall Nature Fiesta takes place at Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico. Participant surveys will be taken at the festival as part of the NSF Engaging Latino Audiences in Informal Science Education study.  
About Environment for the Americas 

Environment for the Americas, home of International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD), is a non-profit organization working to increase awareness of birds and their conservation throughout the Western Hemisphere. We provide the framework and education materials for bird festivals and events, host a directory of bird education resources, offer bird workshops for educators, and motivate people of all ages to get outdoors to learn about birds. Find out more at

Environment for the Americas
Home of International Migratory Bird Day

2601 31st Street
Boulder, Colorado 80301