News from the Flyway - Environment for the Americas - Home of IMBD
January 2011
In This Issue
IMBD 2011: Cast Your Vote
Walk on the Wild Side Takes Off
Go Wild, Go Birding with Jr. Duck Stamp
EFTA Hosts Forum
Event Participation Increases
IMBD 2011: Cast Your Vote
The IMBD 2011 theme, Go Wild, Go Bir2011 Posterding, offers many ways to teach youth and adults about birds, birdwatching, and bird conservation.  We're ready for your input on the design of the annual poster and tshirt.  If you haven't started planning your events, now is the time. Materials will be ready to ship in early February. 

Vote on the 2011 Designs

Walk on the Wild Side Takes Off
WildSideThe voting results for the Walk on the Wild Side logo were close, but the logo at left was chosen as either good or best by 74% of voters. This logo was designed to reflect and complement the Environment for the Americas' organizational logo with the colorful tree of birds.  The Walk on the Wild Side leaf illustrates human and animal tracks moving together toward the same goal...conservation.

Several groups are already preparing to host a walk-a-thon, and we will be working with these sites to be sure their events are successful.  No matter where you are, you may support conservation as a walker or as a virtual donor. If your business or organization is interested in being a national or local sponsor, please contact Susan Bonfield at   Tune in next month, when we'll share information about the first Walk on the Wild Side!
Go Wild, Go Birding with Jr. Duck Stamp
As you plan your International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) DuckStampPosterevents, find ways to highlight information about other bird-focused activities.  There are many opportunities to stay involved in birds, birding, and bird conservation, such as the Junior Duck Stamp program. 

The Junior Duck Stamp program is educational, creative, and available to kids in grades K-12.  Partner with Jr. Duck Stamp coordinators and participants in your area and display the art at your IMBD event. Recruit kids for the following year.  Kevin Lowry of the Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge in Wisconsin created the poster at right to advertise the Jr. Duck Stamp contest. 

Learn about the Jr. Duck Stamp Program
What is a Bird?
Venn Diagram Visit our web site regularly for new materials, ideas, and information to help you plan your Go Wild, Go Birding IMBD event.  For 2011, we are developing an education booklet that may be used independently by youth or to complement activities at a festival or program.  Each of the pages explores a different topic related to birds, from their classification to their identification.  Hands on activities at an event or program will reinforce the lesson.

One of the first activities in the booklet is an exploration of the characteristics of a bird.  What is a Bird? requires few materials and will help new birders understand the differences and similarities between birds and other important first step in becoming a birder!

What is a Bird?
Odds & Ends
EFTA Hosts Forum 

EFTA has created a new way for biologists, educators, and others interested in bird conservation and education to communicate.  Our Forum is a place to find information about education activities, bird conservation materials, jobs, internships, diversity outreach and more.

Currently, we have information about an internship with Point Reyes Bird Observatory in California, education activities, and more.                                                         Visit the Forum

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Analysis Shows Increased Event Participation
Bandelier Display
Data analysis has begun in EFTA's 3-year research project to identify the barriers to participation in science education by Latino audiences.  Each year, EFTA staff visit study sites and conduct face-to-face interviews with visitors to an annual IMBD event or other public program.  The information we gather over the course of the project will be used to determine if new approaches to reaching Latino communities are effective.

At Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico, our efforts paid off in just one year.  Latino participation in the annual fall nature festival rose from 4.8% in 2009 to 31.6% in 2010.  We will use lessons learned to increase involvement at other study sites.  To receive a monthly newsletter about the study, please write Natasha Kerr at

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IMBD Themes:
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News from the Flyway
Environment for the Americas brought to you by Environment for the Americas, home of International Migratory Bird Day. Find out more at
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