December 28, 2009
Check out the latest news, updates, and important announcements from Austin Christian Fellowship.
In This Issue
This Weekend's Message
Worship Night
Financial Peace
Starting Point
Student Ministry
Missions Ministry
This Weekend's Message
Join us this weekend as we begin our series. Senior Pastor Will Davis, Jr. will talk to us about ACF's Mission and the future goals of the church.
ACF Worship Night
Join us as TaylorWise (J.R. Taylor and Jerry Wise) leads us in a rejuvenating time of worship Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 6 p.m.
Financial Peace
Financial Peace University by Dave Ramsey, a 13 week program that teaches how to manage money, starts Sunday, January 17th 4-6pm. For more information, go to or contact Troy & Tonya Cooley at [email protected]
GriefShare is a special weekly seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It's a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. At GriefShare you'll receive valuable information that will help you through this difficult time in your life.

Sessions include videos that address topics from a biblical perspective and are combined with support group discussion.  You may start at anytime during the 13 week series and there is no charge for attending. Our next session begins Wednesday, January 13th, at 7p.m., in room 121. Note new night and location. Please let us know if you have childcare needs. To register contact Dana, at
[email protected].
Starting Point
Starting Point Membership Classes help you understand the DNA of ACF.  These four one hour classes take place on February 7, 14, 21 and 28 at 11:00 a.m. at River Place Elementary School.
Student Ministry
High School Spring Break 2010 Nicaragua - March 14-20
We are taking applications for our High School Spring Break 2010 Nicaragua trip March 14-20, 2010. Applications are due 12/30/09 and they can be found  on-line at the ACF student website.  Spots are limited so please get them in soon!
Disciple NOW - March 5-7, 2010
Mark your calendars for one of this year's most anticipated events! Disciple Now is our in-home retreat weekend for all 6th-12th grade students and their friends.
It is a Friday evening through Sunday morning event where students come to ACF for worship and teaching, then break off into homes with college student leaders where they will have small group and play. We typically do a service project Saturday afternoon and a fun event Saturday night. It's a really fun weekend and the best/fast way for students to get to know each other at ACF.  Look for sign ups to begin around the first of the year.

Check out all the dates for our 2010 Student events online at
Missions Ministry
2010 Medical Nicaragua Trip - Special Needs and Medical Professionals needed!
We are now taking applications for the Medical Mission trip to Nicaragua February 20-28, 2010.  Please contact Holly Wright at [email protected] for an application if you are interested.

Mobile Loaves & Fishes - Join the team!
Team members are needed to serve once a month on either the 1st or 3rd Saturday from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.  To join the 1st Saturday team, contact Jim Fletcher at [email protected].  To join the 3rd Saturday team, contact Dena Jost at [email protected].  Include a phone number in your email. 

Camp Fun Serving Project for the Homeless
Camp Fun children and their parents are invited to participate in a serving project on Sunday, January 10 12:30 - 3 p.m. at ACF to benefit the homeless in Austin.  To sign-up, contact Carol Killgore at [email protected].
Mentors Needed:  Texas Reach Out

Has God placed it on your heart to work with individuals recently released from prison? ACF is actively recruiting mentors to partner with men and women living in a transitional housing facility run by Texas Reach Out Ministires. To find out more or to sign up to become a mentor, contact Gwen Throckmorton at [email protected].
For more information on local serving opportunites, visit the local serving page.
Join Our Mailing List
Feature Announcement
Women's Studies

Spring 2010 Bible Studies
are from the weeks of February 8 - April 26. Online Registration will begin through "myacf" hosted by Access ACS on January 4, 2010. Please go to
and click on Women's Ministries.
Tuesday Evenings
Inductive Study - Precept: Freedom From Bondage, God's Way: Galatians/Ephesians by Kay Arthur

Intentional Living: Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed: A Study of David
Wednesday Mornings
Inductive Study - Precept: 2 Timothy - A Study in Discipleship
Thursday Mornings
Intentional Living - Can We Talk? by Priscilla Shirer

5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter by Vicki Courtney