| Intelligent Highways in Mexico |
Through the National Fund of infrastructure (Fonadin), the federal Government channeled 3 billion pesos (approx. USD.230 million) for the placement of optical fiber in 1,100 kilometers of roads, informed Adolfo Zagal, director for highway development. Fiber optics will serve to provide users with information during their journey, amongst other things, about the location of possible accidents and weather conditions. He noted that the placement of SOS Poles, video cameras, weather stations and dynamic information panels will also be expected. The placement of the optical fiber is estimated to be ready by the end of this year and will be installed in the strip of the right of way.
All of this in order to make roads safer and more efficient.
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Source: T21 |
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Dear customers, partners and friends.
It is our pleasure to present you with our second English newsletter. We deem it important to remain informed about the news that might affect or benefit our companies and projects, which is why we follow up with the task of sharing with you information of relevance and interest to the world of transportation. Therefore, we invite you to share with us your opinions, concerns and suggestions.
Good reading!
Globaly Connected? |
In today's world it is assumed that global connectivity is a phenomenon widely propagated and that despite physical boundaries, we are deeply interconnected
But the actual extent of global connectedness is not only far more limited than popular rhetoric presumes, but also varies widely among countries, according to the DHL Global Connectedness Index. Therefore, a better understanding of this important phenomenon requires that it be measured on a country-by-country basis.
Global connectedness, as defined here, refers to the depth and breadth of a country's integration with the rest of the world, as manifested by its participation in international flows of products and services, capital, information, and people.

Acces the DHL Globla Connectedness Index
Source: SupplyChainBrain
Obama promotes the use of Natural Gas for transportation.
President Obama last week said he would propose tax credits for carriers who buy trucks powered by liquified natural gas. "We've got to take advantage of this incredible natural resource", "We have a supply of natural gas that can last America nearly 100 years". The president stress out the importance of using domestic resources and not being dependent on foreing oil imports.
Obama also said he favoured incentives to help build fueling infrastructure along interstate corridors, Clean Energy Coorporation announced it would open 70 new LNG fueling station this year to accomodate the growing numbers of trucks using this fuel, they plan to have 150 fueling stations by 2 013 in a nine-state interstate network that it is calling "Americas Natural Gas Highway". As diesel costs escalate to meet increasing global demand, natural gas has become more attractive to trucking, the price differential can be as high as $1.50 a gallon. Obama's proposal for offering tax credits to buyers of LNG trucks would have to be approved by Congress. However it has a lot of support, since last year other Bills of the sort have been introduced in Congress by lawmakers . "Building this new energy future should be just one part of a broader agenda to repair America's infrastructure".
Source: Transport Topics, Weekly Newspaper of Trucking and Freight Transportation 30/01/2012
Article: Obama to propose tax credits for buying natural gas trucks, p.1 - 36., Michele Fuetsch.
| Strategies to control transportation costs
At present fuel prices have stabilized, but with the reduction in U.S. refining capacity and the pending embargos on some Middle Eastern imports, there is likely to be further escalation before prices cool off in the late spring. With this in mind, implementing strategies to combat rising fuel costs will help you maintain control over the total cost of goods.
-Create common ground. U.S. carriers generally don't tie their surcharges to any centrally governed or regulated indices; rather, they use their own formulae for calculating the surcharges, which therefore can range from 5% to more than 60%. But you should insist on the use of a central index, like that provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
-Plan your next move.
The use of LTL sometimes can be a really ggod option, planning transportation moves to utilize available space and optimize transportation mode is the most effective means of controlling cost. Unfortunately, due to customer-delivery commitments and poor planning, these opportunities are often not capitalized upon....Access Article
Source: SupplyChainBrain |
Pact Navistar / Clean Energy
Navistar Inc. and Clean Energy Fuels Corp. unveiled a joint offensive on Feb. 1 to expand the reach of natural-gas-powered vehicles in the heavy-duty trucking market. Truck and engine maker navistar has agreed to provide natural-gas versions of its truck engines, and fuel provider clean energy will provide incentives to fleets to make up for the $35,000 extra cost that applies to trucks that burn the fuel. In return, fleets must commit to purchase minimum levels of fuel from Clen Energy, at a price above the current market price for natural gas, but below the cost of.
Dan Ustain Navistar chairman and CEO said during a press conferece that the joint program with Clean Energy guarantees fleets "a quicker payback on their investment, plus added fuel cost savings from day one of operation." Ustain argues that the program "can stand on its own (without government subsidies) and satand very tall." The pact between Navistar and Clean Energy is a full integrative fuel program, which combines infrastructure, with equipment and economical incentives. James Hebe, Navistar's senior vice president of North American sales operations announced at a Wall Street analysts meeting that "this deal will be viewed as one of the most significant events in many years " in the trucking industry.
Article: Navistar, Clean Energy set pact to cut natural-gas engine costs, Howard S. Abramson |
Trade and investment from Canada in Mexico January - November 2011
Mexico / Canada Trade
January - November 2011
Trade Among Nafta partners
Region of North America
- By November of 2011, total trade in the NAFTA Region recorded a value of USD$ 929.8 Billion, equivalent to a growth of 15.6%, in comparison to the same period last year.
Exports from Canada to Mexico
- By November 2011, mexico was ranked the 5th largest export market for Canadian products (2.1% from total), only after the United States, United Kingdom, China and Japan.
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Leon Jorge Medina Rangel
Mexicom Logistics |